Roland Dantes.

An awesome man and truly a master,not only of the arts but of life. I am blessed to have known such a man and will miss him greatly.

Bob Quinn
I only met Mr Dantes twice, but he left me feeling that I knew him as an old friend. He was truly an ambassador of the art.

Rest in peace Roland!

Chris Arena
I only met Mr Dantes twice, but he left me feeling that I knew him as an old friend. He was truly an ambassador of the art.

Rest in peace Roland!

Chris Arena
Same here. I first met Guro Roland inLas Vegas. We were crossing paths and only had a couple of hours in the airport to meet and talk. They went far to fast. He treated me like younger brother. We met again in 2006 in the Philippines. Again, too short of a time.

A couple of things I always remember when I think of Guro Roland are GM Remy always spoke of him and you could tell they were close. Guro Roland and I emailed a good bit and he was always supportive of my endeavors in arnis.

Rest in peace, my friend.

Dan Anderson
GM Dantes was a class act. As many have said once you have met him you instantly become his brother!

Bob Q
A great man is dead!
The death of GM Roland Dantes is a great loss for the FMA world, the Modern Arnis world and for all of us, his friends.

To honor him, here is a obituary about him from our point of view in english:

and in german

Also, as a tribute to him, I have published his appearance at the 2nd FMA Festival in Dortmund/Germany in 2004 on Youtube.

Rest in Peace my friend.
You will be missed!

Dieter Knüttel
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Former bodybuilder and actor Roland Dantes dies

Internationally-renowned martial arts action star and former bodybuilder Roland Dantes died of heart failure Monday night.

Before his heart ailment, Dantes was suffering from gout last last week, which caused a swollen right foot.

Dantes was brought to the Philippine Heart Center but was pronounced dead on arrival.

According to his nephew, rapper Chris Dantes, his uncle Roland, or Rolando Tangco Pintoy Dantes in real life, was able to attend a gathering of all masters of martial arts in the world Sunday evening.
Thank you GM Dieter, I was crushed on the news. I only want to remember listening to the history lessons he gave me. Jimmy and I bunked with GM Dantes and Prof Soteca in PI and had many hours to talk and learn.