One wrist can't withstand palm strikes

Caged Fury

White Belt
Dec 21, 2022
Reaction score
Hi there dudes and dudettes. Forgive me if this has been posted before.
I've just today started to get back into my training and was testing myself on a pad against a wall, jast seeing how much conditioning I still have as far as hard knuckles/bones go and gauging how hard I can hit such a solid target without hurting myself.
Starting light and seeing how far I could go, it was all good and I was pleasantly surprised. Until I remembered how cool palm strikes are. Alternating right and left, it took next or nothing to tweak my right wrist, which I injured many years ago upon hearing a good friend had just passed away, by punching through a pine cupboard like a dumbass with my forearm and fist not correctly aligned causing my wrist to fold in half and point at the ceiling. It hurt immediately but not severely and as I was not at all physically active back then it seemed to heal pretty fast. Left hand palm strikes are still solid, I can shake the walls with them to pleasantly surprising degree.
So all this considered I think we can rule out poor technique. All my strikes are still ok enough that my elbows and muscles hit their current limit before my wrists do. The memory is still there.
What I'm looking for is knowledge and advice as to what might be wrong with my right wrist and how I might fix that if possible.
I never sought professional medical help when I mashed it into that cupboard. And though I have been reminded now and then that it's not 100% it has never seemed to be a real problem until now. This is the first time I've done any martial arts type stuff once the injury.
And just to be clear, I am not stupid with this kind of thing anymore. I was to be, as a teenager new to martial arts, long before I had that injury. This time round I did not push myself too hard or hit the bare wall or anything like that. I took it very sensibly just to get an idea of how tough my fists still are, how much technique is still present/automatic, how hard I may still be able to hit, and how much speed I may still possess from various stances and with basic footwork. Basically messing around and reacquainting my toes with the water.

There's definitely something wrong with that wrist and I'm looking for advice on things to try. If I can safely pin point and correct the problem on my own that would be great. If I must just fork out and see a good physio I'll do so.
Just hoping someone here has the knowledge and experience to help with sound advice, whatever it may be.

And yea I know it was f**kn stupid to not go to a professional after my scrap with the cupboard. But I punched a cupboard. Clearly I was not particularly wise and mature in my college years.


Nov 14, 2013
Reaction score
Did you hyper-extend the wrist on impact, or was it the impact of the wrist itself that hurt you? If the former, I recommend seeing a doctor about your wrist. If the later, I recommend seeing a doctor about your wrist.

It's generally frowned upon in online communities to ask for medical advice, including this one. This is because the vast majority of us have no medical experience and would likely give you bad advice, and those that do have medical experience will likely avoid making any diagnoses without doing a proper checkup in a place where they are protected from lawsuits should their diagnosis be incorrect.

Personally, what I find curious is that your problem is with palm strikes, because those are generally safer for the user than punches, especially if your hands aren't wrapped and/or gloved.


MT Mentor
Oct 20, 2007
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Phoenix, AZ
And yea I know it was f**kn stupid to not go to a professional after my scrap with the cupboard. But I punched a cupboard. Clearly I was not particularly wise and mature in my college years.
You know, if you think there is something seriously wrong with your wrist, you have a choice: Either go to the best orthopedic specialist you can find and get it properly checked out....

...or ask us, that is, some random guys on the internet! ;)

BTW if you choose the second option, you may not be a lot smarter than you were in your college years. :D

But seriously dude, get it checked out.

Caged Fury

White Belt
Dec 21, 2022
Reaction score
Thanks for your replies. I get what's been said and I see your perspective. My thinking was that maybe someone here had learned about this along the way and would not give me a diagnosis exactly but some sort of advice that had helped them. I knew it was a long shot and not the best way to go about this but it was late at night and I just wanted to try something.
With the way it feels today I'm waiting for my physiotherapist to open so I can phone and see if she says to see her or someone else.

Monkey Turned Wolf

MT Moderator
Staff member
Jan 4, 2012
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New York
Thanks for your replies. I get what's been said and I see your perspective. My thinking was that maybe someone here had learned about this along the way and would not give me a diagnosis exactly but some sort of advice that had helped them. I knew it was a long shot and not the best way to go about this but it was late at night and I just wanted to try something.
With the way it feels today I'm waiting for my physiotherapist to open so I can phone and see if she says to see her or someone else.
A couple of us probably have-I've felt something similar in the past. But with so many different causes advice that helped me may not help you.

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