More No-Touch Knockouts.

Originally posted by RyuShiKan
In many of his demos I have seen him raise his elbows too high (Yiliquan1 knows what I am talking about here), his foot work leaves him WAY open for a good crack in the face, simple counter....etc…..
His “set up” for "demoing" a technique is always on someone standing fairly still and non aggressive……he should try it with the attacker moving with a bit of speed ………different story.
“Georgie” should quite with the “color by numbers kyusho” & “Harry Potter NTKO” stuff and get back to basics. Starting from the ground up.

My first MA encounter with RyuShiKan was quite the eye opener. RyuShiKan and two of his students and I met to train at the Kamakura Budokan. We spent several hours training, and I was immediately impressed with the course of instruction. When RyuShiKan began to show me the self-defense application of the techniques we were working on, I was seriously impressed. First of all, they began at punch range; not at a distance as is common in many schools. Measure off one arm's length, plus one fist. That is all the room you get. Then he told me to hit him. For real. So I tried. I ended up "sucking floor" (which, I think, is the Okinawan term for what happens when you do something stupid) and in a reasonable amount of blinding pain.

Another time, he showed me the Ryu Te method of vital point striking (in Yiliquan, we call it "spotting"). When he spotted me the first time, I thought the part of my body that he hit was going to explode in pain (*note to self - never again ask what the backfist/knocking fist combo in Naihanchi Shodan is for... OUCH :uhoh:


When I go back the US and stand in the room with some other people from our same association more often than not I am the low man on the totem pole skill wise. No joke, or modesty intended....just a plain fact. I am not that good compared to others I know and train with.
So if you are really interested looking at floor material you should come back to one of the summer seminars.;)

Then you can watch me get thrown around like a rag doll.....won't that be fun.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
If anyone is in the New York area and has some time you may want to check out this event...........sorry there won't be any "No Touch KO's".................

Taika Seiyu Oyata Martial Arts Demonstration and Reception
Friday, March 21, 2003

6:30 – 8 pm

Martial Arts Demonstration and Reception

Speaker: Taika Seiyu Oyata, Founder of International Ryu-Te Renmei

To Protect, Not Harm: A Lifetime of Teaching the Ways of Peace

Taika Oyata has been a martial arts practitioner for close to 60 years. From an aristocratic Okinawan family dating back to the 17th century, he learned the indigenous arts used to protect the Shuri kings. He began his training after service in World War II, and since then, Taika Oyata has constantly analyzed the human body and the traditions he inherited. He now has a strong following in the U.S., with students in over 26 U.S. states, Japan, Israel and Poland, and recently began training the U.S. Sky Marshals. He teaches “life-protection arts” drawn from the history and practice of Okinawan arts, including pressure-point striking and joint locking, the meaning behind the empty-hand kata and use of various traditional weapons. This respected and renowned master will demonstrate his extraordinary art and discuss his belief in and teaching of martial arts as a defensive and protective, rather than destructive and violent, skill.

Followed by a reception.

Admission: $25

Japan Society members and Ryu-Te Renmei members $20. We can offer a discount to dojos with prepurchase of 10 tickets or more.

To register, contact Karen Hawkins at (212) 715-1218 or [email protected]

You can also register online at:

Ahhh Yes! But can he do NO TOUCH KNOCK OUT?

:rofl: :rofl:

(No disrespect intended)
I think Master Oyata's response to that question would begin with the arching of the eyebrows, a frown, and then a "Whaaaat?"

This is usually a bad sign.
Well……….I don’t know if he does the “Georgie” version of NTKOs…….but I know whatever he did do would happen real fast and you may or may not remembering feeling anything but would most assuredly be waking up on the floor feeling like you had drank too much and have “the spins”.;)
Originally posted by yilisifu
I think Master Oyata's response to that question would begin with the arching of the eyebrows, a frown, and then a "Whaaaat?"

This is usually a bad sign.

Pretty much on the money there.

It’s usually started with him mumbling something, getting up out of his chair and then walking over to where you are and “schooling” you in the proper execution of some aspect of a simple technique…………if he does that you are not going to have a good day. ;)
However, it is those times that I both love and hate the most.
Hate because I would rather have white hot coals stuff up my backside and like because I always learn something good when it happens.........and never forget it.
I just remember him screwing his face down and saying "Whaaaat?" and then he would demonstrate the real thing......

I also remember first, second, and third degree pain.

His instruction with the staff, sai, and nunchaku were wonderful and hilarious at the same time.

And you're right......I've never foirgotten any of it. Pain has a way of assisting the memory..........
With the proper amount of pain, things become very clear...
The texture of the cement under your feet (well my feet were there a moment ago) comes into SHARP focus...the little pieces of tree debris each stand out in sharp contrast...if you carry it to the next level, though, flashes of light obscure your vision...

Originally posted by white belt

Montaigue is guilty of serious talk about having mystical abilties? Sheesh! All I have seen from the guy seems to poo poo this stuff like NTKO. Can you educate me a bit on this? I know he has pulled parlor tricks for amusement and later told people the way he did it. E tu Erle?

white belt
I haven't been able to find it yet but I think that it is buried in the encyclopedia of DM. Earl gives an example of Qi disruptive techniques . If I remember right ,one is to rapidly wave the LEFT hand (must be the left) from right to left very close to the face of a subject to cause weakness. He said that he could have a man punch him very hard, then perform the Qi disruption and have the man hit him again and the strike would be much weaker. He also mentioned that if the left hand was passed very quickly over the head from rear to front (very close but not touching) it would make the gb12 point more vulnerable. I think that is the point, its the one on the mastoid process just a bit behind the ear lobe. I'm not going to weigh into the fray with an opinion on the validity of this , but when I read it, it did occure to me that there might be an application of this last one in the five swords technique in Kenpo. I haven't found the descriptions again (still looking) but he does have a 'scientific' explaination of Qi disruption on page 97 of the extra meridians, points and more volume of the encyclopedia of DM. FWIW Gary
Originally posted by chufeng
With the proper amount of pain, things become very clear...
The texture of the cement under your feet (well my feet were there a moment ago) comes into SHARP focus...the little pieces of tree debris each stand out in sharp contrast...if you carry it to the next level, though, flashes of light obscure your vision...


Like Saturday's training, Chufeng? :D:D:D

Gary M,

Thanks! I have a copy of E.M.'s Extra Meridians and will check it out. The disruption of Qi w/o touch thing greatly undermines an otherwise credible man's other offerings. I'm sure, as Arnisador points out, that G.D. has some practical, useful stuff. It just doesn't help my interest when seeing NTKO poop being marketed. I own a TKD school. If I had any thoughts/considerations of inviting G.D. for a seminar on hidden techs. in Kata/Hyung, I would DROP interest when getting wind of NTKO stuff. I won't be connected to such hogwash.

white belt
Whitebelt: Found it guy! At least part of it, Check out Gb3 on page 32 and 33 of the main meridians book. Still looking for the other one I referred to.G
Whitebelt , not to defend Earl's claims, but in all fairness He doesn't claim to be able to perform a KO, these are only claimed to be 'set up' points which effect the Qi, but he does claim to be able to produce very definant results in Anyone. G.
Gary M,

I read the descriptions and they seem like platforms for mysticism. The Pressure Point material otherwise, thus far for me, has checked out as "sound", but E.M. should not print conjecture with fact. It muddies the water.

Good job on your part. I skimmed through that section not really understanding what he was implying when I first bought these books. After reading about the "G.D. NTKO" stuff, I now see the E.M. implications clearly. Again, good job Gary!

white belt

This substantiates your prior posting about E.M.'s claims. Thanks for your good memory too!
In the current (May 2003) issue of Budo International, Evan Pantazi is quoted as saying:

"Yes, [the use of pressure point techniques] even works through...Kevlar vests, motorcycle helmets..."

...and similar protective clothing (he also mentions football helmets, winter jackets, etc.). The context doesn't make it perfectly clear if he really means through them--which is how I took it--or if he means that one can find other exposed targets in such cases.
This kind of garbage is really getting out of hand. I think it's time we start writing letters and asking some very pointed questions....and asking for absolute proof of these claims.

Heck, if hookers could learn the one-touch orgasm point, they'd be independently wealthy in a week!
I'm sorry about my cryptic post...
What I meant to say was...

The points are in the lower back BUT they will only work if the person it is applied against is wearing a football helmet and a raincoat.

The infamous one-touch orgasm point...perfected by Peewee Herman...

Originally posted by arnisador
In the current (May 2003) issue of Budo International, Evan Pantazi is quoted as saying:

...and similar protective clothing (he also mentions football helmets, winter jackets, etc.). The context doesn't make it perfectly clear if he really means through them--which is how I took it--or if he means that one can find other exposed targets in such cases.

I can't say about bike helmets and the like, but I do know from experience, that the dipped foam vests are no match for pressure point strikes. One in particular that I found to be most effective was the 3/4 twist to the xiphoid process, downwards on a 45 degree angle.
It was as if the padding wasn't there at all. I have also found strikes to the Liver/ Gallbladder plexus, to be quite effective regardless of what the other person was wearing.
Mind you, I haven't tried it through kevlar.


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