
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Yes I agree.:asian:

But I wouldn't understand still
Originally posted by Seig
We could have explained it much better and less graphically. Such as explaining that cojones are the target of the :btg:

Good description Seig.:rofl:
Originally posted by Seig
Thank you...I'm warming up, I have a round of kicks to deliver in the upcomming week......

Cool......How many are receiving the ceremonial front kick?
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Cool......How many are receiving the ceremonial front kick?
Tess Seigel- First Black
Chad Stewart - Second Brown
Jani Garland - Second Brown
Jennifer Danley- Second Brown
Kathie Stokes- Third Brown (although she doesn't know it yet.)
Alex Garland- Third Brown
Jon Daley- Advanced Blue.
Originally posted by Seig
Boy is he gonna hate us......

Nah, all in good fun. I had to go through it and so did you. He just happens to be next in line.:cool:
Originally posted by The Opal Dragon
I like your new avatar, Katgirl!!! :) :D

Robyn (=^.^=) (>^.^<) my 2 variations of kitty faces.;)

Thanx, Opal Dragon! :D

I like yours too! :)