

Orange Belt
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Southern Illinois
I am in the process of making up a CD with music to listen to as I work out. I am curious to see if anyone on here has any suggestions. I like all types of music.

Also, I wanted to try and start meditating and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what to listen to while meditating.
Also, I wanted to try and start meditating and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what to listen to while meditating.

If you're serious about meditation and dan jon breathing, I suggest seeking out some expert instruction. A meaningful meditative state that fosters calmness and mental focus is difficult to achieve. In fact, it's worth taking the time to write down your goals from this practice and what you think meditation entails, so you can discuss it with a teacher or guide.

From the perspective of my martial tradition that I learned from my teacher, I would suggest NOT using music. Part of the practice 'seeking the void' is mental discipline to stay quiet within yourself, and listening to music could be another distraction that would tether you to the 'here and now'.
Thank you. I will discuss meditation with one of the instructors at my school! He meditates often so I know he will be a great source.

Keep in mind meditation doesn't have to take the same form each time. Westerners often have the concept of it as someone sitting in the lotus position, burning incense, and chanting "ohm". Meditation can be much more active, such as through chi gong practice if you know any. It can be as rigorous as running your kata or hyung while within a high state of awareness.

I frequently use a rigorous "training" kata like seiunchin from the Goju-ryu karate tradition to meditate with. The deep horse stances and slow hand movements aligned with proper breathing can produce a meditative state. In fact, a Chinese martial arts friend of mind thought seiunchin was a chi gong form at first until I explained it was actually a fighting kata. Then he totally surprised me by showing me some adaptations that would bring higher awareness into my limbs. It really opened my eyes to the linkage between all martial arts.
I guess right now I am looking for music to listen to while practicing my forms and kicks/punches. Something to keep me motivated and pump up my energy. I have become burnt out on Metallica, Survivor, and AC/DC... I got good use out of them, but looking for a change.

Also, I don't know the first thing about TKD music, if there is any!!
I tend to put my Ipod or Itune into "shuffle" mode based on my metal selections. But when Drowning Pool or Rob Zombie come around...seems to work well

Sounds like we have the same ipod. I listen to heavier more aggressive muisic as well. It tends to distract me so I don't notice it so much when I get gassed.
I'm a metalhead, so be warned...

Bullet For My Valentine
Metallica (old-school, some of the new cd)

I can't think of that many more at the moment, but anything by those bands gets me going before practice or tournements.

As far as meditating, I agree about not listening to music...unless you had one of those nature sounds cd's, where it's only nature sounds with no music.
As far as music to work out by, it depends on what you mean by work out.

And in my opinion

Meditation is mediation and listening to music while meditating is sitting (or standing) and listening to music.
Rob/White Zombie is great to work out to. The man has a groove in his music. The Ramones are also good. The tempo is pretty even & steady in all their stuff. Republika, BT, Paul Okenfold, etc... aren't bad with their stuff either for straight forward beats as long as you can block out the over laid crap.
I am in the process of making up a CD with music to listen to as I work out. I am curious to see if anyone on here has any suggestions. I like all types of music.

Obvious choices may include the Rocky stuff (eye of the tiger etc), personally Im a bit biased towards old hip hop tunes (as many will notice from the video reels on the Academy web site).

The faster linkin' park stuff works well.

Just stuff that gets you pumped up a bit I guess.

Drums my boy. Just drums. Make the bag(s) your drum and you can make all kinds of music.

Give me Iron Butterfly, Thin Lizzy, Cream, BTO, SugarLoaf or anything from that era and my workouts are more enjoyable.
My daughter doesn't listen to much music while she works out, but if you see her ringside waiting for a fight with ear buds on, you can be pretty sure she is listening to Meatloaf and most likely, specifically "The Monster's Loose".

Of course it is more fitting when you realize that her nickname since birth has been "Monster Baby" so it almost seems as though Meat wrote that one just for her.

When she does listen to stuff during a workout it is generally her "Structured Visualization CD". It is basically "Tournament noise" for lack of a better term.