Just a few questions


White Belt
I have not done a whole lot of research on the sport yet, i dont know where to look really. But just had a couple of main questions to get cleared up if i could.

First of all ill let you know that I am a competition weight lifter (power lifting) and am not giving it up, i just want something a bit more endurance and cardio demanding. I am mostly wanting to get into muay thai for the self defence reason, not to actually compete (yet atleast, have to see how much i like it first).

How much do you guys love muay thai? and why did you get into it? what kind of equipment should i be expecting to buy? And am i going to like it? Or is it just for blood hungry fighters? (being sarcastic)

hey mate,

i love muay thai. i have only been doing it for a few months after touching on other martial arts but would have to say that i will only ever do muay thai.
as for you liking it, well that is impossible to say as we all like different things but i cant see why you wouldnt unless you go to a bad school.
i wanted to get into lifting heavy weights but was advised against this by my instructor as he said doing light weights faster was more important for muay that purposes, but in saying that it is not essential to "not have" large muscles. i think all they will do is maybe slow down your punches, but seeing as though you dont want to fight in the ring or anything this shouldnt be a problem.
you shouldnt need to buy any equipment, it should all be provided, but once you become addicted you might want to buy some stuff. i have recently bought a mouthguard, gloves, wraps and shin pads. i prefer to use my own equipment as it is mine and other people dont use it. i also have a boxing bag at home that i practice with, i reccomend this as on your days off you can practice your techniques.
i am not very fit at all, and would have to say that it is great for fitness, since i have started my overall fitness has been improved so it is a good choice for cardio purposes.
as for self defence, it is good as alot of it comes quite natural and (unlike my other martial arts experiences) you get a chance to spar if you want to and that is a great way of picking up extra skills.
give it a go, go to your school and give it all you have. dont be intimidated at all as you will find that people are willing to help you out as we all started somewhere.
hey mate,

i love muay thai. i have only been doing it for a few months after touching on other martial arts but would have to say that i will only ever do muay thai.
as for you liking it, well that is impossible to say as we all like different things but i cant see why you wouldnt unless you go to a bad school.
i wanted to get into lifting heavy weights but was advised against this by my instructor as he said doing light weights faster was more important for muay that purposes, but in saying that it is not essential to "not have" large muscles. i think all they will do is maybe slow down your punches, but seeing as though you dont want to fight in the ring or anything this shouldnt be a problem.
you shouldnt need to buy any equipment, it should all be provided, but once you become addicted you might want to buy some stuff. i have recently bought a mouthguard, gloves, wraps and shin pads. i prefer to use my own equipment as it is mine and other people dont use it. i also have a boxing bag at home that i practice with, i reccomend this as on your days off you can practice your techniques.
i am not very fit at all, and would have to say that it is great for fitness, since i have started my overall fitness has been improved so it is a good choice for cardio purposes.
as for self defence, it is good as alot of it comes quite natural and (unlike my other martial arts experiences) you get a chance to spar if you want to and that is a great way of picking up extra skills.
give it a go, go to your school and give it all you have. dont be intimidated at all as you will find that people are willing to help you out as we all started somewhere.

tons of help, cheers.

I do have a heavy bag and a speed bag at home actually. and just some small equipment like boxing gloves, skipping rope, and the punching pads (things you put on anothers hands and punch at). so i would be able to practise at home.

From what i have seen it looks like a great place to learn (the local school which happens to be the largest in canada and has world class teachers). They say to come in for a free class to see if im going to like it so i will do that, down side is that i do have to buy anything i will need.
sweet sounds like a good school, go along for the free lesson.

you will love it and i am sure that buying the stuff you need wont be to much of a hassle as you will become addicted like the rest of us lol.

the other good thing is that there isnt too much to buy in muay thai. just your basics, which you already have some of.

good luck mate.
Just had my free class today and it was fun!

we split u into groups (skill level) and we learned the basics, the jab, hook, push kick, and knees. then did some conditioning. im singing up and looking forward to it!!!
Which school did you go to? I train at Mike Miles in Calgary, just curious, was wondering if I'd see you around! Definitely get into Muay Thai! Great fun, and competing is even more fun
Which school did you go to? I train at Mike Miles in Calgary, just curious, was wondering if I'd see you around! Definitely get into Muay Thai! Great fun, and competing is even more fun

actually i live in St.Catharines Ontario. like an hour south of toronto.

thanks for the reply though!