I find the whole traditional vs. modern martial arts debate interesting but ultimately pointless. We are all martial artists and have chosen different ways to acheive our goals. I have been on both sides of the forms debate. I have had so called modern artists tell me that forms are a waste of time and have had so called traditional artists tell me that I was crazy for not doing forms. Both groups like to attack each other and tell the other that how they are training is wrong and the other should train like they do. If an artist decides to use a training tool then that is their decision and they should be respected for that. You may completely disagree with their reasoning for the tool choice but it is really none of anyones business what the person uses. When the debate fails to convince the other side then the attacks begin. One side will say that they have seen very fewer good artists from the opposing group and that they have very poor technique. Then this subsides and the argument starts again. Personally, I have seen great martial artists in both groups. I feel that we are all martial artists and we should respect each other and realize that not all people will use the same tools to reach their goals.