Rape Video Game? Are you kidding me?

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score


Tokyo, Japan (CNN) -- The game begins with a teenage girl on a subway platform. She notices you are looking at her and asks, "Can I help you with something?"
That is when you, the player, can choose your method of assault.
With the click of your mouse, you can grope her and lift her skirt. Then you can follow her aboard the train, assaulting her sister and her mother.
As you continue to play, "friends" join in and in a series of graphic, interactive scenes, you can corner the women, rape them again and again.


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Amazing. The person(s) responsible for coming up with a game like this, should be taken out behind a shed.
Don't misunderstand me, folks. I don't agree with rape video games, I've just stopped being surprised by the odd stuff that originates in Japan.
Don't misunderstand me, folks. I don't agree with rape video games, I've just stopped being surprised by the odd stuff that originates in Japan.

I know what you mean.

http://doitlater.com/pic.php?121 (pic is work safe but there is a naughty word in the caption).

I lived with a Japanese family for a year. There is much about the culture that I was able to learn from that expereince, but one thing I can't explain is why so much of Japanese pop expression represents a culture conflicted about its sexuality. Its...bizarre.
Unfortunately it doesn`t suprise me one little bit. Most Japanese guys have no confidence around women and zero social skills. They`re so sexually frustrated that rape fantasy is really common around here. And unfortunately there are plenty of comics, magazines, and videos that cater to it. The fact that they finally came up with a video game doersn`t come as any suprise. In fact now that I think about it, it`s a wonder it`s taken this long.:disgust:
The fact that they finally came up with a video game doersn`t come as any suprise. In fact now that I think about it, it`s a wonder it`s taken this long.:disgust:

It hasnt. Ive seen them before. This one just got attention because it was being sold commercially.
Go google that old American Classic "Custers Revenge" where your job it to run around and rape indian gals. Was a hit on the old Atari 2600.
Given Japan's military history in China... it's not surprising at all that this is part of their sub-culture. They're heavy into severe B&D, S&M and all things folks call perverse. Bathroom sex, and a lot of other weirdness or abnormal.
As pointed out seems that many are sexually frustrated. Not surprising... much of their porn is where sex organs are pixeled out... go figure THAT logic.
You can thank the US for the pixelated porn. Something to do with the terms from WW2 or shortly there after.
This game's extremely old.

But the, the Japanese hardly have a corner of this kinda thing. There was an old Hypercard stack called Psycho with pretty much the same content making the rounds in 93 or so.
The Japanese men I had the fortune to meet were respectful and hard working. These guys were excellent training partners and I always look forward to training with them.

The game is offensive. Other countries make similar offensive games as well.

I enjoy the Japanese culture. Their foods, their anime, of course their martial arts, and the people.
I live here dude. The overwhelming majority of Japanese men are fine guys, but if you`ve been here there`s no denying that there`s a whole different mindset about what`s appropriate behavior towards women here.

The idea that if a woman goes to a man`s apartment she`s "asking for" whatever happens inside is still prevelant.

A few years ago an English teacher I knew fought off an attemped rape that occured while walking home one night near a Japanese military base. She went to the police to file a report. They didn`t take a report or open a casefile, they just told her "Yeah, you`ll have that sometimes. You probably shouldn`t walk alone at night....Take care care of yourself now."

We have "women only" cars on the trains because so many Japanese guys haven`t heard that sliding your hands up under a strange woman`s skirt isn`t an acceptable way to pass your daily commute. More often than not the victims are high school kids because they`re less likely to want to atract attention by filing a complaint.

Rape porn and hard core S&M is on the magazine wrack next to the baseball, car, and horserace magazines in most convenience stores because there`s a big demand for it.

They won`t pass strict laws against child porn because it`s considered basically harmless (as long as it isn`t thier kid) and they don`t really understand why the rest of the world gets so bent out of shape about it.

Most Japanese men are decent guys with integrity and self respect, but a large percent are pervs in sheeps` clothing. And you can`t tell who the pervs are until they do something creepy.
Unfortunately it doesn`t suprise me one little bit. Most Japanese guys have no confidence around women and zero social skills. They`re so sexually frustrated that rape fantasy is really common around here. And unfortunately there are plenty of comics, magazines, and videos that cater to it. The fact that they finally came up with a video game doersn`t come as any suprise. In fact now that I think about it, it`s a wonder it`s taken this long.:disgust:

And this, with respect to those defending the country as a whole and people therein, is often the aspect that gets sensationalized here in the states.

Of course there are wonderful and great people there. The country makes national treasure of their artists, for goodness sake. However, what we see in the news is stuff like this and the guy who married his video game, etc.
Go google that old American Classic "Custers Revenge" where your job it to run around and rape indian gals. Was a hit on the old Atari 2600.
I was going to mention the same thing. I remember when that came out and the uproar that ensued.