Saying by instructors


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
Here is a game we can all play by simply adding some of our favorite phrases by some of our instructors. I will start by this one:

When I was competing thing was alot harder, you just do not undestand how easy training is today.

We would stand in a horse stance for hours and hours everyday.

When you look back at these to really need to break them done, the first one is something like this:

We had no air condition or matted floors, why not?

If they really did stand in a horsestance for hours when did they train? It may have seemed like hours but it was more like ten minutes.
Some of my teacher's more infamous lines. Mr. Miyagi, he isn't.


You're OK. (generally after someone has gone down to the ground)

Are we having fun? (generally when everyone is frowning or too quiet)

Eat less, exercise more.

You want get better, work hahder.

Dont move and you wont get hit..... You moved, try again.
"I don't know about that..." accompanied by a look that says 'dang, she is completely off her rocker'

My grandma is faster than that (or hits harder, or does it better)
#2 I didnt feel a thing
You move like pregnant yak - originally from Remo Williams, but often repeated
"No, your OTHER right foot."

"When I was a colored belt, and the dinosaurs roamed and the earth was still cooling"

When the instructor misspeaks or makes a mistake and the students catch it:
"I just wanted to see if you were paying attention."
When we get questions about will this or that work or "What would you do?"...
"Well let's see!!!" This is usually followed by someone hitting the mat...hard.

While working on a particular concept from an attack, our instructor will vary the finish while saying, "and you can do this...or this...ot this...and this." Usually not fun for the senior working as a live practice dummy.

As a side note, when I started kung fu training quite a few years ago, we did indeed train on concrete floors without padding. You learned to fall well and quickly. After a couple of years the sifu threw some carpet scraps on the floor. That was worse because we all started getting rug burns :) After a few more years he was making enough money to put in a padded floor. The older students would smile at each other when the sifu would complain about how the newer students couldn't fall as well. We knew why, but didn't want to go back to "the good ole days" so we kept our mouths shut.
ARE YOU TIRED YET?????? WAS THAT A YES???? DO IT AGAIN Here we go, hana, do, set, net........
"Pain is weakness leaving the body". --Mr. D, although I believe he didn't coin it.

"What did you say, Is this too easy for you?"--Mr. D, usually said just before things get a whole lot harder.
For a long time our head instructor was a LEO whose hobby was powerlifting, and several of the seniors were guards at the county jail.....all very big powerful guys. One common phrase was:

"If you`re gonna hit like a girl, at least try to hit like a BIG girl."

Another was "That`s gonna hurt in the morning." This was occasionally preceeded by the 'joke' "Don`t worry, you won`t feel a thing......the others will tell you all about it when you wake up."
I think mine is the unsympathetic and somewhat politically incorrect "the ballet school is down the road"
I think mine is the unsympathetic and somewhat politically incorrect "the ballet school is down the road"

Since we do eskrima(stick fighting), I use the "baton twirling school is down the road" when they don't hit the bag hard.
"Don't block with your head!"

At testing: "Anybody nervous?" There's always at least one gullible person who raises their hand. The result is "Everybody--pushups."....... "Recover."... "Anybody still nervous?" ..."Pushups cure nervous."
A few of the regulars from my instructor-1. "OK, when we do this sparring I want you to concentrate on control and speed and footwork, its not about trying to kill your partner. Oh bugger it, if your partner drops their guard kick their head off their shoulders"
2. When students hold their breath when they spar - "The government hasnt started charging for oxygen yet, so get as much of it as you can before you have to start paying for it".
3. Students who dont punch when they spar- "I hope you never intend to try and defend yourself in the street because no matter how good your kicks are if you cant punch you will get murdered".
4. "head kicks are just something you see in the movies"
"'Are you okay?' The three most useless words in Taekwon-Do"
All I can say is I am laughing my *** off right now.
Probably my all time favorite "saying" was only said once when everyone was tired from doing repeated kicks on shields. My instructor walked up to a red belt when everyone else stopped and told him to do ten more kicks, which he did after snapping to attention and bowing. My instructor turned to the rest of class and said: "I. Want. MACHINES!"

More kicking (if not fun) ensued.

Another favorite is: "Like this." Often said by my instructor as he demonstrates some flying multiple kick or combination at which everyone else is failing miserably.

