Pre-arranged Chi Sau and Chi Gerk?


Black Belt
Oct 9, 2013
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It seems like most W.C schools I look at do Chi Sau in a way where it starts pre-arranged, semi-freestyle and then freestyle. Do all schools have the pre-arranged section? I have the same question about Chi Gerk, since we don't include either in our training.
Yes, my school starts with preset one handed drills, then moves on to preset two handed drills, then freestyle chi sau. Don't know about chi gerk yet
Our lineage uses pre-arranged chi sau drills that we refer to as sections. We also have a chi gerk section that is taught
The goal should be though, not to practice the sections for the sake of becoming good at the sections, but to learn from them so that ultimately you can discard them.

We use prearrange drills for sticking and rolling. We also have prearranged attack, countering and counter-attacking drills that are incorporated once these are drilled and the practitioner is able to utilize them in a rather proficient manner we begin to freestyle. We also do so with chi gerk and then add that into the mix with everything becoming rather interesting then.
It seems like most W.C schools I look at do Chi Sau in a way where it starts pre-arranged, semi-freestyle and then freestyle. Do all schools have the pre-arranged section? I have the same question about Chi Gerk, since we don't include either in our training.

Do you mean that you don't do chi-sau and chi-gherk? ...or just that you don't begin chi-sau with pre-arranged patterns of movement?
We do chi-sau, yes. We simply don't do the pre-arranged patterns of movement. Instead of doing Chi Gerk we merely incorporate kicks into our chi-sau.
We do chi-sau, yes. We simply don't do the pre-arranged patterns of movement. Instead of doing Chi Gerk we merely incorporate kicks into our chi-sau.
My school had a similar approach. Dan Chi Sao was pre-arranged but later became more freestyle. Poon Sao we were only shown the basic inner hand tan/ bong palm strike and outer fook punch. Oh and switching hand positions from out to in and vise-versa. Other than that it was freestyle. My classmate who was at the same level of learning as me was a body builder. Let's just say I got tossed around a lot.
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Don't think I've ever seen chi gerk in action apart from in a book.
Don't think I've ever seen chi gerk in action apart from in a book.
It was interesting to learn. For the most part. I prefer my feet to stay planted on the ground. I got back issues, so kicking is not so easy for me anymore.
It was interesting to learn. For the most part. I prefer my feet to stay planted on the ground. I got back issues, so kicking is not so easy for me anymore.

Interesting. Do still execute the front kicks okay. Back issue too.
Do all schools have the pre-arranged section?

As with most must learn and begin with some sort of a baseline. Kind of like when your school teacher taught you how to write your ABC's. You had to practice writing that silly letter 'a' and 'A' many times to get it correct. Now, your a and A probably look much different now that you are using it in a 'freestyle' sort of way. Chi sau and chi gerk are no different.
It is interesting that your WC training does not include these. You may be learning the same lessons just in a different manner. My early years in WC was similar. I learned a hard core, crash in, blow the guy away version of WC...then later on learned the more subtle aspects of what I'd been taught.
I'm in the same boat as you Kwan, as our W.C is very streamlined and, though it's very technical and articulate as Chi Sau normally is, it's not as focused on the really subtle details as someone like Yip Chun's people might be. Interesting how various people approach this. Thanks for the answers, all! I'll ask my instructor if I could perhaps record a video of how we practice Chi Sau on Wednesday.

Some of the terminology is quite difficult to follow. Chi Gerk is a new on on me.

Looks like neither of us are exactly terminology guys :p I read these forums and I'm like "Poon Sau? We just call it the roll, what the heck is this?"

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