Open Hand techniques are just plain silly...

Great post Kenpotex,

I have trained with police and watched them being asaulted by someone with a knife. I could cut you up and leave you for dead, within 50 feet, before you could get your gun drawn and fire!

Yes, and the video "Surviving Edged Weapons" comes to mind. Amazing how quick distance can be closed.

The statistics show of women attacked 0 are raped when the women are armed.

Of course, like it was was above, its all dependant on if and how quick the weapon can be drawn. Having a weapon in a purse isn't going to do any good during the middle of an attack. Now, if its already out..well, thats different.

On the other side of the coin is that people owning guns are unstable and domestic violence of these gun owners is drastically up.

Hmm...not sure how to read this. Are you saying that anyone who owns a gun is a nut? I won't comment on the last part until I was to see some stats, but I suppose anything is possible.
DArnold said:
On the other side of the coin is that people owning guns are unstable and domestic violence of these gun owners is drastically up.
Hmm...not sure how to read this. Are you saying that anyone who owns a gun is a nut? I won't comment on the last part until I was to see some stats, but I suppose anything is possible.

I too would like to see some concrete evidence to back up these comments.
People have differing philosophies. I don't believe in gun control, I believe in self-control. Unfortunately, my faith in other people's self-control is rather jaded. The last thing you want to do is arm someone who lets their emotions get the better of them. I think most gun owners are responsible and want to protect their rights but there are too many other factors. #1 profits for the gun companies. #2 in regards to #1 they don't want tighter restrictions and background checks. That means less guns if you don't let the irresponsible people have them which means less profits for them. The coorporations run america and it is unlikely that they will see more precise and effective control if it will cost them profits (and kickbacks for certain supporters) My attitude could be summed up as yay for the ATF and boo to the NRA. Though the NRA has many respectable members the association as a whole has really begun to seem like religeous fundamentalists society who only preach the second amendment. Every state is different and it's really tough to tell who really doesn't exercise enough control to own a gun. If nobody had one, nobody would need one but that's not the case. Some guy will always call the rest suckers and take advantage. Canada does seem to do better in ratio of population:gun crimes but whether this is because of our tight regulations or some kind of national attitude, I couldn't tell ya.
Hello, If you check those states that allows carrying of guns? will find crimes are different in those states (alot of times fewer violent ones too)

It is people who commit the crimes NOT guns....

Look at all those who are release early and on parole? ...our criminals do not spend much time in JAIL...70% of crimes are from repeat offenders (FACT)!

It is our system of justice to BLAME. NO one really spends their full time in jail (so many are release early!)

Want to lower crime? ...death sentence that is carry out in 90 days, NO parole boards or more strict regulations, people MUST serve their full term.
Rapist/child predators are NEVER cure...and should NEVER be release for life!

IT now cost over $34,000 keep one criminal in jail for a year...they get housing,medical,food,clothes,laundry done, TV,libraries,radios,play ground, basket ball courts,weight lifting machines, and sometimes a job.

Aloha ( Hawaii has it share of problems too!)
If a person had a gun and was in front of me (within arms length) I would not hesitate to disarm him. But as in most things, different situations require different things. If the attacker is looking around all nervous then taking the weapon would be easier to do. This person probably doesn't want to shoot you, but the stressed out person is more likely to pull the trigger, so you might want to change tactics. You can tell if the person is going to shoot anyway, I'll trust my training and do what I have to.
People have differing philosophies. I don't believe in gun control, I believe in self-control. Unfortunately, my faith in other people's self-control is rather jaded. The last thing you want to do is arm someone who lets their emotions get the better of them. I think most gun owners are responsible and want to protect their rights but there are too many other factors. #1 profits for the gun companies. #2 in regards to #1 they don't want tighter restrictions and background checks. That means less guns if you don't let the irresponsible people have them which means less profits for them. The coorporations run america and it is unlikely that they will see more precise and effective control if it will cost them profits (and kickbacks for certain supporters) My attitude could be summed up as yay for the ATF and boo to the NRA. Though the NRA has many respectable members the association as a whole has really begun to seem like religeous fundamentalists society who only preach the second amendment. Every state is different and it's really tough to tell who really doesn't exercise enough control to own a gun. If nobody had one, nobody would need one but that's not the case. Some guy will always call the rest suckers and take advantage. Canada does seem to do better in ratio of population:gun crimes but whether this is because of our tight regulations or some kind of national attitude, I couldn't tell ya.
Someone's been drinking the Brady Bunch kool-aid by the GALLON!