Modern Arnis one Big Family



Sorry about this being so long but...
After keeping quiet in regards to the many different posts, and just reading and absorbing all that has been said. I have decided to put in my view point of Modern Arnis . I want all to remember that I am just one person and am stating my observations and opinion on the state of things.
Introduction: Just to give a little background on myself…My name is David Ng. I am 33 and have been training Modern Arnis since I was 20 with the Professor after being introduced by Master Rick Ward. I’ve been running a full time martial arts school for 10 years and have been teaching Modern Arnis as a separate curriculum as well as a Kung-fu curriculum and a Tai Chi Curriculum. I am a LEO in Durham, NC (7 year LEO veteran). I had the honor of training with the Professor as many of you have. I also have had the honor of being with the Professor the past couple of years before his passing as he had moved his weekday base of operation to Raleigh, NC since 1999. I am on the Board of Directors of the Professor’s I.M.A.F., Inc., (Dr. Schea, Chairman, and as requested by the Professor). I am a Filipino and am heavily involved with our local Philippine-American Association here in N.C.. (plug here for worthy cause in the Philippines) . I hold Modern Arnis very dear to my heart since it is part of my heritage and culture. I am willing to train and learn with anyone with the right attitude and integrity. (Time and money permitting of course…my wife and 2 kids control that…)
A quick to “hello” to those who know me…
This forum is slowly but surely growing in the right direction, promoting discussion of ideas and fellowship in Modern Arnis. I hope that in the long run that we can get through the growing pains. We all may be members of separate organizations; or independents; or new persons interested in Modern Arnis, but what we have in common is the love of the Art that our Teacher/Father has left us to spread and develop for the future.
Many of us had the honor and opportunity to train personally with Professor. Whether it was at camp, seminar, in our homes, in the car, airport, hotel room…you name it the Professor was always teaching/training/learning/developing Modern Arnis. I believe it is very important for all students and instructors of every generation (70’s,80’s, 90’s…) under the Professor to be able to exchange ideas and experiences. In my experience over the past 13 years, I find that for one to really understand what the Professor was teaching, especially now that he is gone, is that we must follow his development through training with different Generations. Remember as the Professor always said, “Change partners!” Each Era of Student/Instructor had/has an important role in the development of Modern Arnis. Even more we must rely on each other to keep in touch with what has been taken away from us…our teacher’s genius that was the glue that holds the different groups and personalities together… No matter what name/concept/art within art that you do, we all are training Modern Arnis. Each of us has something to offer…in the end all the information is the same because it came from the Professor. Professor may have focused the past few years on Tapi-Tapi as the medium for his curriculum. But Tapi-Tapi is not necessarily the curriculum…this is how I explain it to my students…Tapi Tapi as the Professor used it in the last years is the computer of Modern Arnis. Now to make the computer run, you need the information and programs…these things would be the traditionals, striking styles, palis-palis, disarms, disarm counters, triangle footwork, angling, body shifting, sinawali, trapping, baiting, etc. if you get my drift. So again we all are doing Modern Arnis. Remember training Filipino Martial Arts (any art ) is not about focusing on techniques…we are developing skills that will give us the technique. example… Try and remember 100 techniques from single siniwali. That would be pretty diffucult unless you have photographic memory…I don’t. Now instead train s. sinawali so well that your great skill in doing the motion allows you to flow into 100 techniques…now that is more realistic. That is Modern Arnis.
I’m sure there are many out there like myself that wishes that all groups find a venue to get together and share information, personal ideas, what the Professor may have taught that individual or group. Just as Dr. Barber has proposed in another thread…(I’ve been thinking the same thing sir, but you have beaten me to the punch on broadcasting the idea…kudos to you sir!)…We should even as different organizations find a common ground to share. Professor taught many people different things and told them many different things, but to reach the same goal in developing and promoting Modern Arnis.
Modern Arnis, presently is in a state of grieving…it will be for awhile…in the Philippine Tradition…we shall grieve for years to come. Also in tradition, many of us were asked by the Professor to carry out certain tasks in furthering Modern Arnis. We must carry these tasks out or it is bad luck, bad chi, taboo or whatever you call it…Filipino’s are very superstitious and are very serious about these things.
The last few conversations I had on the phone with the Professor in the Summer of 2001, we mainly talked about how he loved all his students and that the Art be carried forward. We all have been given tasks…the different groups, IMAF, Inc., WMAA, MARPPIO… Delaney, Inc. etc…. Each of these groups has their focus and the end result is the same … Continuing to Spread the Art of Modern Arnis founded by the only Grandmaster of Modern Arnis, Remy Amador Presas.
The future of Modern Arnis is in good hands. But we must make sure that we don’t let the hands become idle. I’m sure that won’t happen, but any type of Modern Arnis infighting will pretty much do the same thing as not doing anything at all. Everyone will have their way of proceeding forward, that is ok. We are all individuals and will always have our own ways of doing things. But we must also follow the basic concepts that Professor laid out the groundwork for us… Yes we will still argue on what those basics may be…but just shut up and do it and prove it in your students…if they are growing and learning you are doing something right…Also remember as Professor always said, “Don’t worry, just be happy!!!”
My rambling may not be making sense…sometimes when I get long winded I too get lost in my own words…but hopefully these ideas are common to many of us out there that have been quiet for so long…
Finally, (you are probably going YEAHHHH!) I have had the opportunity of meeting, Roland Dantes in July of 2001 (we hosted him at our school in Raleigh per Professor’s request), the Presas Children (in Durham,NC April 2002), Rodel Dagooc (in Durham,NC April 2002), Master Max Pallen (visited our seminar May 11th here in Raleigh). All very nice and genuine people. All with the same goals of spreading Modern Arnis, and all wanting to find a way to unify all of Modern Arnis (at least in a common training camp). By meeting these different individuals it is nice to see we all have the same goals as I have stated above…we can only be stronger by doing this…we live in a big world…there is room for all of us… Speaking to folks such as Kelly Worden, and training with Tim Hartman, David Hoffman, Dr. Randi Schea, these long time students and teachers of Modern Arnis…are going forward with the same conviction and resolve that the Professor had for his creation…May all of us share this together so that we may grow even stronger…and preserve our Teacher’s Legacy!
More to come when the mood hits…Take care and Maraming Salamat to all! Mahal Kita Professor!

Very well said. I could not have stated it better than you did. I'll be looking forward to seeing you and Roland at the Michigan camp.

Take care,
Brian Johns
Columbus, Ohio
Originally posted by dng1032

Sorry about this being so long but...

I believe it is very important for all students and instructors of every generation (70's,80's, 90's…) under the Professor to be able to exchange ideas and experiences. In my experience over the past 13 years, I find that for one to really understand what the Professor was teaching, especially now that he is gone, is that we must follow his development through training with different Generations. Remember as the Professor always said, "Change partners!" Each Era of Student/Instructor had/has an important role in the development of Modern Arnis. Even more we must rely on each other to keep in touch with what has been taken away from us…our teacher's genius that was the glue that holds the different groups and personalities together… No matter what name/concept/art within art that you do, we all are training Modern Arnis. Each of us has something to offer…in the end all the information is the same because it came from the Professor.

. . .
More to come when the mood hits…Take care and Maraming Salamat to all! Mahal Kita Professor!


Glad to hear from you.

A real life data point to your comments.
In 1987 when I attended the Michigan Camp, I asked
the Professor, why did some people do the forms
this way and others that way? Why do people have
different applications of the same technique?

GM R Presas, replied, "I have taught them many
different ways to do the same thing. So, when
they(we) meet, then they(you) will have something
to teach each other."

I do hope that we, all the students of Modern
Arnis, can get together and work together and
learn from each other.

Now I would like to make a comment here.
Perceptions are important when you are dealing
with people. Your intent, if it is not clearly
communicated then does nothing but confuse you,
when others have perceived something else.

I have talked to many of the leaders of Modern
Arnis either in person or via the internet.
Those that gave me the impression they were
concerned and cared to hear what we(I) had to say,
have had my verbal support. To those that either
have stated in writing that they care, but not
shown it, or have come across as not caring or
as arrogant, etc., once again this is my
perception, I either ignore them, or I wait for
time to cool down, and try again. As stated
elsewhere here in this forum and on others, the
intent of the written word does not have the
advantage of body language. Now this forum allows
us to use smiley faces which sometimes help. But,
does not always completely communicate our intent.
As the Supreme Court stated, It is not the intent
but the impact of your actions, that matter.

I hope all of us can meet and get along, and for
those of us that cannot, I hope we can at least
be professional and polite to each other.

Thank you for your time.


It is great to have another brother use his voice. I have alot of respect for this guy. He's a good person. I will look forward to playing with you in Michigan.

Just as a thought...wouldn't it be nice if not only could you get such a gathering together, but make it an annual event? Not only get folks from all the groups together, but get them all out on the floor, together, during each others sessions, etc, sharing, and exploring.

Just a thought. :)
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

. .

Just a thought. :)


Exploring a thought here, wow a novel concept.

Seriously, A good IDEA!

I agree that some sort of annual event should occur. As many organizations do even many FMA groups have their gatherings or sama sama's with different instructors etc. to develop ideas and fellowship w/in FMA. Modern Arnis has one of the largest following of students in the world in FMA. Now lets get these folks together. Wouldn't that be an amazing feat? We would just have to make a big sign...'Please Check all ego's at the door..." "do not enter if unless you plan on having a good time"

Rich thanks for the response and the words of wisdom...

Mao, Whoopass...see you in Michigan...
David: great post..if thats rambling..then I suggest you ramble on some more.
Professor would be proud of your post..
Maybe people will take some stock in it..and Dr Barbers comments as well..
Professor taught us all what we needed to make the Art within our Art...specifically and in general..
and you're right,,we need each other..
otherwise theres an incomplete picture..
again..great post..

Originally posted by dng1032

[DN]Sorry about this being so long but...
After keeping quiet in regards to the many different posts, and just reading and absorbing all that has been said. I have decided to put in my view point of Modern Arnis . I want all to remember that I am just one person and am stating my observations and opinion on the state of things.

Dear Guro David,

I am very happy that you have written this post, it was very helpful and reasonable.

[DN] Introduction: Just to give a little background on myself…My name is David Ng. I am 33 and have been training Modern Arnis since I was 20 with the Professor after being introduced by Master Rick Ward. I’ve been running a full time martial arts school for 10 years and have been teaching Modern Arnis as a separate curriculum as well as a Kung-fu curriculum and a Tai Chi Curriculum. I am a LEO in Durham, NC (7 year LEO veteran). I had the honor of training with the Professor as many of you have. I also have had the honor of being with the Professor the past couple of years before his passing as he had moved his weekday base of operation to Raleigh, NC since 1999. I am on the Board of Directors of the Professor’s I.M.A.F., Inc., (Dr. Schea, Chairman, and as requested by the Professor). I am a Filipino and am heavily involved with our local Philippine-American Association here in N.C.. (plug here for worthy cause in the Philippines) . I hold Modern Arnis very dear to my heart since it is part of my heritage and culture. I am willing to train and learn with anyone with the right attitude and integrity. (Time and money permitting of course…my wife and 2 kids control that…)

This is one of the matters that I have alluded to several of my posts on another thread, Professor was in a constant state of flux and the HQ moved numerous times during my years with him, it has been in San Francisco, Newark, NJ, Poughkeepsie, NY, Buffalo, NY and just outside of Chicago (sorry I can not recall the exact city). There have been several different boards and leadership groups, some with overlapping memberships. Therefore, i am strongly suggesting that it is time for people to put ALL of these past incarnations behind us and let's get on to tliving in the present and building a strong future. It is highly unlikely that there will be a single unifying person in this art again - if there ever was one! Professor was chrarismatic and charming, but in reality people there was no formal organization!

[DN] A quick to “hello” to those who know me…
This forum is slowly but surely growing in the right direction, promoting discussion of ideas and fellowship in Modern Arnis. I hope that in the long run that we can get through the growing pains. We all may be members of separate organizations; or independents; or new persons interested in Modern Arnis, but what we have in common is the love of the Art that our Teacher/Father has left us to spread and develop for the future.

Guro David, you are right on target, there are numerous organization attempting to promote Modern Arnis - what we need to do is come together and train, even "cross-train" with others who are doing the 'same' art.

[DN] Many of us had the honor and opportunity to train personally with Professor. Whether it was at camp, seminar, in our homes, in the car, airport, hotel room…you name it the Professor was always teaching/training/learning/developing Modern Arnis. I believe it is very important for all students and instructors of every generation (70’s,80’s, 90’s…) under the Professor to be able to exchange ideas and experiences. In my experience over the past 13 years, I find that for one to really understand what the Professor was teaching, especially now that he is gone, is that we must follow his development through training with different Generations. Remember as the Professor always said, “Change partners!”

You are absolutely correct Guro David, it is time to change partners and to do it often. There is not a single way to do Modern Arnis, there never has been since Professor was always experimenting and developing within the arts himself. He advocated "the art within your art" concept. If he took that approach, how in the world can we have a single, definative, orthodoxy that is Modern Arnis? I have know karate, kung fu, kenpo and later silat players who were doing 'Modern Arnis' and I know from first hand experience that Professor, embraced them all!

[DN]Each Era of Student/Instructor had/has an important role in the development of Modern Arnis. Even more we must rely on each other to keep in touch with what has been taken away from us…our teacher’s genius that was the glue that holds the different groups and personalities together… No matter what name/concept/art within art that you do, we all are training Modern Arnis. Each of us has something to offer…in the end all the information is the same because it came from the Professor. Professor may have focused the past few years on Tapi-Tapi as the medium for his curriculum. But Tapi-Tapi is not necessarily the curriculum…this is how I explain it to my students…Tapi Tapi as the Professor used it in the last years is the computer of Modern Arnis. Now to make the computer run, you need the information and programs…these things would be the traditionals, striking styles, palis-palis, disarms, disarm counters, triangle footwork, angling, body shifting, sinawali, trapping, baiting, etc. if you get my drift. So again we all are doing Modern Arnis. Remember training Filipino Martial Arts (any art ) is not about focusing on techniques…we are developing skills that will give us the technique. example… Try and remember 100 techniques from single siniwali. That would be pretty diffucult unless you have photographic memory…I don’t. Now instead train s. sinawali so well that your great skill in doing the motion allows you to flow into 100 techniques…now that is more realistic. That is Modern Arnis.

I am so happy to read something so sensible from a 90's generation person who studied under Professor. The reality is that he is now departed from us and we have to find our own way in this world.

[DN]I’m sure there are many out there like myself that wishes that all groups find a venue to get together and share information, personal ideas, what the Professor may have taught that individual or group. Just as Dr. Barber has proposed in another thread…(I’ve been thinking the same thing sir, but you have beaten me to the punch on broadcasting the idea…kudos to you sir!)…We should even as different organizations find a common ground to share. Professor taught many people different things and told them many different things, but to reach the same goal in developing and promoting Modern Arnis.

Thank you for the kudos, Guro David. My starting position is as you have stated above, there is a common ground to work from and we need not be bitter enemies simply because we came into this art from a different perspective or time frame. As you said above, there is a time for changing partners! Differnt partners gives us a chance to experience different reactions and body/ footwork movements.

[deleted a paragraph}

[DG] The last few conversations I had on the phone with the Professor in the Summer of 2001, we mainly talked about how he loved all his students and that the Art be carried forward. We all have been given tasks…the different groups, IMAF, Inc., WMAA, MARPPIO… Delaney, Inc. etc…. Each of these groups has their focus and the end result is the same … Continuing to Spread the Art of Modern Arnis founded by the only Grandmaster of Modern Arnis, Remy Amador Presas.

Very well said and it is a reality that we have to accept. Even if the missions were not officially given, there would be people going in different directions anyways. There are always independent minds and curious people who want to explore that next option.

[Deleted 2 paragraphs}

Guro David, you were not rambling! You have spoken directly to the problem, identified it and proposed a solution, now it is up to people from the various groups to make to effort to work together in some areas work independently in others. Thank you for sharing your ideas with us and I look forward to working with you at some point in the near future; how about Buffalo in June or July 2003, if not sooner?

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.