
White Belt
May 5, 2011
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
Hello Martial Art Warriors,

My name is Derrick "BionicMan"Clark. I'm a up and coming self-defense instructor, performing strongman and anti-bullying advocate. I open my account on here in 2011! I probably didn't participated that much on this forum. At a point of time...I put the martial art stuff on the side to focus on other endeavors.

Now! I been getting myself back inshape for the martial arts. I did a few performances at a community event!
I feel this is my calling to help others to get involved in martial arts, strength and conditioning and follow their dreams.
Nice to meet you. What style of martial art do you practice?
Well, I took up karate as a kid! I train for 3 months! Didn't really like karate. So now! I'm training Muay Thai and mixing up defensive tactic training.
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What type of martial art do you think you'll be doing?
This is one of my feats of strength demostration for my fingers! If I have to grab someone throat in self-defense.