Off to Sweden

Datu Tim Hartman

Senior Master
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 26, 2001
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY USA
I leave for Sweden tomorrow for a week and a half tour. I'll be back on May 28th. If anyone needs to get in contact with me use the private message opion threw Martial Talk.

Tim Hartman


I hope you do not have my usual customs
inspections. :rofl:

Yes officer, all these weapons, uh I mean these
tools are used for training people, honest.

Best Wishes and good Flight

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

Safe Trip.

But if he dies, I get his sticks. Knives too.

(Hey Renegade, can I get your technical support person Kaith too? He's great!)
Originally posted by Renegade

I leave for Sweden tomorrow for a week and a half tour. I'll be back on May 28th. If anyone needs to get in contact with me use the private message opion threw Martial Talk.

Tim Hartman


Enjoy. Sweden is very lovly this time of the year. And if your flying, wave while your passing Denmark

Originally posted by PAUL


Have a good trip!

:cool: :D

Danish and Norwegian women are even better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cream of the crop....

Originally posted by Yari

Danish and Norwegian women are even better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cream of the crop....


It's all good to me!
Tim, think of Women who Look Like Zorba. Now, Is it still ALL GOOD?

Blond hot tub video to follow Datu's trip.
I hope nobody is dumb enough to buy the

"Datus gone wild!" tape

:erg: :rolleyes: :fart: :burp: