Real quick, here is some PROOF



I do have PROOF. Ever heard of a PENTECOSTAL CHURCH? If not, here's the deal. After Jesus Rose from the dead, He appeared to many over a time. And in this time, He explained that His now 11 disciples(judas betrayed Jesus, felt bad, hung himself) that they would RECEIVE POWER FROM ON HIGH. THE HOLY SPIRIT!! Well this is where the PENTECOSTAL stuff comes from. On the day of PENTECOST, the disciples were in a house, or large room when all of a sudden the HOLY SPIRIT came on them, and THEY SPOKE IN TOUNGES and had a Supernatural feel to them. GUESS WHAT?!??! THAT STILL GOES ON TODAY!! I PROMISE!!!! Go out on the internet, type in ASSEMBLY OF GOD, or Pentecostal Churches, or Pentecostal Churches in your area, or Baptized With the Holy Spirit, anything along that line. SEEE, FEEL, KNOW JESUS IS WHO HE SAYS HE IS!!!! There is MORE TO THIS WORLD than YOU SEE!!!!

Mark Weiser

Is this what is called a religious text by. I almost forgot to dodge this item. Anyway makes you go hmmmm. Now considering

The great feast of the "Jewish Pentecost" is kept in remembrance of the giving of the Law to Moses at Mount Sinai, 50 days after the liberation of the slavery from Egypt (the Passover). On that day God gave Moses the Ten Commandments engraved with fire on stones, among the roaring sounds of nature, making the Covenant with the People of God (Ex.19,20, Lev.23). Now the big question of the day is this.

If God himself wrote these commandments with his own finger. Why would he need to send another to explain the meaning of these commandments 1000 of years later in the future? Why not just explain how to do these commandments and their meanings at the time HE wrote them.

Oh HE did already he gave the whole understanding of the Law of Moses to Moses himself. Interesting God did not come out and say you are to obey these commandments until Jesus comes down.


yep and ON PENTECOST, this HOLY SPIRIT came. I didn't ask for where did the PENTECOST name come from, i'm telling you that's why STILL TODAY, there are PENTECOSTAL Churches because on PENTECOST, this is what happened. It's no joke, it can happen to you , if want. Go there. SEE GOD"S POWER!! Yea, you'll see people jumping up and down, acting crazy, Falling Down, what looks like "passing out"(called Faling Out). Talking in different languages.


Mark, do you NOT know how to NOT COMMIT ADULTERY. Jesus says, the LAW is still in EFFECT. The LAW is NOW written on YOUR HEART. You conscience TELLS you what's right and wrong. Jesus Came to FULFILL THE LAW. He came to DO AWAY WITH THE PUNISHMENT FOR BREAKING THESE LAWS!! The LAW itself DOES NOTHING but TELL YOU what you've broken, because the Bible says "For all have sinned and fall short of God's glory". And God decided to make a NEW covenant and let JESUS be OUR SACRIFICAL Lamb.


Hey, ever hear this one:

"Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, yet my voice is become as sounding brass, an empty cymbal, if I have not Charity."

Huh. That wouldn't have anything to do with developing compassion rather than judgment, would it? No, course not.

Three smacks with anything that C.S. Lewis ever wrote.


ahahahahahaha!! rmcrobertson. Dang!! do you know even know what you're talking about?? What's that got to do with ANYTHING that i've posted.

That not being in the Bible doesn't matter, all that was saying is Speaking In Tounges doesn't do good if you're not right in your heart.



Blue Belt
Jun 13, 2003
Reaction score
Oly Wa
sorry Josh - been there, saw that, didn't bother to get the t-shirt. Saw lots of histrionics, but no God. No proof.

Feisty Mouse

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jun 15, 2004
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SEE GOD"S POWER!! Yea, you'll see people jumping up and down, acting crazy, Falling Down, what looks like "passing out"(called Faling Out). Talking in different languages.
Is that GOD or an experience that people seek to feel released?

Are you here just to try to get converts to become "Pentecostal" and speak in tongues? Hey, you know, Christians know about Pentecost and celebrate it - know about the Holy Spirit, too. Doesn't mean that if I don't speak in tongues I'm not praying or whatnot.


looks like you didn't go to a Pentecostal Church then. Hehehe, did you even BOTHER to NOTICE anything. Did you go to worship to just be with a friend or just to be there? God's not far away. God LOVES ya'll so much that He'll HATE having to remove you IF, that's IF you don't BELIEVE. Why won't you just BELIEVE and NOT QUESTION it. The Bible says that FAITH IS THE PROOF!! Which means WHEN YOU BELIEVE it BECOMES REAL, not Psychologically, but BECAUSE GOD WILL MEET YOU THERE and SHOW WHAT"S TRUE!!

I don't care what ya'll think. I'm not trying to convert you, ya'll WANT PROOF. HERE IT IS. And the MESSAGE OF SALVATION, i gave that stuff about the Pentecostal Churches as PROOF. READ PEOPLE, READ WHAT I POST!! Read, don't scan! I CAN'T convert people, GOD can. God's the victim, He will always be until EVERY LAST PERSON WILL CONFESS HE IS GOD!! Ya'll have TIME NOW to receive Salvation. The Holy Spirit is still in the earth, He knows whether you'll CHOOSE TO BELIEVE. BELIEVE IN JESUS!! Call on His name, and BELIEVE, THEN He will show you that He's there. BELIEVE. The Proof is all that i've been saying, the fact that hey, why are Christians persecuted, why is there the nation ISRAEL, why does Israel have a history of so many problems. Prophecy!! Ya'll have been given sites, testimony, ya'll don't by it. Did i not just give you proof there? HOW ARE YOU GOING TO GET PROOF IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE GOD CAN PROVE HIMSELF TO YOU?!?! WHY DO YOU EVEN WANT PROOF FROM A CHRISTIAN, WHY NOT CHRIST HIMSELF?!? Jesus is the most controversial name, WHY?!?!? T

here's a reason. I don't even think ya'll read what i post. Do ya'll really care about proof? Or do ya'll hope it'll just catch your attention one day and THEN believe? How did the "big bang" just SUDDENLY happen from NOTHING. There was NOTHING RIGHT, and then just BOOM!! There wasn't space, just nothing and then BOOM!! That's the big bang theory. But if i'm wrong about that, cause i don't care about it, but here's ANOTHER big bang theory. There was space and some kind of reaction with molecules and/or gas and/or light and/or particles...whatever, and it all combined and then BOOM!! If that's true, WHERE DID THE GAS, MOLECULES, LIGHT, all that COME FROM?? How does gas, molecules, particles, light, create Knowledge, Wisdom, blood, Human Emmotion, Feelings, Desires, Bone Marrow, Eye Sockets, Snot, Blue Sky, a worm, grass, Chickens, a Dinosaur? The ability to make a hamburger; the ability to fight, cry, laugh, smile, dance, sing? Was it those little molecules and such that brought me all the way here to tell ya'll this? Did a particle make me? Is it a living thing? I am, GOD IS!! He is the Alpha, the Omega, the BEGINNING AND END. He's a spirit. Let HIM SHOW YOU HE"S REAL.


Blue Belt
Jun 13, 2003
Reaction score
Oly Wa
O sweet beelzebub. No, I didn't go to worship. I don't believe in god. That is why I read your thread - but you don't have proof... nor even a very rational argument...

hey kid, you have fun shake, rattling, and rolling your way, I'll have fun mine.

Feisty Mouse

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jun 15, 2004
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looks like you didn't go to a Pentecostal Church then. Hehehe, did you even BOTHER to NOTICE anything.
I've visited services of several different faiths. I prefer the one I have, thanks all the same. You have no monopoly on religious interpretation, or thinking you have an idea of GOD's love.

And what a thing to *argue* about.


Josh, I was simply adverting to the hatred and lack of compassion that is screamingly evident in what you're writing.

I was also suggesting, in my own specially-silly way, that you might find C.S. Lewis useful.

His books include the many Chronicles of Narnia, of course, as well as "The Screwtape Letters," "Out of the Silent Planet," and "Perelandra," and "That Hideous Strength."

There's also a good movie about him, "Shadowlands."

The quote I posted agrees precisely with your remark about the necessity of, "being right in your heart," though your idea of what this "right," means is frankly rather revolting. Give me the Boddhisatva's decency over this sort of chortling any day.

If your sort of joy in souls burning in hell reflects the way it really works, y'all can stuff your salvation. It isn't worth it.


do ya'll think Christians are lying? That would be the biggest scam in all history. oh, but what about Judaism, or Islam? they have Jesus, abraham all in there too. God created man, man created religion because they don't like God telling them that they are bad. The Bible says SOO MANY TIMES that NOBODY HAS EVER SEEN HIM OR CAN!! And ya'll still LOOK FOR PROOF!! God wants you to have FAITH IN HIM!! This is what pleases Him, to have FAITH IN WHAT HE SAYS IS TRUE, HAPPENS, and WILL COME TO PASS! Somebody Loves you, DIED FOR YOU, is that NOT GOOD NEWS?? I wouldn't die for you, i couldn't, i'm not Jesus, but let Him show you His Truth. Or you'll be in bondage to sin and unbelief till it's too late.

Here's some more proof. The Bible says that in the end of days, people will not believe in Jesus second coming, do you? The BIBLE says that.


YOU STILL DON"T READ!! I don't WANT you to burn, GOD DOESN"T EITHER. But you don't believe. Why would you stuff salvation? It's SALVATION!! It's not something, it's a GIFT!! Salvation is not just NOT GOING TO HELL. But the REVEALING to YOU ALL GOD HAS FOR YOU AND ETERNAL LIFE!! At one point, there was adam and eve, the world was perfect, but the very disobediance created YOUR unbelief.

you think i hate you? i don't even know you. I told you BELIEVE and THEN YOU WILL HAVE YOU PROOF. Take the step of FAITH. You have a soul, more than just your body. Believe in Jesus, not buddha, not allah, but the LORD OF HOSTS?? Why? The Bible says there are many strange and false teachings and gods. But the LORD OF HOSTS STILL REMAINS!! And remember like, before, God won't JUMP OUT AND SAY HELLO. The Bible says He's UNSEEN.

Feisty Mouse

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jun 15, 2004
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OK, Josh, could you tone it down with the yelling just a bit? People are reading and responding, you don't have to shout every line.

As I said on another thread, just because I am not Pentecostal (or born-again, or or or...) does not mean I'm not Christian. I'd like it if some of the folks who are so adamant about what Christianity is read up on church history a bit. But that's an aside.

And if you are trying to convert people, or preach a particular message, saying, "I'm right, you're wrong" is not going to hack it. You can construct certain messages, but you'll have to enter into a discussion to engage people.

Most of the folks on this forum are pretty respectful of religious differences. They will respond as well as they can. Going in with all guns blazing is not going to work.

p.s. sometimes you can see or experience faith in different ways. Does it always have to be falling down and speaking in tongues?


the CAPS, is for ya'll to be able to SEE THE MAIN POINTS. Do ya'll think i'm an extremist? What's that?

About being BORN AGAIN, How can you be Christian and NOT BORN AGAIN. Jesus says you MUST BE BORN AGAIN, to enter Heaven. Now watch, watch what i'm doin, ya'll made a thread about PROOF of God. I have come in to tell ya'll what the Truth is and have given ya'll proof. Told ya'll so many things. Ya'll must think that i'm trying to FORCE YOU into Heaven. I can't, but why should i, who doesn't want to go? Anyways. I told ya'll i can't make ya'll believe, therefore receive the FREE GIFT of SALVATION through the one who has created you, Yeshua ben Nazareth. Of course you don't believe it, but why not? Maybe i care too much?? Naw.

If Jesus isn't real, and if the whole Bible is a lie. There's no hope. But we HOPE, some of us in ourselves, some of us hope in religion, others, in Jesus Christ. Not Christianity but JESUS CHRIST and HIS WORDS OF LIFE!!


Josh said:
I do have PROOF. Ever heard of a PENTECOSTAL CHURCH? If not, here's the deal. After Jesus Rose from the dead, He appeared to many over a time. And in this time, He explained that His now 11 disciples(judas betrayed Jesus, felt bad, hung himself) that they would RECEIVE POWER FROM ON HIGH. THE HOLY SPIRIT!! Well this is where the PENTECOSTAL stuff comes from. On the day of PENTECOST, the disciples were in a house, or large room when all of a sudden the HOLY SPIRIT came on them, and THEY SPOKE IN TOUNGES and had a Supernatural feel to them. GUESS WHAT?!??! THAT STILL GOES ON TODAY!! I PROMISE!!!! Go out on the internet, type in ASSEMBLY OF GOD, or Pentecostal Churches, or Pentecostal Churches in your area, or Baptized With the Holy Spirit, anything along that line. SEEE, FEEL, KNOW JESUS IS WHO HE SAYS HE IS!!!! There is MORE TO THIS WORLD than YOU SEE!!!!
I've been to a pentecostal service. People weren't talking in different languages, they were speaking jibberish. The pastor said things about other religions that just weren't true, and had no factual merit. The Pentecostal service is not proof of god, it's all show.