Muscle Strengthening



Hello, i'm new to this bored, and thought this would be a friendly place to chill for I, who know absolutely nothing. I was wondering... Is it a bad thing to strengthen your muslces that are used in San Shin No Kata, such as Ka No kata, could you begin to preform that using a dumbell, to strenthen the muslces running through the lower arm:confused: ? I'm not sure if it would be detrimental to your Taijutsu.
Thanks lots,
Steven Nichols;)

Ps. Oh yeah, Is the "White Belt" thing above my Screen Name, refer to my rank on this website? LOL I don't think I specified that. I'm a 9th Kyu LOL only one rank down!!!:p
Oh, okay... Thanks :)
Add my hours that I spend on the computer every day, I bet it would blow all of ya'll out of the ring, i'm grand master! J can confirm that.
Thanks alot,
Originally posted by Boojboy9
Is it a bad thing to strengthen your muslces that are used in San Shin No Kata, such as Ka No kata, could you begin to preform that using a dumbell, to strenthen the muslces running through the lower arm:confused: ? I'm not sure if it would be detrimental to your Taijutsu.

Hi Steve,

I don't think that the dumbell is a bad idea necessarily. But, at your level (kukyu) I think you would be better served by simply practicing the San Shin and developing your form, balance, timing, strikes, etc. The repetition of "correct" movement will strenthen the necessary muscles enough and will allow you to learn what is really important about the kata. If, once you acheive some competance with the San Shin, you still feel the need to strengthen specific muscle groups (and your Sensei agrees...) feel free to augment your training in whatever way you see fit. Ultimately, I feel this is a question best asked of and answered by your teacher.

Houston, huh? Are you training with Brian Tritico?
Yes, Steve does spend too much time on the net ;)

I agree with Higuma. Use this time to get Sanshin "correct" (used loosely..because we never can, imo), then take things further.
Higuma: I've trained with him the slightest bit at seminars, ect... But my Sensei is Dave Bolin at the time. Brian is a real nice guy.
Thanks alot.
Steven Nichols
Houston, Texas
Ps. " Too much of any thing is bad"
Originally posted by Boojboy9

Is it a bad thing to strengthen your muslces that are used in San Shin No Kata, such as Ka No kata

Is this similar to sanchin kata of karate? Also, what is Ka No Kata?
Hey arnisador,

No, not similar at all honestly. It's five movements that involve kamae, tai sabaki, uke nagashi and striking methods. It's geared towards teaching your body how to move as one unit.

Ka no Kata(Waza) is one of the five. Chi, Sui, Ka, Fu and Ku