Racist Cop or Combative Professor?

Yeah, except that if these guys were sharp, they didn't have said lights and sirens going. A burg in progress is a quiet approach when you get close.

So, the good Prof's disturbance is the issue here. The dude's probably lucky he didn't get a gun pointed at him during the initial approach.

So we have a good samaritian who takes the time to call in a possible burg in progress rather than just walk along glad it's not his home being broken into, rare enough. Cops respond and find an individual matching said descriptive inside. They investigate and he turns tool and starts yelling and screaming.

I might have taken him too. Maybe not, but I'm not going to second guess. The bottom line is that it seems that it was a legal arrest made in good faith. Good luck with any civil suit if there's justice in the world at all.

Dropped charges are out of the hands of the cops and are up to the legal establishment and courts, which are highly politicized. It doesn't suprise me at all that they elected to take the easy way out of this. And quite frankly it probably isn't worth the time. That's their choice. It was the Prof's choice to engage in behavior that met the elements of a criminal offense. He can't whine because officers made the choice to legally effect an arrest.
Well, that's exactly right......they likely cut their lights and sirens several blocks away......and the response by Sgt. Crowley sounded VERY controlled and restrained to anyone with an ounce of intelligence and common sense........which apparently excludes the POTUS.

This is not the MOST stupid thing our Com and Chief has done in his 6 months in office.......but it may go down as his biggest public BLUNDER! Yes, Gates and Obama WILL have their usual apologists.......but for the AVERAGE American, they know what this was and WHO the racists were in this equation.
If Gates takes anything away from this experience, it should be this: Sometimes, people don't hate you because they're racist. Sometimes, they hate you because you're a complete *******.
If Gates takes anything away from this experience, it should be this: Sometimes, people don't hate you because they're racist. Sometime, they hate you because you're a complete *******.

True that! :lfao:

I've known plenty of folks, of all races, with a chip on their shoulder who were SURE that the police were out to get them at every turn.....and guess what? They acted in such a manner as to fulfill that prophecy every chance they got!
True that! :lfao:

I've known plenty of folks, of all races, with a chip on their shoulder who were SURE that the police were out to get them at every turn.....and guess what? They acted in such a manner as to fulfill that prophecy every chance they got!
This entire thing is very unflattering to the police. Even the way the Sgt is being defended makes him look like a petty civil servant abusing what power he has to retaliate for some lack of respect.
If there was any "profiling" going on here it was the Prof. "profiling" a white cop at his door as only being there "because Im a black man in America".
This entire thing is very unflattering to the police. Even the way the Sgt is being defended makes him look like a petty civil servant abusing what power he has to retaliate for some lack of respect.

I think you have it quite backwards there.........the most powerful man in the world attacking a civil servant without even knowing the facts is the issue........there IS an ABUSE OF POWER issue here........you just have a handle on the wrong end of it.

As to the Sgt., yes we have the cop haters who are going to attack him regardless......but any rational opinion points the blame CLEARLY on the behavior of Gates...........Crowley isn't some 'Power Mad' rookie, he's a highly respected police officer who has been doing this job for over a decade without complaints of bias or abuse.........and he runs headlong in to Gates, who's got a chip on his shoulder the size of the TITANIC!

Yes, I know the general consensus is when you are a Harvard professor you can act like as big a jackass as you want with impunity.........but the officers responding to a report of a HOME BREAK-IN are doing their job by investigating that break-in, regardless of the opinions of those who think they can do the job better (though have never actually done it).

Make no mistake about it......the ONLY folks who think this is unflattering to the police are the truly shameless Obama apologists, and they are VASTLY in the minority of public opinion on this one...........this WILL hurt the President far more than he intended it to hurt Sgt. Crowley.

Barry needs to remember that he's NOT a community agitator for ACORN anymore (or, well, maybe he really is, but he shouldn't be)......he was elected by the American People to represent the UNITED US.........so he should leave his agitator tendencies at the door and watch what comes out of his mouth!
This has been a lesson in how the world is full of people just waiting to be offended. If you dont give them a reason to be offended they will manufacture one...
I think you have it quite backwards there.........the most powerful man in the world attacking a civil servant without even knowing the facts is the issue........there IS an ABUSE OF POWER issue here........you just have a handle on the wrong end of it.
I didn't realize that this had turned to a right wing, anti obama love fest. Sorry. I missed the cue.
As to the Sgt., yes we have the cop haters who are going to attack him regardless......
Why is someone who disagrees with you a "cop hater?" I am nothing of the kind.
but any rational opinion points the blame CLEARLY on the behavior of Gates...........
I have said more than once that I in no way condone Gates' behavior. I think it's pretty clear that he over-reacted.
Crowley isn't some 'Power Mad' rookie, he's a highly respected police officer who has been doing this job for over a decade without complaints of bias or abuse.........and he runs headlong in to Gates, who's got a chip on his shoulder the size of the TITANIC!
And so he then lost his cool and acted in a manner that was, IMO, unprofessional. Come on. Even in your defense of him, you guys keep suggesting that it was retaliatory. He arrested Gates because a Gates had the temerity to disrespect him. I'm really at a loss to believe that I'm the only one who sees this as an obvious abuse of power. It's like trying to blame the torch for burning down the house. If Sgt. Crowley had left, there would be no fuel for the fire.
Yes, I know the general consensus is when you are a Harvard professor you can act like as big a jackass as you want with impunity.........
I don't know about general consensus, but my opinion is that ANYONE should be able to act like a jackass. You, me, or a harvard professor. Jesus, people act like flaming turds all the time and don't get arrested for it.
but the officers responding to a report of a HOME BREAK-IN are doing their job by investigating that break-in, regardless of the opinions of those who think they can do the job better (though have never actually done it).
And after having determined that Gates wasn't a burgler... ie, having DONE HIS JOB, he should have thanked him, apologized for the confusion and LEFT. No more problems.
Make no mistake about it......the ONLY folks who think this is unflattering to the police are the truly shameless Obama apologists, and they are VASTLY in the minority of public opinion on this one...........
You and other Obama haters are the only one's bringing the president into this thread.
this WILL hurt the President far more than he intended it to hurt Sgt. Crowley.
I guess you can only hope, but I think you've made your political agenda quite clear.
Barry needs to remember that he's NOT a community agitator for ACORN anymore (or, well, maybe he really is, but he shouldn't be)......he was elected by the American People to represent the UNITED US.........so he should leave his agitator tendencies at the door and watch what comes out of his mouth!

Archangel M said:
This has been a lesson in how the world is full of people just waiting to be offended. If you dont give them a reason to be offended they will manufacture one...
Agreed. Maybe the next time Sgt. Crowley is offended, he'll manage to handle it in a more constructive way.
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So he doesn't KNOW for a fact that the police are racist, but he's going to assume so and call them such out of ACORN/Community Organizer habit.

No, he didn't do so. What he said was the the police acted "stupidly in arresting someone in their own home." "Stupidly", not "racistly."
I don't think Obama intended any harm actually. I just think he stepped in it, or pulled a "Biden" if you will. :rolleyes:

At any rate, he's obviously recognized that it was a bad PR move and is trying to smooth things over. Especially after the news agencies jumped all over his comments.

SGT Crowley has never exhibited any racist behavior before, at least none that's been found to date. As a matter of fact, his record would indicate he is NOT one (refer to the example further back where he gave CPR to a black man.)

Gates indicated his home had been broken into before so it baffles me that he would react the way he did, unless you attribute his bad attitude to jet lag and frustration from being locked out.

I'm sure this story is far from over. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out.
As a matter of fact, his record would indicate he is NOT one (refer to the example further back where he gave CPR to a black man.)

I agree that I haven't seen any evidence that Crowley is a racist.


The example you make is a terrible one. Giving CPR to a dying player for the university you work for doesn't make you non-racist - it makes you human. Congratulations!

This is actually a pernicious aspect of the "racist/non-racist" debate that has developed. Racism is a skewed way of seeing certain groups of people, with attendant views and behaviors that may be conscious or unconscious. Most of us are thus racist to some degree, no one is perfectly un-prejudiced.

The dominant way of looking at racism now though is white hoods and lynching. When someone is called racist, everyone thinks "lyncher" and defends from that standpoint, when what they need to address is "has skewed viewpoints." You don't actively have to hate to be a racist. You don't have to kill blacks or drop the n-word every 5 minutes or turn the firehoses on. But that is what everyone thinks when they see "racist."

So that inhibits our national discussion about race. Everyone is terrified of being called racist, because they perceive that they are being called a monster. Crowley refusing to give CPR would make him a monster, giving prevents him from being a monster but not from being racist. Until everyone can internalize the difference, this issue goes nowhere.

Again, I have no idea if Crowley is or isn't a racist, your example just sparked my response.
Hmmm..according to CNN, now Gate's lawyer is saying "this is not about race"...BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Can you spell backfire? How about backpedaling?
.You and other Obama haters are the only one's bringing the president into this thread.


The President brought himself into the discussion when he basically called the cops stupid. Obama is now clarifying (back tracking on) his statements. Of course we knew the Obama haters would jump all over this, but even the biggest Obama supporters know he put his foot squarely in his mouth on this one, which is why he is 'clarifying' as he should be. I'm glad he recongized his mistake and is now working towards improving the situation instead of the opposite.