My Uncle Is Being Executed



On this coming thursday, my uncle, Mr. "Turk" E. Otto, will be
executed, around 5 pm. He will then be devoured in some sort
of weird family ritual. Ordinarily I wouldn't partake in such an
event, but I just know he's gonna be so darned tastey!!!!!

What time does it start? I wanna be there before Dennis Conatser gets there! I wanna beat him to the white meat!:rofl:
I hope everyone who's celebrating the US THanksgiving has a safe and good one.. Seig is off hunting til Wednesday.. and he has to work that night.. then Sleep sometime Thursday.. and we are going to attempt to Fry our first bird this year.. *G* should be eventful.. then he's gotta work 7pm-7am that night.. Sheesh.. ~!!
Happy Thanksgiving all!~

Originally posted by KenpoTess

I hope everyone who's celebrating the US THanksgiving has a safe and good one.. Seig is off hunting til Wednesday.. and he has to work that night.. then Sleep sometime Thursday.. and we are going to attempt to Fry our first bird this year.. *G* should be eventful.. then he's gotta work 7pm-7am that night.. Sheesh.. ~!!
Happy Thanksgiving all!~


Set a plate for me!:D
Free food? I'm there. I'm a starving college student and a martial artist to boot. But I share too. :) Happy turkey day everbody, and for those rebels out there who eat something else, enjoy!
Stay safe
Originally posted by KenpoTess

you got it Ricardo.. Hmmmms.. Turkey and Crab legs.. what a combo.. Surf and Fowl.. *ack that doesn't work hahahaa

Fowly Surf.. Tarty Fowls.. oops.. dat's a Brit Sitcom

Starring John Clease! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Originally posted by Sigung86

Starring John Clease! :lol: :lol: :lol:


hahahaa yeah that's the one Dan.. oh what's his name.. poor guy can never get that moose head hung on the wall.. and that episode where he has a guest who died and is carting him all around in the laundry cart.. *chortles.. now that's comedy~!!
Fawlty Towers.. dats it!~!!
I loved how the name on the sign would change every week.. Man some of them were pretty bad hahahaaaaa
He was a crazy old bird any way. May he rest in delicious peace.
Originally posted by fist of fury

He was a crazy old bird any way. May he rest in delicious peace.

Yeah, and he served his country well. And now we're servin' it
back to 'em! :D :D :D
Originally posted by nightingale8472

how/why would you fry a turkey?

Deep Frying a turkey has become very popular in the last few years. Mainly I think because it doesn't that 8 hrs to cook.

Here's a link to a recipe and tips on Deep Frying a Turkey from non other then Emeril Lagasse!!! :D

Emeril's Deep-Fried "Cajun" Turkey

You have to be very careful when deep frying turkeys as there is a lot of oil and open flame. If the fryer is over filled with oil, when the turkey is lowered into the oil is can displace the oil out of the fryer and down over the open flame, causing a possible flash fire, not to mention burns from the hot oils coming in contact with skin.

{heh, can you tell I work for a fire insurance company? ;) }

Hope this helps.

Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin

I don't know that I'll make it there on time, but, you better save some leftovers for me!


If you're talking to me, you'll either be very late or very very early. We Candians have our Thanksgiving in October. :D
Just like the Americans, they are always late for something.:rofl:

Happy Thanksgiving to all the American members of Martial Talk.
Originally posted by KenpoGirl

If you're talking to me, you'll either be very late or very very early. We Candians have our Thanksgiving in October. :D

Well, I wasn't referring to you Canadians, even though I like my friends from the great white North. In my post I was referring to my Texan friend Kirk, and he better save some bird for me!

Finally, about being tardy and lagging, well here in the States it's called being fashionably late...:rofl:
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin

Well, I wasn't referring to you Canadians, even though I like my friends from the great white North. In my post I was referring to my Texan friend Kirk, and he better save some bird for me!

Finally, about being tardy and lagging, well here in the States it's called being fashionably late...:rofl:

Dinner's at 5 :D If you're late, there might not be anything left.