playing around


Purple Belt
Oct 13, 2002
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Do any of you have friends who are not into martial arts who think it's fun to sneak up behind you and grab you or yell? i have this problem at work and I find it annoying. I take karate seriously and they think it's a game. Whenever my boss sees me he covers his groin like I'm going to kick him or something. when they first started this I thought ok let them have their fun but it's almost an everyday thing. Am I being too sensitive or what?


MTS Alumni
Mar 17, 2002
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N.C. Ohio
Unfortunately your going to encounter this anywhere you go that people know you do the martial arts. I've made it a point to not talk about my training to just anybody. People seem to think you become like super human or something or you can beat anyone up. That just isn't the case. My wife always complains about the only friends I have are the so called "karate buddies". In my life karate buddies seem to be the most genuine. The serious students/instructors understand there's much more out there than what they know. This is why I usually associate with karate buddies only if that makes any sense to you.


I actually don't get the same thing at work. A joke here & there but everyone seems to take it in stride. If they acted the same way your crew do that would get old really fast.

I do notice people don't want to piss me off, but I do have a temper in general, and I will say to a person's face what I think. I think most people don't know how to deal with that.

My husband had a buddy who snuck on him and grabbed his neck from behind. He pulled him over his shoulder to the floor. That was the end of all joking around.


MTS Alumni
Mar 17, 2002
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N.C. Ohio
Originally posted by Jill666
My husband had a buddy who snuck on him and grabbed his neck from behind. He pulled him over his shoulder to the floor. That was the end of all joking around.

Cool! Good for him.


Hehehe my borther did something along that line to me. I was doing a little shopping at the grocery store and my brother happened to be there at the same time. He thought it would be funny to run up behind me and grab me. I did not realise it was my brother untill he was on the ground un front of me with some cracked ribs.

Despair Bear


I have friends that act this way too. It's all in fun. I figure it's
what I get for making them listen to me when I go on and on and
on and on and on about kenpo.


Founding Member
Oct 29, 2001
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Kennewick, WA
Whenever my boss sees me he covers his groin like I'm going to kick him or something.

Do what I do, when he covers his groin, pop him in the nose. Teach him right for keeping his gaurd low. :)



MTS Alumni
Mar 17, 2002
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N.C. Ohio
Originally posted by Blindside
Do what I do, when he covers his groin, pop him in the nose. Teach him right for keeping his gaurd low. :)


I like it.:D


The kind of immature behavior you encounter is pretty common...When it happens to me, I make jokes of it. For instance, when your boss covers his groin, ask him if he's got a bug problem.....

A few quick "comebacks" like that and it'll fizzle out.


Purple Belt
Jan 16, 2002
Reaction score
London, ON, Canada
If it actually come to pushes and grabs, take the chance to practise your restraining without hurting self defenses.

In our system the first 16 techniques you learn are 'party' karate that will restrain an opponent w/o causing them harm (unless you have to of course).



Master of Arts
Aug 27, 2002
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Los Angeles suburbs, Cali. USA
I can see it becoming old quickly and very annoying having jokesters constantly running up behind you and playing these dumbass games. Fortunately for me people haven't done this to me since I was in school years ago. If someone did do this I would set them straight right away by requesting that they stop with the sneaking up behind me. :angry::flammad:
Have you tried just telling them straight out seriously to cut the crap?

And, I also take jfarnsworth's approach, in that I make it a point not talk about the fact that I train in the Martial Arts to just anybody. I guess it works pretty well because I'm not having to always deal with knuckleheads who feel a need to challenge me or play idiotic games.... :shrug:

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Oct 13, 2001
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Two Quick Stories,

The first I was working in an office building as an engineer. I was between a support pillar and a cube wall, we had some cables for test equipment on the floor. This guy jumped at me and shoved. I stepped back a couple of inches to gain balance and slipped on a cable. I went down. Everyone was surprised including the guy who had made the shove. He asked what Happened???

I replied, I had three options, Go down and take you with me as the pillow. You get hurt. Take you down with me and I might get hurt. Or just fall and break fall and no one gets hurt. His reply was you actually made that choice in that short of time? I said Yes I did, so as to avoid hurting others. No one ever bothered with the fakes again.

Previous to working as an Engineer, I was a Manager / Bouncer of an Arcade / Go kart Park. I was refilling the coin machines. I had four bags, each bag had $500.00 dollars in quarter in them. Right before I set them down. I was carrying them up and over my shoulders. Well, this guys steps up behind me and sticks a nice round object in my back and says Hand up Drop the bags. I did exactly what he asked. Well two of the bags hit the floor, the other two hit is ankle. He was screaming like a banshee before I could turn around and see what had happened. I called an ambulance and the police. I probably would have avoided the police, yet he was screaming I had done it on purpose and he was going to press charges. I pressed Charges instead. The officer followed him to the hospital and took him into custody after his leg was put into a cast. Since I believed it to be a gun and the value was $2,000.00 it was a felony charge with a weapon. The DA asked what I truly wanted. I told him I wanted him not to press charges against me and not to take me to civil court. The DA got him to sign off, and I drop the charges.

Moral of the Story

It is when people are screwing around that people get hurt.

You could take the advise previously given which good advise, or you could consider asking them to stop. By explaining to them that the flinches might get a reaction out of you. Just a thought.

One of the things I tell all new students is not to tell anyone they are training. Their friends and family will know but not at work or at the bar, etc.,..., .

Good Luck



I had a guy ask me if I could break a board...I told him I don't know, but I could break his arm. Then he asked me if I could break a brick...again i told him I don't know, but I could break his knee. He just chuckled and quit asking me questions about it.
I like the part about Making fun of them when they over act with the "covering of the groin" and such...either make a joke about it, or show them that it isn't smart to have both hands in the same place at the same time by popping them elswhere.
It can be great fun making fun of people trying to make fun of you. Have fun with it! :D


MTS Alumni
Mar 17, 2002
Reaction score
N.C. Ohio
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
One of the things I tell all new students is not to tell anyone they are training. Their friends and family will know but not at work or at the bar, etc.,..., .

I vote for this approach. ;)


Its best not to tell your co-workers that you do the martial arts for all sorts of obvious reasons. You can just spring into action out of the clear blue and suprize them... WUTAH.


yeah my freinds like to sneak up behind me, it always get s a reaction, but I have almost hit them a few times.. actualy two of the people who do that take MA classes with me.. It's all in good fun though.. my non-MA freinds stopped though because I'm pritty jumpy as it is and I tend to pick things up and throw em or swing em on instinct :p


Yeah, those people can be a bitc* sometimes. Even when they don't know you're into martial arts, LOL! I've had an occasion where I got into an argument, and out of the blue the other guy decides to push me. I flew back a few feet standing on my feet, but because of my training, the second I recovered, I was going to attack him (this is actually trained as a reflex where I train).. I stopped it in half a second, but he saw it.. he never tried to push me again, hehe :)

Mike Clarke

Many years ago my sister called by my home, knocked on my front door and hid to one side. When I opened it she jumped out at me shouting "BOO".
My palm heel to her chin did the rest, and it took a while to bring her back around. Lucky she hit the grass on the lawn and not the driveway.
I knew then I was begining to get the hang of this karate stuff I'd been doing. She's never hid again and I've never over reacted so quickly since.
As for folks making jokes. I NEVER tell people I train in karate.



Brown Belt
MTS Alumni
Nov 15, 2002
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Sacramento, California, USA
I've always had that problem. I also do a lot of close contact heavy and light sparring, empty hand and in Eskrima. When I was a bouncer, nobody asked any questions of course. But in my other jobs that I've had (lifeguard, bartender, office clerk, journalist, computer programmer) I often had to explain why I had bloody knuckles, black eyes, or large bruises. So there was no way to hide doing MA without looking like I was into S&M or creeping people out. Of course my coworkers always had some jokes or feints or just out right attacks. I used to handle them by addressing their moves and talking or by fighting. Nothing really serious came out of it, but I tended to change jobs after a while mostly because of workplace wanderlust, but sometimes partly because I was tired of that stuff.

I asked Master Wally Jay about that problem at a seminar of his back in 1996. And he gave me some good advice about what worked for him. To most people feeling pain is serious. The MA are not a joke. If you associate the MA with pain, then the person will be less likely to joke. He explained a little about how to avoid bruising someone, and then proceeded to demonstrate a few techniques on me. I did a little research in my own training and found some pressure points and painful but non-damaging finger locks that cause a lot of pain in most people. There are a lot of tricks that you can do on grabs and such that will cause people a lot of pain and they'll never bug you again, unless they are seriously interested in training.

I think this is a much better way to go than threatening people or fighting with them. I only use the points or locks that when applied on me, make me weak in the knees or see flashes of white. Everyonce in a while you'll come across a person who is resistant to pressure points or too flexible for the lock to work without hurting them. In those instances I've had to affect their balance and that worked fine too. The main thing is that you have to be willing to inflict a little benign pain in order for this method to work. It does for me.


My biggest problem is that my girlfriend always pumps up my mates to try to do stuff to me - bloody saddist she is.
I only let my close friends know that I'm into MA and it tends to keep things a bit easier to deal with.
