Possible to get promoted fast?


Yellow Belt
May 7, 2008
Reaction score
Hey i'm a first dan in ITF Tae Kwon Do, i'm 19 years old and i have spent 7 years in that specific art style and i have been doing full contact sparring for a year already. Before that i did Karate from 6 to 10, i quit because i moved to the USA but at 12 i took up Tae Kwon Do. I would like to start competiting in WTF style competitions and hopefully go to the Olympics in 2016 or 2020. I was wondering if it was possible to get promoted shortly to black belt or keep my current rank and test for black belt in Kukkiwon Tae Kwon Do. All that's really required is knowing the forms to test so do you think if i do learn them flawlessly could i get promoted to a black belt in Kukkiwon? I would rather not have to to through the entire ranking system again.
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I'm guessing that would depend on who your instructor is. I would think that you'd have to work your way through the new school curriculum just like everybody else. However, I'm sure your previous expereince would serve you well.

Whatever happenbs however will depend on who you're training with.

Yeah that's what i've been told, it would depend on the instructor. I wouldn't mind going with the school curriculum but i don't think i can spend 7 years trying to earn my rank again, maybe 1 :jediduel: <---omg thats kick ***.
Just because of a few political issue and a kick to the head? I doubt it.

or unless it's actually Official.
I have read that it will be in the 2012 games but not in the 2016, unless it can get enough votes from the Olympic committe to stay in.
Can anyone confirm this either way?

What the powers to ne is after 2012 no more, we do not have enough backers right now in the Olympic commitee.
I have no doubt, Inugami, if you have the forms down pat, your technique is excellent, and the teacher knows you will be a very big credit to their school, you should have no problem. It might take a year of study at their school, but again, if excellent in all areas, well I don't see why not.

Talk to the teacher and lay out just where you are and what your goals are. Show your stuff in class, be polite, and don't have a big head. Do those things and you should be ok.

If your goal is the 2016 games (yes TKD is locked in already for 2012 and will be up for the 2016 vote in Oct 2009) what is the rush for black belt? Basically, based on this year's Olympic selection scoring process, you really won't need to start collecting "points" until 2012 for the 2016 games. So that gives you 4 years to get to 1st dan which should be just about right. 3-4 years is the norm.
Yeah but i would like to start competiting in sparring against other black belts asap.

The earlier the better i would think T.T

Sparring in tournaments against none black belts will be easy and not a challenge. At my current school(ITF) i do sparring against 2-3rd dans and they are not that good, i would honestly say i'm the best if it came down to point sparring because i'm faster, i have longer reach than most people, and i'm very skilled with my combos. Also the fact that they are older than me from range of 30~60 with the exception of a few who are just a little under my age... it's just not challenging =(

Sparring is not a big hit in my school, people come more often for self def rather than sparring.
So the next time that you are at a competition, scope out the black belt fights and afterwards approach one or two and ask if they would be interested in an exhibition match, just for fun. Most are looking for experience as well as you. When you find someone that is up for it, likely the first person you ask, find an official and explain the situation. Most of the time they will be more than happy to assist in finding a ring for you to fight.

Bottom line, get out there and hustle up some fights.

What part of the country are you in? I might be able to point you towards some other alternatives as well.
here is an upcoming event on Long Island that you might want to check out. http://www.yhpark.com/tournament.html

PS, it is not really USAT sanctioned even though the information says it is. But still, might be a decent event with decent players.
Well guess what if you hold a Black Belt in any art you must fight Black Belt division so sign up and give it a go. Just remember the hands are not your friend in Olympic sparring. They would never let a BB from the ITF go and fight a yellow belt that is a mis match. Please go and read all the rule under fair competition. It is the same if you are a WTF going to a UTF event you would fight BB. You would not even have achance for 2012 and if thing stay status with what some folks are saying 2016 is a no go. Believe me I am more than bummed about it my son only has two years to make that inpact.
Yeah but for these events you need to be part of a certain organization right.. like USAT/Kukkiwon/etc.
No. An "Open" tournament is just that, "Open". You just need to make sure you are aware of the rules and capable of fighting under them.

If it is an officially sanctioned event of say the USAT, then yes, you must be a USAT member. You can get a single event membership for $7 or an annual membership for $35 for those such events though.
Well guess what if you hold a Black Belt in any art you must fight Black Belt division so sign up and give it a go. Just remember the hands are not your friend in Olympic sparring. They would never let a BB from the ITF go and fight a yellow belt that is a mis match. Please go and read all the rule under fair competition. It is the same if you are a WTF going to a UTF event you would fight BB. You would not even have achance for 2012 and if thing stay status with what some folks are saying 2016 is a no go. Believe me I am more than bummed about it my son only has two years to make that inpact.

Well you can use hands in the Olympics style TKD but its usually not "noticed" by the refs.