my first police interview

Occurred to me today... the guy that dropped said he was scheduled for his polygraph first week of october. I was asked to come in, bring social and drivers license, and expect to be there an hour+. The city already has copies of those cards from when I turned in my application. I've been interviewed by the top ranked officers already, and it was one of the property room officers that called me in for this interview. Odds of me taking a polygraph when I am there next week?
Hope it goes well for you mate. Took me over 8 months to get into the RAF when I first applied, several interviews, tests, exams, etc all before I started the basic training. Well worth persevering if it is something your truly want.
Hope it goes well for you mate. Took me over 8 months to get into the RAF when I first applied, several interviews, tests, exams, etc all before I started the basic training. Well worth persevering if it is something your truly want.

Well the RAF only takes the best!!

Tell me you weren't a snowdrop though......
Occurred to me today... the guy that dropped said he was scheduled for his polygraph first week of october. I was asked to come in, bring social and drivers license, and expect to be there an hour+. The city already has copies of those cards from when I turned in my application. I've been interviewed by the top ranked officers already, and it was one of the property room officers that called me in for this interview. Odds of me taking a polygraph when I am there next week?

Might be, though I'd suspect it's just a review of your background packet. A poly typically is about 2 to 3 hours, and they'll usually tell you that's what it is up front.
Mate don't stress too much. I got into the Police in Australia in July last year and i received the "you are in the waiting pool letter" and i was annoyed but then the next day i got the "you start on this day letter". One thing i suggest is just to be yourself. Once you get in which you will if you want it bad enough is that the Police is full of all different types of people from varying backgrounds. Some people are good at talking, some are good at physical tasks and others are good at different things. It is a very demanding job and your opinion of everyone will change dramatically. You will soon find out that the nice area you are from is riddled with drugs and every third house has a domestic incident every weekend but you will grow as a person. It is by far the best job i have ever had though. Keep us updated
less than 1 hour til interview. I'm nervous, even though it's just background interview. I mean, who knows my background better than me, right?
less than 1 hour til interview. I'm nervous, even though it's just background interview. I mean, who knows my background better than me, right?

Hang in there, man. Just relax, breathe. I'm sure you'll do fine, but I'm thinking good thoughts for you.
I think it went pretty good. About 1 1/2 hours of personal questions, he said he didn't see anything to knock me out of the running, but HR doesn't even ask their opinion. He writes down my answers and passes up through 4 people until it hits HR after the Chief sees it. Next round of polygraphs is in november. Hopefully I'll be going to that, but I won't know for a few weeks. So it's another waiting game.

Also, he told me if I scratched my nose during fingerprinting, he'd laugh at me. I nearly scratched my nose.
I think it went pretty good. About 1 1/2 hours of personal questions, he said he didn't see anything to knock me out of the running, but HR doesn't even ask their opinion. He writes down my answers and passes up through 4 people until it hits HR after the Chief sees it. Next round of polygraphs is in november. Hopefully I'll be going to that, but I won't know for a few weeks. So it's another waiting game.

Also, he told me if I scratched my nose during fingerprinting, he'd laugh at me. I nearly scratched my nose.

Excellent news! Hang in there! The waiting game is definately a PITA, but I'm sure you'll be fine! :)
So I found out that my best friend, when asked by the police officer what type of person I was, answered 'Neutral/good'. Yes, he gave the police my D&D alignment.
Drug screen and polygraph set for next week. I know nothing is in the bag yet, but damn it's getting close.
Drug screen and polygraph set for next week. I know nothing is in the bag yet, but damn it's getting close.

Hang in there! I hope you're not doing drugs, and as to the polygraph, just remember that high stress can cause wonky readings. Just chill and be honest.
Drug screen and polygraph set for next week. I know nothing is in the bag yet, but damn it's getting close.

This is very good news!!! :) Best of luck to you! I'm sure you'll ace this! :)
Somehow I got a 'significant response' to one of the questions. So lets hope that doesn't screw me.
UPDATE - I heard it will be next month before phone calls are made, and 'don't worry about it'.

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