Not allowed to defend yourself, not allowed to curse either....


MT Mentor
Apr 23, 2003
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This is just plain amazing. In a country that does not allow self-defense, they will not allow those who (want to defend) to get angry and curse.

This is from a news website in the United Kingdom.

Mother fined for swearing at gang of trouble-makers
By Jasper Copping
(Filed: 10/09/2006)

A mother of two has been fined for swearing at yobs who terrorised her neighbourhood.

See the rest of the article in the link below:

- Ceicei
The part that really annoys me (although the entire article falls under annoying me) is that she had repeatedly attempted to get the police to do their job in controlling the teens in the first place; therefore, I think her local officer ought to pay the fine, for failing to do his job... with an equal emount kicked in by the parents of each of the out-of-control teens - although that, of course, brings us back to requiring the police to do their job.

This appears to be yet another example of the law-abiding (who are generally easier to find than the non-law-abiding) paying the penalty while the non-law-abiding get away with their actions. I find the entire concept deplorable.
Doesn't surprise me. The UK seems intent on totally disarming it's citizens. Course, the US has similar tendencies. I was told once while working retail that if a customer struck me, I would be fired for 'fighting'. It's a mad world.
Sergeant Neil Haley, from West Yorkshire police, defended the force's actions. He said: "We appreciate that anti-social behaviour can be frustrating for people but they should not take the law into their own hands."
How the hell is this taking the law into your own hands when you're giving like treatment to the ones giving you the same?

James Leahy, 54, a civil servant from Rutherglen, Glasgow, whose flowerbeds were regularly trampled by school pupils using his garden as a shortcut, was fined £500 for assault this month after he grabbed two teenage girls by the hair and threatened to take them to a police station.
Ok in one sense this could be termed as assault unless they were physically threatening him first. At least in this country.

But it's not the first time that these "yobs" have had the law on their side...
Linda Walker, 48, of Urmston, Greater Manchester, last year served five weeks in jail and lost her job as a special needs teacher after she fired an airgun at the feet of a vandal who had plagued her home for months.;jsessionid=HRKBJ2WXYD0KJQFIQMFCFGGAVCBQYIV0?xml=/news/2005/05/08/nwalk08.xml

Again fault has to lie with the parents of these so called "yobs" who apparently have no disicpline at home to manage themselves outside the home and feel that they're able to do whatever they want. The law will support their behavior if someone complains. So how far is this going to go. Time will tell, but it ain't gonna get better.

What will happen here in the states? Will the law side with juvenile deliquents instead of the adult home-owner(?). Will the law side with the kids that may be bodily thrown out by a home owner when they enter an open garage and start pilifering through it? Will the law (here) start ignoring complaints about unruly kids?
A few days ago I called the police on a group of teenagers who were flying up and down a residental street on (LOUD) ATV's repeatedly (sans helmets) and trying to do wheelies and other stupid stuff. Within 10 minutes two patrol cars came cruising by looking for said kids. I was at least relieved to see those guys doing the job that the tax dollars are paying them for; checking out a complaint against annoying and potentially dangerous behavior.

But as I said it starts in the home, by example.
as the world goes crazier the laws protect the guilty and law breakers more.

Why could not the british citizens collectively rise up to protest the decisions/laws made by the parliament, especially in areas of self-defense?

- Ceicei
Why could not the british citizens collectively rise up to protest the decisions/laws made by the parliament, especially in areas of self-defense?

- Ceicei
I'm sure they'd be thrown in jail for disturbing the peace.

My friends wife was struck by a truck in the crosswalk last week. She was able to push herself off the truck and shove her baby carrage out of the way. The impact sprained both of her wrists. She was charged with disorderly conduct for yelling at the driver after he hit her. The driver was not charged with anything.
My friends wife was struck by a truck in the crosswalk last week. She was able to push herself off the truck and shove her baby carrage out of the way. The impact sprained both of her wrists. She was charged with disorderly conduct for yelling at the driver after he hit her. The driver was not charged with anything.

All right, so has anyone with experiences like these located each other, documented their cases and gotten organized and stormed the court system with the demand for common sense to prevail or not?
My friends wife was struck by a truck in the crosswalk last week. She was able to push herself off the truck and shove her baby carrage out of the way. The impact sprained both of her wrists. She was charged with disorderly conduct for yelling at the driver after he hit her. The driver was not charged with anything.

You have GOT to be kidding me.

I'm with Andy Moynihan on this one
My friends wife was struck by a truck in the crosswalk last week. She was able to push herself off the truck and shove her baby carrage out of the way. The impact sprained both of her wrists. She was charged with disorderly conduct for yelling at the driver after he hit her. The driver was not charged with anything.
The would be charging me with assault and/or manslaughter if someone hit me.
Some individuals are more interested in playing up to the "feel good" crowd, and want to pad their stats in any way possible, without having to do much work. This is why they'll go after the easy targets that they know won't cause any fracass to them. They're going after the wrong people, of course, but they'll do anything to make themselves look good, while avoiding the real problem in a cowardly manner.

While this example was in the UK, things like this do happen in the US as well. For example, if we look at the "zero tolerance" policies that were enacted in various schools, we can see a multitude of instances that can only make us raise an eyebrow, wondering what the heck is going on.

One such example is a "zero tolerance on drugs" policy, where students who are caught with a single Advil or Aleve tablet, are put through a witch hunt, suspended, or even expelled, for violating the drug policies. At the same time, the real drug pushers, such as the gangbangers, are left alone, since a politically correct school system doesn't want to "target" minorities. Either that, or (more precisely) they lack the intestinal fortitude to do the right thing. Still, the school board can then say "Oh yeah, we busted yet another violator of the drug-free policy!"

The same thing applies to the weapons policies, where children have been kicked out of school for having those tiny plastic sword toothpicks that hold sandwiches together, or when a parent had packed a plastic knife in the lunch box so that the child could spread peanut butter on bread. At the same time, gangbangers who have ice picks, switchblades, and yes, even firearms, are blissfully ignored.

The civilized world needs to wake up and smell the coffee. Stop targeting the wrong people, and go after the truly bad elements of society instead.
OMG just pathetic. What happened to freedom of speech ha?? Geese.

But I do have to say, I support america 100%, but I think we are turning the same way. With all the political correctness. You cant say this, you cant do that. Heaven forbid if you look at someone sideways you might go to jail.
The laws have become where they favor the criminals instead of the victims. That is just wrong. I have been trying to figure out ways to help in the fight, but I dont seem to be getting much support in the areas I look. Everyone seems to be so passive. I mean come one, when did people stop standing up for themselves and for others??

I dont think people should be rude or say mean things, but you should be able to say what you want you know. I mean they wont even mention on the news down here in GA if the criminal was black or not because it would be racist but they will say if it was a white male. COME ON. Thats not the only example

If a mother kills someone to protect her child she goes to jail. WTF!!!

Something needs to be done. Im trying to figure something out before the nation goes to pot. So any ideas???
This is pretty usual for total and utter incompetence to be rife and prevalent. This country is such a ridiculous place to live, my family is emigrating. Long gone are the days of "Great" Britain. *Plays Rule Britannia" in the background*, here are the days of unelected quangos UK, or touchy feeley nicey UK, with plenty of support for the perpetrators of crime, cos, let's face it, they're poor little mites who only commited those crimes because they weren't pampered when they were kids blah blah blah. I'm sick of the excuses. I'm sick of the wrong people being helped, I'm sick of weak willed politicians. I want the scum of the streets to be held accountable, and living in an incredibly dubious area myself, I don't think they are.
Suggestion to help:

Someone could go around and get a petition signed for a bill that is in the making or for just a statement that you all want.

Kinda like this...(just an example and thrown together..LOL)

We would like the laws regarding ciminal punishments and proceedings to be revised to support those that are defending themselves, loved ones or the innocent.

*then have it signed by at least 100 people in your district or county, or whatever you call it*

that is just an example you know. Not sure about the laws in the U.K. so you all would have to do that route, but just and Idea.

Also starting a Yahoo group or making a web site to inform people of such laws and occurences would be good too. Then that way you could get a "following" for the Idea of freedom and better laws to protect the right and innocent.

Ok, so my question still stands, is anyone there geting organized about this or not? if not, why not?

To be honest, I've not even heard it on the main news channels here. Not on the radio, nor the BBC, or even ITV. Examples like this happen all the time, so I guess nothing's done in the organised sense. People complain in the press in general cases, and I daresay some may lobby Parliament, but whether or not there's a determined campaign in this specific case, I've no idea.
Unchecked liberalism, coming soon to America.

How about unchecked conservativism, already arrived?

Below is a reference to a man who was charged with cursing in public. I'm happy to report his conviction was eventually thrown out of court.

The law having to do with it was over a hundred years old and was a result of the Victorian impulse, which was hardly "liberal".

Free speech as conceived by Jefferson and his ilk is classic liberalism.

Granted, there are liberals today who abuse this notion. I'll be the first to spank them when I catch them pulling such crap.

