music in your training



Do you play music at your dojo (dojang) while teaching/training? What types?
my instructor will on occasion. bugs me... not sure if its just because I find it distracting, or because it isn't my kind of music. Ah well... his studio. I deal with it.
Originally posted by progressivetactics
Do you play music at your dojo (dojang) while teaching/training? What types?

Sure we do...we workout to different beats and cadences..helps with timing....not always my choice of music tho..*G
I'll play some south american style for most of the 'music days', which isn't real often. Just once in a while. I like the heavy metal type music, so I find that Sepultura and Soulfly work well. They have a very heavy drum rythem sound to them. Never very loud, just enough to hear the rythem, and feel the energy. Carlos Santana provides a good sound for the entire family work-outs. Very safe to play Carlos, and still gives the good vibes!!
yes we do and it varies from day to day.. I burned some Classical remixes for the kids class.. they also like swing and upbeat jazz.. (trying to slip some good music in around the stuff they normally listen too ) *G* Adult class we have a good mix.. Tekno , Rock, old and new, Swing, Metal.. you name it.. we use it.. The Matrix fight theme is a good one for sparring :)

Originally posted by progressivetactics
I'll play some south american style for most of the 'music days', which isn't real often. Just once in a while. I like the heavy metal type music, so I find that Sepultura and Soulfly work well. They have a very heavy drum rythem sound to them. Never very loud, just enough to hear the rythem, and feel the energy. Carlos Santana provides a good sound for the entire family work-outs. Very safe to play Carlos, and still gives the good vibes!!

War for Territory.



We don't play anything in our dojo. Doesn't really bother me though. Once in awhile if our regular instructor is out his replacement might play some techno. Not really my forte but...I don't mind music or not. I know if my instructor plays music we both have the same likings so it wouldn't be that bad.
Originally posted by progressivetactics
Do you play music at your dojo (dojang) while teaching/training? What types?
No, absolutely not. We're a Shorinji Kempo branch, not an aerobics class.
I did once see a demonstration of naginata done to music. Of course, that was a demonstration, not normal training. They used traditional Japanese music. Interesting, but still a little dry.
when we do bag and shield drills we use upbeat dance music and such. it definitely motivates you.
Originally posted by KenpoTess
yes we do and it varies from day to day.. I burned some Classical remixes for the kids class.. they also like swing and upbeat jazz.. (trying to slip some good music in around the stuff they normally listen too ) *G* Adult class we have a good mix.. Tekno , Rock, old and new, Swing, Metal.. you name it.. we use it.. The Matrix fight theme is a good one for sparring :)

Don't let any dancing break out!
Even talking is frowned upon in our dojo. I think if I put on some jazz my sensei would flip. And he's not all that flippable.
Originally posted by progressivetactics
Carlos Santana provides a good sound for the entire family work-outs. Very safe to play Carlos, and still gives the good vibes!!

Me and Carlos should have been born brothers. Maybe in another life.

I make (unprofessional) re-mixes of Santanas conga solos. There are some other instruments in there with it but it provides a rythym with a beat that changes.

I've heard that some of the FMA in the P.I. use or used the congas as well.

some times we listen to arobic cds cause they also teach cardio kickboxing and thats all the music they have I wish it was metal
Originally posted by Ender
Don't let any dancing break out!

Swing Sparring.. hahaaa ..
Speaking of dancing.. last night one of our advanced green belts was seen keeping the beat as he sparred.. it's probably the best I've seen him fight *G*
At our Tai Chi school, we do not use music. However, noise such as talking and kids running around is allowed (we are supposed to be able to concentrate, after all). I believe part of the reason is that beginners would find it hard to follow the corners instead of performing to the music. That, and you're supposed to "go inside" yourself when training, not pay attention to music.
I don't think that music should be used during the whole class. Its a tool to help us think "out of the box."

beat, beat, off beat, beat, beat off beat =
jab, jab, feint, jab, jab, power cross...

At my dojo, we do listen to music, but its mainly rock. Its a good things though, because as you listen to some of the songs, it seems like class becomes a lot more intense and harder hitting.

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