Chain Mail T-Shirt against Knives?


Orange Belt
Mar 6, 2009
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I was browsing when I stumbled on this...

Would anyone trust this to give them some extra protection against knife attacks to the body?

Just a thought...
Chain mail works best against a slashing weapon. So, it would protect against a cut, but little else. Historicly speaking, they would stop arrows (depending on the shape of the head and the range), swods, and the padding underneith may have helped with a blunt weapon.

But in short, no I would not trust my life to a chain mail shirt. You're better off practicing knife defense. Cheaper, just as effective, and it's not heavy.
I would imagine that it might help you a little bit, but as stated above.....I would not trust my life to it.
All that weight and downward pressure on the breasts? No way. My weight vest has a much better design.
I was browsing when I stumbled on this...

Would anyone trust this to give them some extra protection against knife attacks to the body?

Just a thought...

Much like bullet body armor, it certainly wouldn't hurt to cover your torso if you're going in to harms way.........the best answer is avoidance and effective tactics, but such counter-measures as body armor are a good supplement to good tactics.
I guess $200 for something that just LOOKS kinda cool just isn't worth it eh? :)
Thanks for the input everyone. Don't worry, I wasn't considering testing this out :lol:
i think it would primarily help with picking up chicks at the renaissance festival.

Hello, A few weeks ago on the News....There is a company that makes bullet proof clothes.

shirts, jackets and suits, and so on....thousands of dollars for these "dressers" out fits.....for CEO's type of people.

Makes sense..if you need them? .....Makes sense for our Troops!

Pants, shirts, underwares? that is bullet proof...NOT sure why Congress make these available for our troops on the front lines?

...Oh....sorry...congress man need them more?, whites, and blues colors with ties....suits......our soldiers on the front lines do not wear suits? off course $$$$ is the reason for NOT!

Imagine if you got the money? ....all your clothes can be desiger made and bullet fit you! NOT sure of name of the company!

Aloha, ( still using coconuts for armor) ....
I was browsing when I stumbled on this...

Would anyone trust this to give them some extra protection against knife attacks to the body?

Just a thought...

At 12 pounds, that's a lot of weight to carry around, particularily as most of us are not attacked by knife weilding maniacs on a daily basis. Of course, the one day you leave it at home, is the one day you need it.