Hey i'm a first dan in ITF Tae Kwon Do, i'm 19 years old and i have spent 7 years in that specific art style and i have been doing full contact sparring for a year already. Before that i did Karate from 6 to 10, i quit because i moved to the USA but at 12 i took up Tae Kwon Do. I would like to start competiting in WTF style competitions and hopefully go to the Olympics in 2016 or 2020. I was wondering if it was possible to get promoted shortly to black belt or keep my current rank and test for black belt in Kukkiwon Tae Kwon Do. All that's really required is knowing the forms to test so do you think if i do learn them flawlessly could i get promoted to a black belt in Kukkiwon? I would rather not have to to through the entire ranking system again.
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