McDonald's Coupon





  • $mcdonalds.jpg
    28 KB · Views: 230
We should mail those out, or hand them out, or something.
hehe... that could be a good karate advertisment... make it look like a fast food coupon, remind people that fast food is bad for you, and then have it be a coupon for a free lesson to promote fitness.
Originally posted by nightingale8472

hehe... that could be a good karate advertisment... make it look like a fast food coupon, remind people that fast food is bad for you, and then have it be a coupon for a free lesson to promote fitness.

Good idea! Are you in marketing?
yep. I do brochures and websites and flyers (and coupons) for anyone who needs publicity (provided, of course, that they pay me, or have something that I want that they're willing to trade).
Isn't this a small in Texas? :D


  • $karatesize.jpg
    21.8 KB · Views: 200
<THID> Kaith, have WAAAAAAAAAAAYYY too much time on your hands....(BTW, think I should quit karate now? If I get my black belt, won't I be obligated to gain 200 pounds?) :eek: :shrug:
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

Isn't this a small in Texas? :D

YeeeeeeeHa!!! That's the Texas size you are talkin' about.
Do I sound like a truth texans? :D
I lived in TX for a year...the McD's there had a "Humongous Size" - 42 ounce cup for drink and a 42 oz cup for fries.... x_x
Originally posted by JadeDragon

<THID> Kaith, have WAAAAAAAAAAAYYY too much time on your hands....(BTW, think I should quit karate now? If I get my black belt, won't I be obligated to gain 200 pounds?) :eek: :shrug:
That happens when you shift from active to administrative. The trick is to remain active while you administer.
Originally posted by Seig

That happens when you shift from active to administrative. The trick is to remain active while you administer.

Im very good at being administrative <cough>. 9_9 I administrate at the computer...on the the TV :D In fact, I intend to be adminstrative at the theatre to-morrow...

Hmm 3 am...yeah, that explains this post ...gotta stop drinking the coke after midnight v_v*:eek: