More from the "Religion of Peace"

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Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
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Nacogdoches, Tx,2933,479878,00.html

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — A pan-Arab newspaper quotes Saudi Arabia's most senior Muslim cleric as saying it is OK for 10-year-old girls to marry.

it's hard sometimes to not wish for the removal of this......"religion" from our world.
from our allies in saudi arabia...all this crap about going to iraq to destroy militant islam, but we turn a blind eye everytime something like this comes from our "friends" in SA. one of the worst countries in the world in terms of human rights.

I think it would be pretty peaceful to be able to send you wife to her room without supper if she gets too naggy. I've tried that with my current wife and it just doesn't work.,2933,479878,00.html

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — A pan-Arab newspaper quotes Saudi Arabia's most senior Muslim cleric as saying it is OK for 10-year-old girls to marry.

it's hard sometimes to not wish for the removal of this......"religion" from our world.

This from a texan, snicker....,2933,479878,00.html

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — A pan-Arab newspaper quotes Saudi Arabia's most senior Muslim cleric as saying it is OK for 10-year-old girls to marry.

it's hard sometimes to not wish for the removal of this......"religion" from our world.

Is a crusade in order?

Peace be upon you,
There are a lot of things that we, as Westerners, might not tolerate, but other countries do. I think it's sad that a leading cleric believes that 10y/o girls can marry in Saudi Arabia, but who are we to judge?

Prostitution/pedophilia prostitution runs rampant in a number of countries, all over the world. Should we shun the Thais and wish an end to their existence? Should we pray to the Lord Jesus that Africa should be wiped off the map for female circumcision?

Does the rest of the world have the right to bring terrorist acts to the US because Americans are slowly, but successfully indoctrinating the rest of the world into a consumer/instant gratification culture, completely disregarding pre-existing culture, having a direct hand in the mutation of the human race into fat, ignorant slobs?

No. We can be wrong to every one else, but justifiable to our own faces in the mirror. We can offer a chance to the citizens in that other country (that we don't agree with their marrying age) to come over, and live a better life. But to wish death upon them is ignorant, lazy, and ultimately detrimental to the human race.

That's the same kind of ignorance that plunges nations into needless wars. Yet, it's the SAME kind of ignorance that kept Jerry Springer in business as a talk show host.

TF, your last comment is racist, elitist, and xenophobic.
Dude, chill. The OP might have been over the top, but nowhere did he call for death to anyone. Nor was his final sentence "racist". It might have been elitist and xenophobic, but no more than the post that you gave Thanks for... you know, the one that teased Texans for - hyuck! hyuck! - marrying ten-year-olds.
Contrary to Nolerama's opinion I don't think that all Americans are fat dumb and stupid. I personally have not done anything to subject my opinions on the world to the detriment of another's culture or there right to it. I do how ever feel that a child yes a child of 10 years old has no business being married. Promised to be married : at a suitable age: OK
Usually a girl of 10 years of age is not physically able to reproduce and are not physically or mentally able to preform Marital coupling. A child of 10 married in my opinion is promoting pedophilia:: this my dear should be punishable by death::; end of story:::
Yeah. I guess I overreacted. My bad.

I guess the wording and (what I perceived to be) sarcasm in the OP just got me riled up.
Should we go to war over it? A war that might be perceived as an front to exterminate a specific portion of the human race?
it's hard sometimes to not wish for the removal of this......"religion" from our world.

One could say that Christianity endorsed the same because splinters of the Mormon church endorse the same, and the more of the little girls the better. Indeed several states in the United States have no minimum marriage age, and any age is theoretically acceptable with the consent of the proper judge. There are several more states with ages of marriage of 13 or 14.

Of course, you know all this. This is just another opportunity to slam Islam for behavior you overlook in others.
Saudi Arabia is a backwards, benighted, barely prehensile sort of place. Not unlike Afghanistan or parts of the rural South. If you want a really good advertisement for the separation of secular and religious authority go no further. Imagine Fred Phelps or the FLDS on a nationwide scale with troops to back up their ravings.
Saudi Arabia is a backwards, benighted, barely prehensile sort of place. Not unlike Afghanistan or parts of the rural South. If you want a really good advertisement for the separation of secular and religious authority go no further. Imagine Fred Phelps or the FLDS on a nationwide scale with troops to back up their ravings.
Excellent point, Tellner. Having the power of the government and the military to back up a religious fundemental mindset is dangerous in the extreme... regardless of the religion being used.
Saudi Arabia is a backwards, benighted, barely prehensile sort of place. Not unlike Afghanistan or parts of the rural South. If you want a really good advertisement for the separation of secular and religious authority go no further. Imagine Fred Phelps or the FLDS on a nationwide scale with troops to back up their ravings.

More to the point, many, many of the people who actually run things over there, especially in the House of Saud, simply do not practice what they enforce upon everyone else as Islam......
I think it would be pretty peaceful to be able to send you wife to her room without supper if she gets too naggy. I've tried that with my current wife and it just doesn't work.
Not when she is cooking the meal. :)
Contrary to Nolerama's opinion I don't think that all Americans are fat dumb and stupid. I personally have not done anything to subject my opinions on the world to the detriment of another's culture or there right to it.

On a individual level I don't think anyone will disagree, however it is the capitalist mentality on a much larger scale that takes the criticism. Things like Coke or Pepsi being the default drinks at almost any restaurant. The emphasis on fat food, the idea that everyone should have a car, bigger the better (although that is disappearing) and only poor people walk, bike or take the the bus. De beers convincing everyone that you should spend two months salary on a rock that doesn't really have much intrinsic value and has a artificially inflated price. Much of the US has also taken a bit of a anti-science stance.

I do how ever feel that a child yes a child of 10 years old has no business being married.

I agree fully there, but this is not a custom that is unique to Islam, it is more a symptom of a culture that is not "healthy" for any number of reasons, and has occurred in western countries as well.
it's hard sometimes to not wish for the removal of this......"religion" from our world.

Why stop at Islam? As far as religions go, it really doesn't stand out.

Top Christian leaders have said things that I disagree with just as strongly, should it go too?
I think it would be pretty peaceful to be able to send you wife to her room without supper if she gets too naggy. I've tried that with my current wife and it just doesn't work.

And you wonder why everything seems to taste like almonds? :EG:
Very true, elder. Some of the mullahs with the biggest beards and loudest calls to stone the queers are famed for what they do to "beautiful beardless youths. The hypocrisy that comes from power without responsibility is one of the oldest stories of the human race.

The *spit* Wahabis have systematically set out to destroy every current in Islam other than their own. First they decided that the Shia aren't Muslims anymore which allowed them to pillage Iraq and smash their own Shia minority flat. Then they took the whole rich tradition of Muslim legal scholarship and making these decisions through consensus and boiled it down into a simple rule. The only real Muslims are Wahabis. Then they started coming up with increasingly restrictive rulings so that the Sunni who weren't under their thumb could be ignored and oppressed. Disagreement is heresy. We won't even talk about what they do to Sufis. There's a reason why Sufism is punishable by death in every country ruled by Sharia.

It's gotten to the point where the Royal Family has destroyed all the shrines and bulldozed the Prophet Mohammed's homes to put up museums dedicated to the House of Saud. It's to prevent anyone from exercising a form of Islam that isn't under their control.

Once you start down that road you have to keep getting more extreme to feed the Beast's hunger for heretics and enemies. We see the same thing in Cambodia under Pol Pot. First they killed the old government. Then they killed the "rich peasants". Then they killed the merchants. Then they killed the intellectuals. Then they killed the professionals. Then they killed anyone with an education. Then they killed people with glasses because they looked like intellectuals. Then they just got down to serious killing. I suppose that in time they would have turned into the Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat who ate each other up.

Just to get back vaguely on track, think of marriage under Islam. Independent, non-Muslim, secular Western historians say that Muslim jurisprudence was a significant advance for women on the Arabian Peninsula. They had rights. They had control of their dowries and the income that came from them. There are several Sunnah and Hadith where it's explicitly stated that they have the right to arrange their own marriages. And yes, Muslim men are allowed four wives. But that's down from the original limit of "As many as you want". And it's stated that it's only for the support of widows and orphans if you're too cheap a bastard to do so out of charity and the goodness of your heart.

The rules become an excuse for more rules. The reason for all of them is to increase the authority of the ones who make the rules. And the rules never apply to the rulers.

Child brides aren't that far back in our own history. Just a few lifetimes ago girls could be married off at twelve or thirteen. There are plenty of famous stories about young girls being forcibly married off to older men. The laws that finally gave women the right to own property, enter into contracts, refuse marriages arranged by their fathers or even have rights over their own children are quite new. "Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed" wasn't a joke that long ago. What we're seeing here is a country at the stage we were at a couple centuries back.

Mohammed said around the time of the last pilgrimage to Mecca, "Soon all that will be left of the Quran is calligraphy." In that he was certainly prophetic.
moral reletivism is a STUPID, assinine, backwards-***, retarded way of thinking. People that engage in it...............

well. whatever.

Who are we to judge?


we are not primitive barbarians brainwashed by a cult that teaches it is ok to stone rape victims, force school girls to burn to death cuz we wont let them outside without thier hijab, or to "seek out the infidel and kill them wherever you find them, or force them to pay the jiziza"

This isnt just SOME cleric, this is the GRand Mufti of SA, thats like the Pope comming out and saying it is ok to rape little boys. So EH's comparison to LDS practicing Plural marraige FAILS.

Why is it that some zipper=headed morans, LIBERALS ALL, will exucse ANYTHING done in the name of Islam, yet condemn ANY exercise of Christianity? even something as harmless as a nativity scene?

Wishing for the removal of Islam, a religion, is racist HOW exactly Nole? oh thats right, it isnt,it cant be, but, you just like to throw out whatever insult you have handy.

Islam is a religion founded by a pedophile, a religion who's top clerics met to decide exactly HOW it was ok to molest little boys and girls, (as long as you dont penetrate them, they declared it was ok for a grown man to "take his pleasure" with children, what you should do with an animal you copulate with (sell it, but not in YOUR village, in the next village over), and to declare death to all jews.

How people can defend ANYTHING they do, or even try to draw comparisons to ANYTHING Christianity has done boggles my mind.

Sure, bad things happened in the history of Chrisitanity, HUNDREDS OF YEARS AGO, all this **** with Islam is happening NOW
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