Reason For Taking the MA's



I'm not sure if this was asked in the other thread but anyway....

Did anyone in here take up the MA's as a way of staying away from drugs or as a way getting a way from some sort of trouble in their lives ?

Thank You
i mean like as well as to prevail in combat is the reason i said before apply to anyone else appart from me lol ?
I wanted something more to do during the off season of wrestling in school. Hence, I've not stopped yet.
I'm only here for the babes...

We have a guy in the MMA club I belong to that is going for a spot on the Canadian Olympic wrestling team. He's there not only to keep his skills up but to learn to deal with the unexpected.

Our Teacher is working towards certification to teach BJJ in Canada under Wagney Fabiano.

There is one guy who is using the school to work his way into pro NHB fighting and improving his ground game.

We have 2 guys who fight semi-pro NHB and Abu-Dabi(sp) who come to learn more and have people to roll with.

I'm there because the place we work out has lots babes.

But I think that this is a good example that most clubs have people there for a variety of different reasons.
I took up kempo because I've lost 45 pounds with weight watchers and I needed exercise to keep the weight off.It's working along with walking 4-5 miles a day.
Honestly, I forgot.

Somedays its to become better, others to make a technique or concept 'mine'. Others its just for exercize. It really varries everytime I get into class.
I got involved because it's something I can do with my kids and it's a great life skill to have (for them and for me).
I blew out my foot playing basketball, and a few years previously I had also jacked up my knee playing ball, so I needed another activity to keep me in shape. After I rehabed I never again had the urge to return to the court. I've been in the dojang since...:asian:
I think I STARTED taking them to prevail in combat, like KennethKu said. Then I discovered I actually like them and have been doing them ever since :)
I started TKD because I had started feeling sleepy all the time. Figured some physical movement would discourage my nap attacks.
I started training so that sadly but truly i could be like Gohan off of Dragonball Z. I was a little kid when I started. Ever since then I have loved MA. And I can see how they have helped more than once. Now i'm hooked.
My dad promised to kick my *** and continue kicking my *** unless I started learning under him. Didnt work though......he still kicks my *** :shrug:
Well I had done some back yard training and learning real fast on the street. I was bouncing and was having a problem. It seemed most of the people I touched were broken and had to go to the hosptal. The police did not like this. I joined to get better control or better techniques on controlling others with out breaking them so easily.

So, I guess you could say I joined MA to deal with a problem. :)

Train Well
I started to learn how not to get beat up by bullies... turned into an attempt to better myself through MA training and disciplining my mind (I'm a bit off the wall, as I'm sure some have noticed). It worked, I've becoming stronger, both mentally and physically, and a better person because of it. Much of my pacifism comes from the respect for self and others inherent in the martial arts.

Plus, how cool is it to be able to show off how high I can toss off a side kick?

Just kidding about that last, folks. Mostly. :p


PS: Although, showing off too much = falling on my butt.
PPS: So much for disciplining myself to be LESS off the wall... *sigh*
To master and intergrate all aspects of the self. The Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual.

Michael Tabone
Originally posted by mtabone
To master and intergrate all aspects of the self. The Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual.

Michael Tabone

Wow.......I never really thought of it on that side.
Reason for Taking MA:

.............................from Full Metal Jacket. :D
Evan though i watched lots of Dragon ball Z i thought joining martial arts would be really corny. Then i watched some of the Street Fighter series :D then i started karate. I do it for lots of reasons now, including the old one that it would just be cool.