newbie been out of a bit


Yellow Belt
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
SE Missouri
Grettings to all! I logged in for the first time quite a while back but have been least since December. Thought I would fill you all in.

My Mother was a victom of breast cancer. During her recovery/chemo therapy she experienced a double stroke due to arterial blockage. Obviously, that took me away from this formum. The reconstructive surgery on one of her arteries nearly took her life but by the grace of God she has made her way back to her home and is doing outstanding. I now have a new perspective as to the true meaning of Indomitable Spirit! I now realize what it is to FIGHT.

My TKD training, while often interrupted, has been my sanity through this whole ordeal. In class I can focus on something other than personal problems. I am starting to realize a different side to the martial arts but an mot quite sure as to how I can explain it. TKD is not a series of techniques and training practices. It is an extension to your life.

Now, my training schedule is slowly getting back to normal and with that I have a new found dedication to my persuit of the martial arts. I don't know where this thread is heading other than reaching out to others whom share a passion that may or may not be going through adversity. (pardon my terrible spelling).

I look forward to catching up with this forum again. I would like to thank whom ever sent me the reminders via email that I was missed here and assure you that in the near future I will be attentive to the threads on MT.

I wish everyone well and look forward to all the future conversations / "debates" about the arts we love so much.

In the mean time...keep pushing!

Sabo sorry to hear about all your personal life tragedy, have faith and everything will work out in the long run. As far as TKD goes we all share the same passion for the Art we love. Remember we have a meet and greet section so the whole board can welcome you, Best of luck in your journey for enlightment.
terryl965: Thanks from the bottom of my heart. I am aware of the other area but the majority of the people on MT that I know frequent this area. Sorry if i miss-placed the thread. On top of all, my area of living has experienced an ice storm recently and I have been displaced from my home for over 11 days now. I suppose I am sort of lost. I was just hoping to reach out to the few people that I do know. is a good thing that southeast Missouri is flat. If there were a cliff...I believe I would find it and JUMP! <just kidding> ''nough of the sob story! We will perserviere (sorry again for bad spelling...Dad doesn't have spell check!)

Thanks again, sir.

No worries Sabo, like you said it seems everything always hits at once, but remember God only gives us what we can handle. Hand in here and things will turn around for you.
Good luck and best wishes to you Sabo.

I'm glad that your TKD training has provided you with an outlet and with 'comfort' (not quite the word I'm looking for but I hope you get my meaning!) through this difficult time in your life.
thanks to you both for your generous replies.

Thanks for sharing you ordeal and the positive outcome. I am glad your mom is doing well, and also thank God you were able to have the time to focus on training to keep your sanity.
Welcome Back..We should all have the fighting spirit you Mom has shown..She reminds us to keep fighting and pressing ever forward..The best of luck with your training and of the continued improvement in Mom's health...
I sit here wondering how rough it must have for you and how we take for granted the things we have.

I also feel inspired by you and your mothers strength through all this you have made me realize what we all have and and what we could loose in a single moment

Live for now and deal with tomorrow when it comes....

Welcome back

Welcome back Sabo. It is good to see that things are looking up for you after such a difficult time. Your mum sounds like a real fighter and is an insipiration to us all. I think it's wonderful that you found strength in TKD to get you through this. Looks like martial arts is powerful in more ways than one.

Good Luck:)
Welcome back Sabo! Sorry to hear about your turmoil and my pryers are with you and your family! But really glad you have a outlet like TKD and MT. I am new here but hope to find similar satisfaction here at MT and with TKD.
Welcome back to MT! Am glad to learn that your mother is doing better. In times of great stress, we tend to review and contemplate everything about our lives. It is good that TKD is a part of your life which gives you comfort and a release.