Running the Forms in Reverse

I will be the first to concede written English was/is not one of the easiest or my better subjects, I can talk and reason better then I can write. I don't disavow, would it be as insulting in a form of discussion in a room with a beer?

What if it was a topic I was presenting, you say the person I was talking about was a thief and a liar and a murder, would I become upset if he was/is in fact that (mitose)?

Probably not, now say I have not done my homework, you insulted me and tried to ridicule me, would I as an adult in the same room do something that might cause us both to wish we had not gone there? Maybe, maybe not.

Same with the situation respecting forms, some excel at forms some excel at staying as far from them as possible.

Maybe the particular system of Martial Art dictates why we went there in the first place, or maybe we were ten years old and had no other place to go.

If you can put the forms and grammer into the same box as easy as you did, then I would say you would enjoy adding a few more forms and techniques to your work out program.

When using the terms (words) forms are formless and formlessness is a form, is it any different then thinking of numerous techs not in a form?
Or only as individual words strung together from a thought coming out at the moment, rather then a poem or story that is to be replayed over and over?

I can see the techs coming out with thought, based on your opponet, but for some to take apart a form and then try to use it and not go to the next step is what an awful lot of the students have a tough time trying to get by.

First the basics to be taught for a cursory form of fighting, then when the student wants to become more involved let them do the thought process as to where they want to go, they could still be in the gym enjoying the ability to make the few things work and not worry about the others.

I think while in the gym they should all wear the same outfit and belt. At a formal gathering they can wear their badge of honor.

Only the teacher or student teachers should be so inclined to show there rank.

How about that?

Regards, Gary
One question I have for those of you running the forms in reverse. When the forms are made of techniques, do you run them backwards technique by technique, or move by move?

Wouldn't it feel strange/weird to do the counter previous to the block/parry?
I see I haven't been clear, Gary. The problem I'm having is that you keep telling me things about kenpo, its history, and training that I've been hearing, and to some extent practicing, since about 1992--not a long time, I grant, but a little while anyway. And you keep lecturing, in a really insulting fashion, on topics that a lot of us are already pretty well aware of. (Yes, I understand that some folks think I do pretty much the same thing, so spare me a lecture on that.) And you keep turning around and claiming that some really insulting remark wasn't insulting at all.

So, I think I'm just gonna let you rave on--among my many flaws is attempting to address the unaddressable.

On other matters, maybe "moves," in forms have more than one application, so that done in reverse, a counter might open up as something else entirely.

I loved the point about doing the forms for yourself until you start teaching--at which time things change radically.
OK, lecture, I have the information, now to work on that. Won't be a problem,
first thing I should do is think topic, then brevity.
Regards, Gary
Kenpomachine said:
One question I have for those of you running the forms in reverse. When the forms are made of techniques, do you run them backwards technique by technique, or move by move?

Wouldn't it feel strange/weird to do the counter previous to the block/parry?
With Long 2, I go backwards technique by technique. With Short 1 and Short 2, I run backwards move by move.

I agree that counter before the block/parry would feel odd. Would there never be a situation where a counter might happen before a block or parry? It is possible that such a situation might come up.

Now, I think some might say going reverse move by move in a technique series should be done as it does create some attention to stances and awareness of where your hand/body positions should be. Mirroring (left/right) makes more sense and IMHO is more useful. Both types of reversing do serve a purpose.

- Ceicei
Thank you Ceicei for your answer. Then, you only work the transitions in reverse and not the techniques :)

By the way, I know that some movements may have more than one application, but I can't see how doing the form in reverse can help showing it. So please, Robert can you enlighten me? Because I can only think of a counter as being either a counter or an attack.
Actually I have been thinking on this thread and I have come to this conclusion.

In order to make the forms better and faster doing them in reverse is a wonderful idea gets your brain a workout as well your muscles. I can see the bennies in doing so.

oh by the way do not cause any smoke damage to you body from thinking too much lol!!
Yeah, try Stance Set I and Stance Set II in reverse, or Long III on the opposite side, it's fun stuff. It helped me learn the ins and outs of them better