Poor eyesight


Yellow Belt
May 8, 2009
Reaction score
Anyone in here practice Muay Thai and has poor eyesight? Particularly near-sightedness. I'm curious how much it effects you.

My eyesight is good enough to see someones strikes coming at me, but everything would be fuzzy. My guess is that it won't have an adverse effect. As long as you can make out all their strikes and their movement, I imagine that you shouldn't be at too much of a disadvantage. But I'm sure that it has some effect. Seeing everything in clarity must allow you to pick up on less obvious movements, slight telegraphs, notice that they're beginning to throw a strike a split second sooner, etc.
If you get rocked, it can make it really hard to see incoming shots. I'm nearsighted and when I was fighting I got rocked pretty bad once. I ended up clinching the rest of the fight (one round) since I couldn't see jack at longer range. Found out later I had a mild concussion.
Well, I think that if I wanted to fight at an amateur level, I would get lasik.

For sparring I imagine I'll be fine then?
Well, I think that if I wanted to fight at an amateur level, I would get lasik.

For sparring I imagine I'll be fine then?

Lasik isn't supposed to hold up well to impacts. You have to have PRK if you want to fight. Hard sparring can mess them up too.
If a guy with one arm can become a world champion, a bit of short sightedness shouldn't stop you. Yes you will miss out on some of the more subtle body reading. Then again, sometimes things go so fast, it doesn't matter how good your eye sight is, your still not going to see it. :)

One question though, what is Lasik?
Lasik isn't supposed to hold up well to impacts. You have to have PRK if you want to fight. Hard sparring can mess them up too.

I thought that you had to avoid hard impacts for about 16 months after receiving the surgery, I didn't realize that you needed to avoid them permanently. :(

TFS, LASIK is refractive eye surgery :eye-popping:

In any case, if I wanted to receive surgery, I would obviously speak with professionals before hand to get all the facts.

Thanks for all the help guys, I guess I just need to try things out for myself. But I suppose that as long as I can make out shapes "clearly", I should be fine.
Yes, you need to avoid hits permanently. The reason why is the LASIK procedure weakens the eye muscle, making it harder for the eye to recover from surgery after the procedure.

Definitely get the advice of a neutral professional (as in, one that has nothing to lose or gain from a decision you make about the procedure) before proceeding.

Good luck with your eyes and your fighting. You'll be fine :)