90% of all guns used in Mexican crimes...


Sr. Grandmaster
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Mar 18, 2005
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...do NOT come from the USA. At least they don't, if the data aren't fudged.


Of course, some individuals are always happy to fudge things:

90 percent of the weapons used to commit crimes in Mexico come from the United States.

-- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said it to reporters on a flight to Mexico City.

-- CBS newsman Bob Schieffer referred to it while interviewing President Obama.

-- California Sen. Dianne Feinstein said at a Senate hearing: "It is unacceptable to have 90 percent of the guns that are picked up in Mexico and used to shoot judges, police officers and mayors ... come from the United States."

The number is actually closer to 17 percent, not 90 percent. The only way it comes out to 90 percent is if you limit the search to traceable guns. Of course, most of the weapons seized aren't traceable.

What's not surprising, though, is that the usual anti-gunners are trying to accuse US dealers of supplying arms to Mexican criminals, strutting forth all sorts of fully automatic weapons.

The problem? Simple. Such full auto weapons do NOT come from FFL holders in the US. Most of them came from Chinese smugglers, illegal dealers from Guatemala, etc.

It simply amounts to more rubbish from the anti-gun folks.
lol. Must be using them American AK-47s that I hear so much about. :rofl:
...and American selective-fire FN-FALs...and M-16s bought from American gun shops...and civilian M-203s...

Since when does a politician let reality stand in their way to passing a law to further their own agendas?
...and American selective-fire FN-FALs...and M-16s bought from American gun shops...and civilian M-203s...


Yeah, I had my eye on the 203 for a while, but ended up buying a Wii instead. Figured the family would have more fun with it, but my son remains unconvinced.
America is the largest arms dealer in the world. Both for high end military hardware like tanks, and personal non-military arms. That fact remains true regardless, and makes American political attempts to limit proliferation to various war zones completely hollow.
The number is actually closer to 17 percent, not 90 percent. The only way it comes out to 90 percent is if you limit the search to traceable guns. Of course, most of the weapons seized aren't traceable.

I think this all needs to be bolded. What can be traced comes from the US 9 out of 10 times, and the rest we can't be sure. I'm guessing that someone more familiar with college level statistics could use that 17% of total to get you an assumed sample of the total amount. I find it impossible to believe that anywhere near 50% of the 'untraceables' are from somewhere other than the US, and my gut tells me that whether the remarks were based on science, fact, wishful thinking or laziness they aren't far from wrong at all.
Um, if large numbers of Mexican nationals entering the US doesn't cause crime then the same should be true of anything carried South over the border...
...and American selective-fire FN-FALs...and M-16s bought from American gun shops...and civilian M-203s...


The FN-Fal is a Belgian made assault rifle. Not only that, but the M-16 and FN-Fal are some of the most prolific firearms in the world. I would be interested to know where you get your statistics that:

1. These guns are imported into Mexico from the U.S.

2. These guns, specifically the M-16 as you suggest, are from American gun shops, much less bought legally.

3. The usage of the M203 grenade launcher in the drug wars of Mexico.
How shall I put it...

The people who are saying that 90% of the guns used et cetera et cetera are full of crap.

The US doesn't make FNs. M-203s are not readily available. There is always a few M-16s floating around, but not in those kind of quantities. Selective fire weapons of any sort are not that easy to find.

Americans aren't smuggling small arms to the Mexican drug cartels because the cartels can get them better, newer and wholesale from places like Korea, Romania and the Mexican Army.
I guess I am not getting something. Why do I care that Mexican criminals are using firearms that come from the US? How does that exactly effect me?

I am not trying to sound heartless, but I just don't understand why I should care. It would be one thing if it was here in the US, but another country?
I guess I am not getting something. Why do I care that Mexican criminals are using firearms that come from the US? How does that exactly effect me?

I am not trying to sound heartless, but I just don't understand why I should care. It would be one thing if it was here in the US, but another country?

Pay close attention to the US politicians that are very interested in this an you will see a pattern emerge. They likely don't really care about the crime in Mexico other than how they can use it to justify an imposition of yet another round of laws and restrictions on their citizens.
I guess I am not getting something. Why do I care that Mexican criminals are using firearms that come from the US? How does that exactly effect me?

I am not trying to sound heartless, but I just don't understand why I should care. It would be one thing if it was here in the US, but another country?

Never minding the truth (and the truth has never deterred a Klinton yet), but this lie is simply a ploy to end gun shows in the USA and ban certain types of guns in the USA (not the actual guns the Mexican cartels use, but ones that sorta kinda look alike.... and that's always been enough for the gun grabbers).
You mean I missed out on a good RPG at a Houston Gun Show?

And those grenades. I must of walked right past the dealer. Bummer, they work so good on hogs and fish.

Well, I'll keep a sharp eye out for some LAWS and a belt fed Ma Duce. Always wanted one to squirrle hunt with.

Yeah DS. You missed out. I picked up a barely used Bradley and some spare TOWs. I was sad to not get a MK19, but maybe next time.
Never minding the truth (and the truth has never deterred a Klinton yet),

Yep. Hillary learned it as a Young Republican and working for GOP campaigns in her youth. Bill learned it to get ahead in Arkansas politics. I always knew the Clintons were the most conservative Democrats to reach high office.
Yeah DS. You missed out. I picked up a barely used Bradley and some spare TOWs. I was sad to not get a MK19, but maybe next time.

The MK19 is so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up.