Rank in Competition



I am wondering if anyone has experienced any time they feel they have lost a competition to someone because the judges may have taken rank into account. I am wondering because I lost, and after what I have been told rank may have been a factor. When I took second I didn't think anything of it, but he (who is fifth degree or higher, I couldn't tell because his belt is like one I have never seen)even indicated that he felt he should have got second and several other Black Belt judges approched me and said I got robbed and should have taken first. I agree that I felt I did very well, but you never know what they see from the outside. I am not stating anything that I feel that I lost, but it does raise some questions in my mind.
yes judges are unfair at times (and blind when it comes to points)
but since they do not pay them to work all day what you want from them.
Originally posted by TallAdam85
yes judges are unfair at times (and blind when it comes to points)
but since they do not pay them to work all day what you want from them.

I know judges can be unfair at times. But my question is one of rank having any bearing on a judges decision. We were the first event of the day, and I spent the rest of the day judging myself and I don't think it is that bad I enjoy it and time goes by almost too fast. If you love the martial arts judging is fun. If it bothers them I feel they shouldn't judge competitions.
The only time I've let rank affect my judgement is when they pick an inappropriate form/kata for their rank. If a white belt comes out and does a good intermediate form but a blue belt does a flawless white belt form, I personally am more inclined to judge towards the white belt. I've never even thought to judge with rank in mind otherwise.

I think it all evens out eventually. You'll win some you should have lost, and lose some you should have won. But i tend to agree with lvwhitebir in that the form should at least as difficult as the belt level. As for tournament sparring, well, that's one where one party will always felt they were misjudged. At least alot of times they do. And judges make mistakes, some have bias's (biasi?), but most try to do a fair and impartial job.

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