Mike Tyson VS Peter Aerts

Damian Mavis

Master Black Belt
Mar 21, 2002
Reaction score
Bangkok, Thailand
I just talked to the promoter for Peter Aerts (I'm probably spelling his name horribly wrong) in Pattaya Thailand and he said Mike Tyson has already been paid and they are just working out the Visas to pick a date for a fight at the K1.

What do you guys think of that match up?

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I'd wear a wrestlers head gear if I was in with Tyson. Seriously, he will probably revertt to the type of training and fight experience he's had in the past. If someone can survive his hitting power, the multilevel and the larger arsenal of attacks in a K1 vs a boxing match can be overwhelming.

Paul M
Its been a while since I've seen any of the K1 fights with Peter, but I would have to go with him. Tyson is an awesome puncher, but it'll be interesting to see how he deals with the kicks. Peters best strategy is to take Tyson out of his game and nail him with low kicks.

Sapper6 said:
shouldn't this post belong under the MMA board...? :idunno:
Not neccessarily, its general martial arts. At least my opinoin on it.

I am really looking forward to seeing this fight. Some friends and I are going to get together and watch it. It will be interesting, Tyson has tremendous power, but can he handle the kicks? Its deffinatly worth watching.

Sapper6... MMA is a very obvious style... kickboxing and boxing are NOT MMA. K1 is a kickboxing event that was based on karate fighting full contact so if anything it would belong there (kickboxing or karate!), however this post involves boxing too so I posted in the general section.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
If Tyson has his mental game in shape ( :uhyeah: ) - hey anything's possible- he is going to be very difficult to get in on, washed up or not. And his hands are a LOT faster than Aerts. And no way is Aerts on Tyson's level as far as punching or striking power is concerned. Don't get me wrong- Iron Mike sucks- but this isn't a fair match in my opinion. Kicks to the leg? Maybe. If it goes to the ground- who knows. Aerts better not try to slug it out, though.

It's good to have an opinion! :) :) :)
I don't know, Aerts is a pretty good knock out artist. He going to have to keep mike outside though. If Mike can keep Aerts away from his head, he has it won. I don't know that he will have that much trouble with the kicks, unless it lingers out several rounds.

Rob Wilson, guys, this is not a MMA event! heh, there is no going to the ground! K1 is a stand up striking event in a ring much like kickboxing except they include knees.

Peter Aerts is known for setting up great knockout head kicks, hopefully this skill will be what helps him win against Mike Tyson.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Tyson has a wealth of experience with his boxing fights. I don't know too much about Peter Aerts but I gather he is more of a Martial Artist and would be using kicks. So therefore he might not be too familiar with clinches and anything associated with Boxing. Knowing that Tyson is a formidable puncher it should be a good fight! Peter Aerts really needs to keep away from his punches and use his legs to keep Tyson at a distance and attack with his legs.
But it would be interesting to see what happens! I was watching a K1 match between a kickboxer and a boxer. The kickboxer kept attacking the boxer's legs and he didn't know how to counter it.
Muhammed Ali was in a similar type of match in Japan with what would a shootfighter. It was like a forerunner of K1. The other fighter attacked Ali's legs alot and rarely made any face contact and Ali I think got some good shots to his body but in the end it was declared a draw!
Actually Tony, Peter Aerts has extensive Muay Thai training and the clinch in Muay Thai is far superior to boxing, that is a place Peter Aerts would dominate, he would knee Mike Tyson from there and unless Mike prepares for the fight properly he will do badly in the clinch. But I am not sure if they allow extensive clinch in all the K1 matches or if it depends on the fight.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Ooops, right, sorry :uhyeah: :) :uhyeah: :) forgot about the whole K1 thing. Sometimes it is just too much fun to imagine "what if" ! I know this is a dead horse but I just hope Aerts wears his earmuffs.

Crunch! :erg: :erg: :erg:
I read in an article about Tyson when he first signed with the K-1 and he has the option to opt for Boxing rules.....which means he will I'm sure and that means no chance for the other guy. I feel if it was kicking involved, Tyson would lose. I think it was on Espn.com that I read this, It was when he first appeared at K-1 and was thought to be fighting Sapp.
legend29 said:
I read in an article about Tyson when he first signed with the K-1 and he has the option to opt for Boxing rules.....which means he will I'm sure and that means no chance for the other guy. I feel if it was kicking involved, Tyson would lose. I think it was on Espn.com that I read this, It was when he first appeared at K-1 and was thought to be fighting Sapp.
Doesn't that make it a boxing match and not a K-1 fight?

Yes it does, but Tyson is a big draw and he calls the shots I guess. I know people like the Gracies have been after him for years trying to get him to fight in a MMA match. Of course no reply from him.
He's broke, what clout does he have? I will be very disapointed if its boxing rules.

So will I, but I'm almost possitive that he has that option, and I'm sure he'd take it. I'll try to find the article on Espn and post it here. Starting to feel like we are in a chat room...LOL..
LOL, yeah, we need one of those here, although it could get pretty packed.

Yeah, if you find the article, I would love to read it, post a link or something. If he does chose it, I think he will probably win.

Mike Tyson has signed with K-1 to fight in Japan

This is not the report i read, but it still mentions it a bit. Let me know what you think.