Microsoft Asks Fed For Bailout

Bob Hubbard

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Microsoft Asks Fed For Bailout on Wednesday April 01, @08:41PM

Posted by samzenpus on Wednesday April 01, @08:41PM
from the too-big-to-fail dept.

snydeq writes "Microsoft requested on Tuesday some $20 billion in bailout funds from the federal government, claiming that as the company controls an overwhelming share of the OS market, it is too big to fail. Low adoption rates for Vista, the ensuing ad campaign trying to convince people that they really do like Vista, and the increased need for development resources to rush Windows 7 to market to make people forget about Vista have necessitated the bailout, the company said. "We want to make it absolutely clear that this is not a crisis of mismanagement," said Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer in a prepared statement. "This is simply a crisis of dollars — a crisis of not having enough dollars coming our way.""

I can so see this....
Umm... how much is Bill Gates worth?

Wh-why can't he use his OWN money to save his OWN company?

This is one of the things that really gets me mad about these bailout requests. Here we have corporate CEO's and those who OWN the companies (collectively and individually) guys who have spent money... their OWN money to build up their so called empires and such. If in the early days of their expanding businesses they would've sacrificed some (if not all) of their own money to keep it running, to keep it afloat. Now worth Billions they have the unmitigated gall to ask for a hand-out so that they don't float their own businesses until it's back on it's feet or on solid footing again with their OWN money. I mean... gee... you made Billions before... does that mean you're only allowed to do it ONCE? That you only got one chance to make your fortune and once you got it that's it... you can't do it again?

Didn't Howard Hughes go broke a time or two in his life time?

What makes these guys so damned special that they don't HAVE to use their OWN money from their OWN profits to help save a company that they've built with their OWN two hands, their sweat, their tears, their long sleepless nights coming up with new ideas and new ways to keep their businesses going? Gates has been reported staying up late in his office while MS was getting off the ground, sometimes found sleeping on the floor because he just dropped flat out exhausted, working to build up his (now) massive computer software empire ... or is all that just a myth about the man?
Even if he doesn't completely OWN the Microsoft corporation... why aren't they asking HIM "hey, Bill, we're in trouble, your company is in trouble, the company that YOU built is in trouble we need YOUR help... what are you willing to do to save it?

Bill's reply must've been... "simple, ask the government for a bail out..."

Oh thanks Mr. Gates... sorry to have bothered you.
I hope the date has a lot to do with the timing of the "request".
Ballmer? He's one of the original M$ Billionaires. Poor guy, he's barely scraping by these days, what with that 75% browser share, and 90% OS share.
That's pocket change. A self made billionaire like that.....

he needs his own island.

I suggest Manhattan.

NY doesn't need it.
Case anyone didn't know this, Bill Gates retired a while back..... ;)
Case anyone missed it....April Fools.
Well....y'all did pay attention to the embeded link to the full story right? Right?
