Sarah Palin for President?

Some tidbits

After being found guilty of abusing her power as governor in the so-called "troopergate" scandal over the firing of her ex-brother-in-law, Palin now faces a second probe over whether she violated ethics rules in the affair

There's that "G" word.

Then on Tuesday the Politico website caused a stir by publishing financial records of the Republican National Committee showing it has spent more than 150,000 dollars on clothes for Palin since late August.

Gee, I have to buy my own clothes.

Palin was also lambasted this week for failing to correctly spell out the vice president's role on several occasions, including during the vice presidential debate with her Democratic rival Joseph Biden.

Responding during one television interview to a question sent in by an elementary school pupil about what the vice-president does, Palin again overstated the White House second-in-command's powers.

"They're in charge of the United States Senate, so if they want to they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes," she said.

The comment directly contradicted the separation-of-powers principle enshrined in the US constitution, under which the vice-president as president of the Senate has a casting vote in the event of a tie, but takes no other role.

Hmm....doesn't know what the Constitution says about the powers of the job she's running for. Doesn't know what the job does. Yup, she's qwalyfried!

And one of former president George H.W. Bush's speechwriters, Christopher Buckley, a prominent conservative, announced this month he was abandoning support for McCain for many reasons, including "the Palin nomination. What on earth can he have been thinking?"

Maybe, If I add this crazy chick to my campaign, I won't have to inherit this huge fricken mess.

Please let her win. SNL needs her for ratings! :D
You know ... I'm still not certain he'll lose. This will be very interesting. Bob, you should refresh that poll, eh?
McCain on the clothes issue:
"McCain was asked several questions on Thursday about the shopping spree — and he answered each one more or less the same way: Palin needed clothes and they'll be donated to charity.


McCain offered no further comment, except to say that the Republican National Committee doesn't buy his clothes."

So who buys Joe The Senators clothes?
"Asked Wednesday who had paid for the suit he was wearing, Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden told WSLS-TV in Roanoke, Va.: "I pay for my suits. I pay for all of my own clothing.""

Gotta feel sorry for her, that $80,00+ / yr she makes as Alaska Gov, just doesn't seem to allow her to buy professional clothes.

Oh wait, she isn't talking about her finances, but she's an "average American" like all of us.

The Palins’ total income last year was split almost evenly between Sarah Palin’s white-collar job and her husband’s blue-collar work.

Sarah Palin’s salary as governor was $125,000;
Todd Palin took in $46,790 as a part-time oil production operator for BP Alaska in Prudhoe Bay, plus $46,265 in commercial fishing income and $10,500 in Iron Dog snowmachine race winnings.

These figures do not include nearly $17,000 in per diem payments Palin received for 312 nights spent in her own home since she was elected governor; she also has received $43,490 to cover travel costs for her husband and children.

In addition, each member of the Palin family received $1,654 in state oil royalties paid to all Alaskans.

The Palins’ assets seem enviable: a half-million-dollar home on a lake with a float-plane at the dock, two vacation retreats, commercial-fishing rights worth an estimated $50,000 or more and an income last year of at least $230,000. That compares to a median income of $64,333 for Alaskans and $50,740 for Americans in 2007, according to the Census Bureau.

Yup, she's one of us allright.
Then on Tuesday the Politico website caused a stir by publishing financial records of the Republican National Committee showing it has spent more than 150,000 dollars on clothes for Palin since late August.

I don't think I could spend that much that quickly on clothes for myself as a challenge. I don't think I could do it in a lifetime.

Is she wearing the Hope diamond on a pendant?
Is there some accusation that Palin somehow got that clothes money illegally? Theres a HUGE article in the paper about it. And nothing about any possible flaws in the Obama ticket. Is it because Obama is perfect and above any investigation?

Doubt it.
Is there some accusation that Palin somehow got that clothes money illegally? Theres a HUGE article in the paper about it. And nothing about any possible flaws in the Obama ticket. Is it because Obama is perfect and above any investigation?

Doubt it.

Well no... he did say after all that he wasn’t the messiah.... but he was born on Krypton and sent here by my father Jor-El to save the Planet Earth. :D
Illegally? No.
But does it sound right that someone with a $500k home, and an income to match has to be -bought- her clothes, rather than provide them herself, when the other 3 monkeys running buy their own clothes, and us working stiffs do the same?

Also, Obama's been hammered hard too on other threads.
Well no... he did say after all that he wasn’t the messiah.... but he was born on Krypton and sent here by my father Jor-El to save the Planet Earth. :D
Ok, I admit it. When I watched the Death of Superman video last night, I kept refering to Doomsday as McCain and Supes as Obama.
Illegally? No.
But does it sound right that someone with a $500k home, and an income to match has to be -bought- her clothes, rather than provide them herself, when the other 3 monkeys running buy their own clothes, and us working stiffs do the same?

Also, Obama's been hammered hard too on other threads.
Personally, that she's charging the taxpayers of alaska for her family's travel, including $700 per night rooms at fancy hotels and thousands in plane tickets really bothers me. And thousands of dollars charged to the taxpayers of Alaska in per diem to live in the governer's mansion. Both of these things irritate me much more than free clothing provided by the RNC. Regarding the clothes, that they outfitted her isn't a big deal, IMO. If she needed to upgrade her wardrobe seems appropriate, within reason. While I'm not sure where the monetary line can be drawn, I'm quite sure $150,000 is definitely far past it. It's the amount of money they spent. I could almost pay off my mortgage, for Pete's sake.

In a time when she's trying so hard to play herself off as just another hockey mom, $150k on duds in less than one month seems a little irresponsible, and is definitely hypocritical.
Illegally? No.
But does it sound right that someone with a $500k home, and an income to match has to be -bought- her clothes, rather than provide them herself, when the other 3 monkeys running buy their own clothes, and us working stiffs do the same?

Also, Obama's been hammered hard too on other threads.

Im talking about the mainstream media. Most people here are surprisingly consistent in their criticism of all politicians.

Along the money vein though, why is Obamas huge cash lead over McCain not discussed? Isnt the typical election year attack on Republicans over their deep war chests? Why not this year?
Im talking about the mainstream media. Most people here are surprisingly consistent in their criticism of all politicians.

Along the money vein though, why is Obamas huge cash lead over McCain not discussed? Isnt the typical election year attack on Republicans over their deep war chests? Why not this year?
Good question.
Personally, that she's charging the taxpayers of alaska for her family's travel, including $700 per night rooms at fancy hotels and thousands in plane tickets really bothers me. And thousands of dollars charged to the taxpayers of Alaska in per diem to live in the governer's mansion. .

The per diem charges were for nights spent at the Palin home in Wasilla.

As for the clothing allowance, while it's bothersome, it's also evidence of a kind of double standard at work. No one has said anything about Obama's $1500 suits (although he's probably going to be our first GQ President) or McCain's $500 shoes, or where the money came from-until this came up. When Hillary was running, though, there were stories about her hair and her clothes? Why? Because she's a woman, that's why. Much as we may not like it, part of Palin's campaign rests upon her image as a woman, and a proper campaign wardrobe, however hypocritical, is absolutely necessary. The fact that it's all pretty much above board and legal (as long as the clothes are given to charity) should make this a non-issue, but, of course, it's not.The other, far more questionable and damning things in her past are issues, and probably should be, and would be for any candidate, male, female, black, white, Republican or Democratic.
John McCain, Barack Obama & Joe Biden paid for their clothing themselves.
The McCain-Palin ticket paid for Sarah Palin's clothing.
That's the difference.

If Obama's paying for that $1,500 suit out of his own pocket, that's fine. My $200 suit was bought from my pocket.

But, the other issues are larger. This is just 1 more piece of the whole "She's not fit for the job" argument.
Is this clothes $$ from the taxpayers or from GOP contributors? If its the latter than its nobodys busniess who the party spend their money on except the party members IMO.
John McCain, Barack Obama & Joe Biden paid for their clothing themselves.
The McCain-Palin ticket paid for Sarah Palin's clothing.
That's the difference.

If Obama's paying for that $1,500 suit out of his own pocket, that's fine. My $200 suit was bought from my pocket.

But, the other issues are larger. This is just 1 more piece of the whole "She's not fit for the job" argument.

Yeah, but she's not keeping those clothes; she's really only borrowing them-they're charitable donations made by the Republican party her sizes......and choices of colors.......:lfao:

My point is that where the money for the guys clothes came from never came up until hers did. The only substantive way that her clothes are an issue is that they point out a kind of hypocrisy-she represents herself as "Mrs. Joe Sixpack," or "Sally-Joe the Plumber," or "Helen Hockeymom," or "Hester Huntress," and ascribes to any number working class pretensions-that she probably really held to before getting the nomination-but has clothes bought for her that cost more than twice as much as most of the people she claims to be representative of make in a year......and another kind of hypocrisy, in that it was probably felt all around-by RNC "image consultants," and others who authroized the spending-that she had to.
Is this clothes $$ from the taxpayers or from GOP contributors? If its the latter than its nobodys busniess who the party spend their money on except the party members IMO.

Actually, it's a matter of law as to how it can be spent if it came from GOP contributors. That's why she's "borrowing" them-they'll be donated to charity when the campaign is over. Otherwise, they'd constitute taxable income (for her), and be a whole other kettle of fish.......