Originally posted by Rainman
I vote for fighting ability and teaching ability.
When I was coming up through the ranks there
were two other guys either right behind me in rank
or the same rank when they caught up to me
in the Brown levels. One was younger and under
18 and had no problems defering any pecking order
to the older students of the same rank.
Now comes me and the other guy who was a year
younger. He had a killer attitude, Marine DI,
and at Brown II the Head Instructor named him the
'Senior Student' - even with the previous
statement of if same rank then defer to time
and if time in the art is close defer to age.
Now, I had no problem with this being his elder
by 10 months, or being in the art longer by 3
months. The problem occurred with the other
colored belts. They all thought I had been
slighted somehow. In their Eyes I was the better
teacher, yet the other guys had more fights
under his belt and was considered the better
I ended the problems real quick by telling
everyone, first I do not mind nor do I find issue.
Second, the Head Instructor wants HIM in charge
for his DI attitude. Even with him in charge,
I was always there, took the attendance collected
dues, etc., ..., I was able to assist him if
the head instructor was off the mats for any
So, I guess the Top ranked instructor is in charge
and then from there it is based on rank, and
within rank it is either settle amongst the ranks
or by the head instructor by his/her desires.
just my thoughts