


What kind of pads does everyone use? I use Kempo gloves, shin instep guards and macho kicks, chops, and headgear upon occaison. I've learned to use different types for different skill levels- thinner dipped stuff for brown and under so I can feel the impact.

I EXCLUSIVELY use Johnson & Johnson brand first aid products:rofl:

Old Century Blue stuff

Century "Instructor" gloves

Brine L-33 Lacrosse Gloves combined with "Lg. Youth" hard plastic lined shin guards for forearm protection.
Macho gear is the only material I've had hold up over the years. I also have a pair of Jhoon Rhee master kicks in which I really like how they hold up.
I have century too....more because of price as apposed to function, alot of tourneys dont allow "kenpo gloves" anymore
Originally posted by Goldendragon7


We're not talking about your fearless attitude!

I like Century "C" gear myself.:boxing:
I use Fist foot and shin pads, modified JKD gloves (my gorilla gloves) and a Macho cup. :eek:

Originally posted by Seig

Then he's wearing it in the wrong place.:rofl:

It's time for my "Mass Attack", I'm getting double teamed by the Seig, and the Dragon!:biggun:
I use Century because they have them at ACADEMY, and if you tear them, no biggie, just go buy another set because they are inexpensive. Also, when sparring with friends, not in tournaments, I like to wear a pair of hockey gloves, they give you alot more mobility in your hands to grab with, they are leather, and the smell after you get them broken in gives you an edge. :eek:

Being that I am on the large side, despite losing a bunch of weight, finding a jock that is bearable is impossible. I tool a pair of those boxer/brief scivies and sewed in the cup holder and *** straps. It works like a charm.
Originally posted by Rainman

What kind of pads does everyone use? I use Kempo gloves, shin instep guards and macho kicks, chops, and headgear upon occaison. I've learned to use different types for different skill levels- thinner dipped stuff for brown and under so I can feel the impact.


Cheap, unbranded shin guards, the ones that look like surgical stockings with a bit of foam at the front, and a cricket box.

That's it apart from the rare occasions when the sparring gets serious, then I shove some Hyashi mits and boots on.

I'm trying to get my hands on a pair of these leather bag/sparring mitts cos you can actually parry and stuff in those, unlike clumsy gloves, but I haven't managed it yet.

We only really have one martial arts shop in Leeds ad it's quite small, not a great range of stock.

(Hehe, last time I went in he'd got a wooden dummy in in the corner, I started to move towards it, about to give it my best Bruce Lee impression, but I got glared at so I sneaked away from it! I think he was sick of people playing but not buying!)

hehe...I can't afford my own gear, so I scrounge up whatever my instructor has in the studio.
I think Macho, hands & feet for tournaments.

I've started using a head gear with a little more has cheek guards.

I've weened myself off of the shin guards with conditioning.

In addition the other pads I use are focus mitts, a kicking shield, 2 wave masters, a pair of thai pads, a thai heavy bag and a training dummy I created...

It actually looks a little different now, but you get the idea...

It depends on what were doing. Boxing Gloves for bag work or boxing. Kempo gloves for sparring in kempo class and NHB gloves for grappling class. Wrestling shoes for all. Wear cage helmet for stick fighting.

Bob Thomas :D
Originally posted by jbkenpo

I think Macho, hands & feet for tournaments.

I've started using a head gear with a little more has cheek guards.

I've weened myself off of the shin guards with conditioning.

In addition the other pads I use are focus mitts, a kicking shield, 2 wave masters, a pair of thai pads, a thai heavy bag and a training dummy I created...

It actually looks a little different now, but you get the idea...


Interesting dummy what are its funtions? My shins are conditioned well enough for most, However one guy in our class has shins like steel and they are pointed. The 1/2 inch padding just allows you to keep your flesh intact- we both lose some flesh on impact. He's a little younger and heals faster so I cheat now.

Originally posted by Rainman

Interesting dummy what are its funtions?

Visual point of reference
Lets me feel resistance against the strike or block
Lets me work with a partner that is always there
The "leg" which moves lets me work on leg disruptions
Allows me to not have to ask my wife to throw a right punch:rofl:


Kewl Mook Jong!

I have a vertical Tire Dummy (naturally with the handle/nickname), and a Century "BOB" for practicing all those nasty things WE DON'T want to do on each other with any power.

I'd guess before long Sieg & Tessmania will have a Tire Dummy too (he just does not KNOW IT yet............) :D
Originally posted by Stick Dummy

I'd guess before long Sieg & Tessmania will have a Tire Dummy too (he just does not KNOW IT yet............) :D [/B]

Ohhh let's see.. Seig's bday was yesterday.. he didn't come home with any Tire Dummy this morning Pete.. hahaa.. does this mean maybe you're going to be a regular at the school ?? *Grins hopefully..

Tessmania .. hahaaa gotta love it ~!

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