Naked Karate Fight?

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score

He is accused of walking out of his home, completely naked. He walked up to Dennis Hucks, Gary Kerns and Andrea Orndorff, according to state police. He told the men he knew karate, and asked if they wanted to fight.
According to police, Jones said he knew leaving the house naked was illegal, but he was a "serious martial artist."
I guess my answer to a bare naked man asking me if I wanted to fight would be ...
I've found that when I do karate naked my balance is all off. I think it's because I am used to be clothed and I unconsciously compensate for my clothes shifting while I move. When I'm naked, they aren't there, and they aren't shifting, but I'm still compensating, and I think that's why my balance is off.

Maybe we should spend more time doing karate naked in the studio to overcome this obstacle to true mastery. I mean, we are serious martial artists, aren't we?

I choose to do my 'naked karate' (TM) sparring with Elle McPherson :lol:.
You know, I've been thinking about it, and I think nude fu might have real application as a self-defense technique. Imagine this - you're approached by a mugger who demands your wallet. You respond by tearing off your clothes (part of the training would be to get out of them quickly) and offer to fight him naked.

My nude fu is powerful - everyone but my wife will be puking and heading for the door.
You know, I've been thinking about it, and I think nude fu might have real application as a self-defense technique. Imagine this - you're approached by a mugger who demands your wallet. You respond by tearing off your clothes (part of the training would be to get out of them quickly) and offer to fight him naked.

My nude fu is powerful - everyone but my wife will be puking and heading for the door.

You might kick my ***.

But you're gonna have to kick my *** with my junk hanging out.

I like to wrestle too.

Wait till I get you on the ground.

You might kick my ***.

But you're gonna have to kick my *** with my junk hanging out.

I like to wrestle too.

Wait till I get you on the ground.


Well, that the hell. I haven't even seen my junk in years. I assume it's all still there.
The more posts in this thread that I read, the harder I laughed. :D
Our American friends use "Junk" to refer to what we English speakers would call "Tackle", "Bits", "Meat and two veg" et al.
Attention: Participants in Co-Ed Nude Brazilian Ju Jitsu must leave the guard or mount and return to their feet within an half an hour.
My advice to this fellow is never fight naked with a Hapkidoist. If it's our there, we'll twist it.
My advice to this fellow is never fight naked with a Hapkidoist. If it's our there, we'll twist it.

Saying things like that too the wrong person, or in the wrong bar, will lead you to having a very interesting evening...

What makes things worse is I saw the St. Pierre Vaseline story right before this one. Somehow I went from too much lubricant to someone wanting to give it a good twist. I think it's time I close the browser for tonight...