*please Start A Mma Form*



Lately there has been alot of people who like to cross-train and i believe that it would be great if Martailtalk.com could start a section just for us UFC / crosstrainers. (JUST A GREAT IDEA)

Your friend Judo-Kid!
Not to put martialtalk down or anything, but why try to duplicate what there is already a great example of. I you haven't found it already:


you are looking for the Underground Forum, it has been around for years. Oh, and if you are interested in MMA, try picking up the Fighters Notebook from there, it is a great resource.

there is another mma and k-1 forums at sherdog.net if you are interested.
No question that the Sherdog forums tend to be far more ego driven. Only there can you get people who insist that getting kicked doesnt' matter if it's derived from TKD etc... :rolleyes:
The guys at sherdog make me laugh though. They refuse to believe that any Martial art besides Thai fighting and BJJ are completely worthless. If you listen to these guys Ed Parker in his prime would have had his *** handed to him by a guy who had taken Thai boxing for a month. :rolleyes:

Oh well you can't argue with someone who knows everything I guess.
Originally posted by Kenpo_student

The guys at sherdog make me laugh though. They refuse to believe that any Martial art besides Thai fighting and BJJ are completely worthless. If you listen to these guys Ed Parker in his prime would have had his *** handed to him by a guy who had taken Thai boxing for a month. :rolleyes:

Oh well you can't argue with someone who knows everything I guess.

I don't know, that sounds remarkably like alot of people on this site as well!!

Nah, at their worst, they can't really rival the humanoids who inhabit the striking forum on Sherdog.
I use to spend time there. It has some good post, but there is alot of trolling going on over there. Also if you did traditional martial arts, and what I mean traditional anything other than MMA, BJJ, Muay Thai, or submission Grappling. You where told your art sucked, that it wouldn't work in a real situation BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. I find that this site is pretty good about monitoring the post and trying to keep things cool. One of the things I liked. The only time I go over there is to check on seminars or events. I would like UFC section as long as it doesn't get to flame wars and 3rd grader stuff.
Bob :asian:
If theres enough demand for it, we're happy to add it. I think we had one a while back, but it didn't see any traffic so we rolled it into the General forum. If we can get 10 folks to say 'lets add a MMA/UFC forum to MartialTalk' I'll make sure it gets done. Hows that? :)
There is a demand Its not just grappling its also striking.
Originally posted by Judo-kid

There is a demand Its not just grappling its also striking.

I understand. Given the level of traffic in Grappling, and the fact that grappling is usually a part of the mixture, I still feel this is a good way to demonstarte sufficient interest in the subject.
Would be about diffrent crosstraining tips for diffrent styles of martial art. Like if a tkd guy wanted to know what would be a good idea of cross training he could post there or if someone wanted to conpare styles of cross training there is a bunch of diffrent reasons we need this new form THANKS JUDO kid.
So, post a poll and see what the responce is. A few other ways to go is to point out other threads that dealt with MMA. This gives us something to base and evaluate the request on. :)

Perhaps someone running the web site can make a poll besides my spelling/grammer i am working on so i think you might be better suited to make the poll with the right questions.
YOUR FRIEND judo-kid