Question about power lifting.


Blue Belt
Oct 31, 2001
Reaction score
Queens, New York
I'm about to add weight training to my conditioning schedule. I'm not interested in body building, but rather in developing strength. Based on my research, the deadlift, squats, and the clean-and-jerk with heavy weight, low reps are the best for meeting my training goals.

Please let me know if you have anything to add.

Thank you in advance.

Peace & blessings,
You have a good base of exercises there. I would add supplemental exercises to each though to increase strength in the small support muscles. Example, Dead Lift- add cable rows or T-Bar exercises. Squats, add leg extensions and curls. Go higher rep and lower weight. These help prevent injury as your weights gets seriously heavy.

Heavy and rest. I've read many times over that you shouldn't over train any muscle. I work out 5 days a week with weights and hit only 1 or 2 muscle groups each day. Hit them hard then let them rest. Heavy compound lifts are what you looking to gain some strength and you'll also have to play around to find what suits you the best.
Farnsworth is correct as for the other post of doing supplemental exercises for for stabilizer muscles isn't needed. Deadlifts,squats and the likes all compound lifts require use of the stabilizer muscles. Deadlifts involve your lats,hamstrings,quads,traps,abs,shoulder girdle area etc. If you are doing squats and deadlifts it is not needed to do leg extensions or leg curls. He is looking for power therefore he would want to do power movements . Good ones would be deadlifts,squats ,military presses, hang cleans,chin ups, dips etc. PM me if you have any further questions.
I agree, you have to find what works for you. The supplemental exercises I mentioned I find work well for me and have been recommended in routines from Powerlifting USA magazine.

Originally posted by Abbax8
... exercises I mentioned I find work well for me and have been recommended in routines from Powerlifting USA magazine.


Where do you get powerlifting usa? Barnes & Noble or do you have to subscribe to it? I have yet to see it around my parts but I don't frequent Barnes & Noble either. I get Flex and tailor my work outs from reading the different articles from the pros. There's a basic core to the specific muscle group I use for the day and then build upon that with exercises found in flex.
How goes it? Powerlifting USA can usually be found at Barnes and Noble, or most bookstores.

Gary Catherman
Gary things are going well. How are things over your way? How is the weight loss coming along are you still able to keep up with it?
Thanks for asking. I am still on the diet. I am down to 245. I havent been this light since high school. I am still powerlifting as well. Ive been NO CARB for two years, four months and have lost 255 pounds total. My strength is going through the roof, and barring a two week layoff from lifting because of tendonitis in my shoulder, my results are very good. Glad to hear all is well with you and please accept my condolences on the death in your family.

Gary Catherman.
That's awesome Gary!!! Keep up the good work and man that is cool. You know I've relayed your story to a few guys at work and they just kind of blow it off. Mostly the guys in the gym I workout with. I lost another training partner because he just didn't want to put forth the effort. Heather said I pushed him to hard but in our conversations in the gym I've always told him he didn't have to do the same amount of weight. He wasn't losing any weight and sometimes would gain. Anyway we talked about his intake and that's where the problems lie. He apparently didn't want to cut back or change to good stuff. Oh well for him. My workout still continues.
Originally posted by Zujitsuka
, the deadlift, squats, and the clean-and-jerk

The deadlist, squat and bench press are the traditional power lifting lifts. The clean and jerk is an olympic lift.
Originally posted by Kalicombat
Thanks for asking. I am still on the diet. I am down to 245. I havent been this light since high school. I am still powerlifting as well. Ive been NO CARB for two years, four months and have lost 255 pounds total. My strength is going through the roof, and barring a two week layoff from lifting because of tendonitis in my shoulder, my results are very good. Glad to hear all is well with you and please accept my condolences on the death in your family.

Gary Catherman.

None at all??? I though NO CARB was just for the initial 2
weeks (Induction phase?) ?
Actually, I no longer get it, when I did it was mailed to my home via subscription. Bookstores around here don't seem to carry it. I had about 5 years worth of the magazine until a house fire 2 years ago, up in smoke literally. It is a good magazine but after a while the articles can be repetitive, why I let my subscription lapse.

I've heard many good things about this magazine. The problem is that I haven't seen one around my neck of the woods.