New Song from the Guild

Lindsey Stirling and Sarah Michelle are very talented musicians, female or otherwise. Been a fan of each for a while.

The Guild ...what can you say about those guys? They've taken the foibles of many of the MMO players and made them cool :) Now they are taking geek to hero. They are awsome!
I know this is a bit of a 'guy' comment but I don't recall girls looking this good when I was fifteen!

And one last one for now (too too many of these popping up on YouTube to link them all)


I love the contrast between how this lass looks (ready for Sunday School) and her playing Metallica :D I must confess I do harbour a suspicion that she's miming - it's a little too synched in tone with the record.
One for both me, because of Miss Sterling, and Carol and Jenna because of the rapper spoiling the music :D

A nice of example of persistence paying off for this young guitarist. She's been posting her stuff up on the web for years, since she was early teens I think. Finally she gets to put one of her compositions out there, compete with a decent quality video:


For some reason she is getting a lot of negative comments - as I've said previously, YouTube makes me sad some days when that happens i.e. when people are nasty for no good reason.