Mind control? Is it possible and is it connected the dark side?

still learning

Senior Master
Nov 8, 2004
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Hello, There is an Sensi in Kona who could do things with his mind control. One example is (a past high school kid saw this/today he is an adult) The Sensi is also high teacher. He would stare at the clock and the large hand would move backwards. There were other things too. Today he does not practice that art because of the many bad omens that surrounding him. (bad things happen around you) even after over 20 years of not doing it, things happens around himself and at home. (stones from the rock walls would move,things in the house would fall down with no apparent reasons.)

Most of this is hearsay from my senior Instructor who knows this person really well. I did get to train with this Sensi in a one day seminar (both of us were learning things of Kali). You could feel a sense of fear/awareness from this person.

Have any of you know someone like that and do they still practice it? What are your thoughts on this?
My thoughts are that he's very good at showmanship. If psychic powers really existed, it would be enough to win the inventor a nobel prize and advance science tremendously. However, when subjected to double blind studies, ALL psychic abilities tested so far have failed to work.

Doesn't bode well for those who claim to have them!
Heck yeah - I used to work in Japan doing shows as a Mentalist. Included all sorts of predictions, telepathy, psychokinesis, hypnosis, etc. Basically, showmanship and a little practice can make anything work.

Today at my Summer Camp program I taught a 10 year old a "mind-reading" trick. Two hours later he showed it to his mom, and you should have seen her eyes! She wasn't quite sure what to believe (heck, we teach ninjutsu, right...) If he can do it after practicing it ONCE then I'm sure the teache in Kona can do it.

Now, on the other side of this, I certainly DO believe that there is some legitimate practice of reading people's intent, etc. This stuff works, and it's easier than the tricks. I've taught people to avoid attacks with their eyes closed, and no sound in about 30 seconds of practice. That's even better than the magic trick. :ultracool
If there were absolutely no validity in paranormal activity, the military wouldn't have spent so much time and money on remote viewing.
You don't need to see his identification.

This isn't the thread you are looking for.

He can go about his business.
{you forgot ...}

Move along.
The answer has to be yes to both.

The existence of the advertising industry proves mind control is possible enough to make serious cash, and the track record of the industry is definitely on the dark side in my opinion ( cigarette ads in the 50's, McDonalds marketing in the last Olympics etc etc)

Thing is I smoke and eat burgers, is that free will or weak will...:popcorn: :confused:

In all seriousness, smart psychology/physiology is a great martial arts tool, and can achieve impressive results. IMHO it is as good or bad as the person using it...

Who knows what's out there. I know I've witnessed some weird things. When I was in high school I studied under a guy that seemed to have some strange "abilities". He never claimed any but things "happened". One time we were on our knees with our eyes closed doing some breathing techniques. A dog was barking right outside the door and it was very distracting. All-of-the-sudden our instructor made this strange noise and the dog then made an even stranger one (like a weird choking sound) and it stopped barking. It may have been a coincidence but man, I had chills down my spine!!!! :idunno:
You ever wonder how psychics can speak with the dead or see into the future but not one of them can tell you what next week's winning lottery numbers are. I dont buy it, I think there are people that believe they have powers and people that believe in those people, aside from that, its all showmanship to me.

I dont want to shut this off completely just because I have not experienced anything does not mean it isnt real. I am pretty sure that there might be people out there with extraordinary abilities, but I am sure they are like a needle in a haystack.
Does it exist? Yes.
Is it common? No.
Is most of what we hear/see just tricks? Yes.

How can you tell it's real?
When it works on independents, not just the demoers inner circle.
When the Amazing Randi signs off on it, then I'll be satisfied.

I'd still like to see him get a hold of George Dillman!
I once saw my judo/jujutsu instructor control the minds and actions of an entire room filled with youth wrestlers. They were on their way to a competition and were staying over in our town for the night and had asked the university if they could work out in the wrestling room. Of course, the university says yes...even though we have class in there that night. So they're milling about being a distraction, walking around with shoes on the mat, coming in and out of the locker room/bathroom and just generally being a pain the the butt. Well, as we were finishing up for class we all were sitting in seiza and doing some breathing and they really started making some noise. All of sudden, Sensei slips back into Staff Sergeant mode and you just hear the most booming voice come out of this little guy, "EXCUSE ME! THIS IS STILL OUR CLASS AND UNTIL I SAY OTHERWISE WE ARE PRACTICING AND YOU WILL SHOW SOME RESPECT FOR THAT!" or something along those lines. You've never seen 20 12-14 year olds so quiet in your life. Even I felt like I had just been punished, I wanted to apologize for breathing so loud. That was one of the few times I've seen that happen, and everytime it just amazes me the personality change, it's like the Incredible Hulk. And as far as Sensei goes? You wouldn't like him when he's angry...
I don't believe in the supernatural. A MA master may seem superhuman at times, but it's all real human ability. If someone says they can move the hands of the clock backwards, I'll demand they do it with my watch.

Anyhow, I know all about mind control. I atended one of the finest culinary schools in the country and used to work as a Sous Chef. Once someone has my roast lamb I can basically get them to do anything I want.

That's right, I spike it with massive doses of pentothol. :D
Can someone control another's mind? Yes, but the reasons are only logical.

First of all, if you have a highly charismatic individual that knows how to say the right things at the right time, to the right people, then he may very well be able to "control" people's minds. Now, such a thing isn't too common, but it has happened before in the past.

Let's take a look at a time in history. You had a defeated nation, that was essentially scapegoated for all of a war's occurrences (even though the whole war simply boiled down to everyone being chained in various alliances). The people of this nation were forced to pay reparations to their enemies, etc., and the nation was in economic ruin. Runaway inflation got to the point where it was cheaper to burn money in the stoves, since it was worth less than actual wooden kindling.

People were unemployed, angry, and desperate for anything that could re-ignite the flames of national pride. It just happened to be that a failed artist that was also a prison inmate, was able to write a book, blaming the rest of the world, and a certain group of people following a certain religion, for the current state of shambles. It also didn't hurt his persuasions, that these religious folks (referring to that specific religion only) were better off than the average non-religious person, which only served to reinforce the resentment.

When this failed artist gained enough recognition, he quickly rose to power. He was charismatic, proud, and his sheer amounts of passion in his speeches made him an authoritative figure, to which the desperate people of the ramshackle nation were eager to obey. Of course, the sheer amounts of cocaine and amphetamines only added to his already-high levels of energy, which somehow further spurred on the people.

Through some favorable (to him) events, he was able to seize the top executive post in the nation, and the economy under his watch took off, as a massive military buildup commenced. He was even able to seize back certain concessions that were made from the treaty that all but ruined the nation before. As a result, national pride had surged back, and the people were more than happy to listen to his statements. The economy was strong, and a big relief to people who were formerly unemployed and despotic.

With all of these events bolstering his popularity to god-like levels, he was able to hold a sway with many people, and convince them to do things that were completely horrendous, such as the execution of women and children, in gas chambers. Sometimes, they would even be strangled with piano wire, or used for one-way medical experiments.

This tidbit of history (the rise of the demonic Adolf Hitler) shows what can happen when everything falls into place. I wouldn't doubt if, through sheer charisma and the desperate times of the people, he did have a degree of purely "normal" mind control over the bulk of the Germans at the earlier phases of the conflict.

Could this happen again? Certainly, although it probably wouldn't be nearly as horrendous as the above historical example. If a sensei, for example, is an excellent teacher, charismatic, and has a loyal student that is willing to empty his mind, is it so far-fetched that the sensei would (and many times unwittingly) hold a big sway over the student's train of thought?

I have more thoughts about this, but I need to finish my cup of coffee before it gets cold.