

Senior Master
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
I just noticed he closed his account. did I miss his departure? Seldom agreed with the guy, but he was fun to read :)
I've been wondering where his contributions have been in the various threads that would normally have been meat for his table too. I felt his posts were often under-rated for the very fact that they gave rise to so much discussion.
I've been wondering where his contributions have been in the various threads that would normally have been meat for his table too. I felt his posts were often under-rated for the very fact that they gave rise to so much discussion.

I certainly enjoyed the heck out of his observations. Like you, I didn't always agree with him, but his positions always seemed very meticulously reasoned as representative from his perspective. I found myself having absolute respect for the mind in the man, even while not entirely agreeing with his conclusions.

However, I know many were not nearly as appreciative of his contributions, and he frequently was lambasted by smaller minds that were focused on single issue politics; people often responded to what they thought he said, rather than what he actually stated. I do not blame him for having left; he was often a vocal minority, assailed by people for his views. I even often thought he was correct, and had never before viewed an issue such as he couched it. I miss his posts, thought provoking as they were.

Best Regards,

Dave Crouch, DC

PS -- Michael...come back!
His account was closed per his request.
Would a PM from here still reach him, Rob? I was pondering dropping him a line just to say pretty much what has been said here i.e. that even tho' it might have seemed he was always on the receiving end of lot of abrasive posts he functioned very much as a lightning rod drawing discourse to him.

Of course, if he simply decided he'd had enough that's his call, it's just I hate to see anyone driven out because they have the courage of their convictions, particularly when those convictions arise from reason and logic.
Thanks, Bob. I'd like to keep in touch. Mike's a good guy and he's helped me out IRL. I'd count him as a real friend.
Would a PM from here still reach him, Rob?

A PM here would not reach him, but an email may. Bring up his profile and click on the "Send Email to user" option. Your default mail program will open and will send an email to him ... hopefully.
A point that's sometimes lost is that without disagreement and differing opinions, life is boring. His views on some things rubbed some the wrong way. I can't say I agreed with him (or to be honest anyone) 100% of the time on some things, but do miss his input.
Of course, anyone familiar with the heated and passionate exchanges in the Study knows, sometimes, ya just gotta take a break. That's why I rarely post in there anymore. (Course in my case it's to keep my blood pressure down. LOL!)

I don't think PMing a closed account goes through. I might be wrong. Your best bet would be to sign up there and drop him a line.
I got a response via email from Mike. He is aware of this thread. The short version: Basically always trying to explain his positions on MartialTalk can be pretty tiring.. However, he is happy over at KenpoTalk.

- Ceicei
Thanks for the 'heads-up', Caralee. Thanks also for the advice, Georgia and Bob. I wont pester Mike with mails as, if he's read this thread he knows what we think.
I had some good exchanges with Mike in the study, when I would post in there. We may not have always seen eye to eye, but I will say that him and I were always civil to each other. IMO, that made the discussion that much more enjoyable. :)
In the end he'll do what he believes is the best thing for him, as would any of us.

Toward the end there, I'll admit there were times I fell short of my personal expectations for myself of dealing with those of even what appear to be polar opposite beliefs and on one or two occasions did not show the respect I should have despite disagreement.

I ended up using the ignore feature as I simply believed we were too different in our beliefs so I should not leave an option open where I would rise to any bait.

But I do wonder, If we met in person, and we had other topics to talk about besides politics, it may be we'd have gotten along just fine, because at the end of the day, the absolute *worst* thing I really could say about Mike was that we did not agree, which is hardly a capital crime.

Whatever decision Mike makes I hope it works out for him and wish him the best.
In the end he'll do what he believes is the best thing for him, as would any of us.

Toward the end there, I'll admit there were times I fell short of my personal expectations for myself of dealing with those of even what appear to be polar opposite beliefs and on one or two occasions did not show the respect I should have despite disagreement.

I ended up using the ignore feature as I simply believed we were too different in our beliefs so I should not leave an option open where I would rise to any bait.

But I do wonder, If we met in person, and we had other topics to talk about besides politics, it may be we'd have gotten along just fine, because at the end of the day, the absolute *worst* thing I really could say about Mike was that we did not agree, which is hardly a capital crime.

Whatever decision Mike makes I hope it works out for him and wish him the best.
Politics and religion are two topics that are sure to create tension among even the most level headed individuals. As Mike was such a prolific poster in the study most of the conversations had with him were political. Sit and talk MA with someone and you'll not have near the chance of argument.

As for the ignore feature, Andy, you did a smart thing. You identified that you were unable to carry on polite discourse with a particular individual and did what you felt was needed to maintain civility on the board. Each and every member here has that same opportunity. If more would take advantage of it (not excessively, you need to read SOMEONE's posts:rofl:) we'd have many more solid debates without the side tracking of personal agendas.
I really hope he comes back! I enjoyed his posts and conversing with him!

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