master and au shu i really talk to

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Blue Belt
Jul 30, 2011
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now do talk actle master and aushu / ralph talk to him twices /globastien au shu christen jacbbsion / Allie Alberigo/Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu
Gaming and Dancing paulugg /auther mr cummins / zack morgen one /i have nt yet stephen k hayes but soon i will frank dux ashed kim but he know about me a little


Green Belt
Mar 9, 2011
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Melbourne, Australia
So, um, what? Are you giving us a list of the people you've had contact with in the past, or was there a point to this thread? Not to mention some of the names there are, shall we say, less-than-reputable...

Sanke on the move.

Chris Parker

Feb 18, 2008
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Melbourne, Australia
This isn't going to be easy....

Without going the fraudbusting route, as that's not what we do here, there are a few things I'd like to point out, Billy. Mainly about the people you have chosen to listen to, and why that might not be the best for your development if you want to actually learn this art. For others, I'm going to try to translate things as best I can...

now do talk actle master and aushu /

Okay, so this is a list of "actual masters and An Shu that you have spoken with, or continue to speak to", yeah? For those unsure (non-Ninjutsu background), "An Shu" is basically a term for a "director", and is only used by two people that I am aware of... and one of them makes quite a mistake with it.

ralph talk to him twices /

Ralph Severe? Hmm. Ralph has posted on forums under the name "Kamayama", for anyone looking for him, and while his background is in the Bujinkan, he is far from the most sought after teacher around. Still, at least he's (relatively) authentic in that way.

globastien au shu christen jacbbsion /

Look, I'm not getting into the personal details that we could with Christa, but the most important thing to be aware of is that she has a little experience in the Bujinkan, a little under Steve Hayes, but then went off claiming some things that have no real basis in any evidence at all. She claims a system (Tomo Ryu) for which there is no support, as well as a range of other systems that she has very questionable experience in. All in all, aside from the Bujinkan and Toshindo material, there is a great lack of anything Japanese in her other "Japanese" arts... her knife work is poorly done imitation of FMA material, for instance.

Christa, as well, is the one who makes a large mistake with "An Shu". She copied the term from Steve Hayes, but didn't know the kanji (Japanese characters), so chose what she thought was correct. Sadly, instead of saying "director (of a company)", it is more along the lines of "dark/black mistress"...

Christa is not considered a reliable source of information. She doesn't make you look like you know anything about the art.

Allie Alberigo/Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu

Allie Alberigo is actually ex-Genbukan, not Bujinkan, and was the senior most ranked instructor in the NY area for a while. A number of years ago he left to do his own thing, and has spent more time with other illegitimate teachers. So while Allie is relatively fine by himself, his approach, his lack of interest in the actual traditional methods, and so on mean that he never really learnt much about the history, and doesn't really care about it either. However, unless you are part of his school, there's little of value you could get from him.

Somewhat okay, but only in a dojo for techniques (to a degree).

Gaming and Dancing paulugg /

I have no idea who that could be... which isn't a good sign.

auther mr cummins /

Antony Cummins is largely ignorant of everything to do with Ninjutsu, the Bujinkan, and anything related. He has claimed to be a translator of ancient Japanese manuals, but can't read Japanese. He has claimed to be the first to translate a number of documents (such as the Shoninki) into English, when he's actually a distant fourth or fifth. He had a fantasy about what he thought training would be like, and when the reality didn't live up to that, he launched a vendetta against the Bujinkan. He has no real knowledge, understanding, or anything else, when it comes to the Japanese culture.

While he uses good material, his habit of putting his own interpretations into everything means that whenever you read his work, you are getting the wrong ideas, because he doesn't understand things well enough to get it right.

Antony is to be avoided at all costs. He is completely clueless. And this is coming from long conversations with him myself.

zack morgen one /

Again, no idea who this is.

i have nt yet stephen k hayes but soon i will

Steve Hayes has been doing his own thing for a while, but okay.

frank dux ashed kim but he know about me a little

Oh dear. Neither of these people have any credibility with regards to Ninjutsu whatsoever. Talking to them is less informative than watching American Ninja 6. Ignore at all costs.

But here's the thing, Billy. What does talking to these people mean? Are any of them your teachers? Have any of them given you any rank? What is your relationship with them? Talking to them doesn't mean anything.


Blue Belt
Jul 30, 2011
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there all on my youtube channle ya do talk raph saver good man and togakure ryu bothen zack morgen mr cunnine id nice and gave me book that signed christen jacbbsion nice and gave good teaching to follow Bujinkan. paullugg maen to all member of bujikan i meet some do share teaching Allie Alberigo/ is verey ide and way enlightment we chance to talk stephen k hayes


Blue Belt
Jul 30, 2011
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globastien nice woman she one people read about inside kung fu magzine in 1987 what you think is meanliess in self ninjutsu haev the art to know what part of martial art come from unliesing it in all martial art you know learn for one you learning from all kind of people as will make self will arounded warrior

Flying Crane

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 21, 2005
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San Francisco
It would be nice if Mr. blackswordshinobi would use complete sentences, real language, and would be more careful of spelling. Honestly, I thought he might have had a seizure while sitting at the keyboard, I thought it was all garbled nonsense. I was amazed when Chris actually pulled a bunch of names out of that mess.

Here's a suggestion Mr. B: use real language, and check your spelling.


<font color=blue><B>Grand UberSoke, Sith-jutsu Ryu
Jan 11, 2004
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Chris hit it on the head.

Ashida Kim is a joke. He's not asian, not a ninja. He writes crap books and talks **** on line, and otherwise is ****.

Same goes for frauds like Rick Tew and Frank Dux.

If those are your teachers, you're as much a "Ninja" as the Blue Ranger is.

Actually what you are is a damned fool.

The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
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Oct 26, 2005
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Isle de la Moros


Blue Belt
Jul 30, 2011
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some people forget one rule of ninjutsu to share in pace i guest no one learn that yet

The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Oct 26, 2005
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Isle de la Moros
Others forget a more important rule:

Don't study under frauds, liars and outright scumbags.


Master of Arts
May 19, 2010
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Under an Oaktree
Hi Blackswordshinobi
congratulations on knowing many people involved or think they are involved in Ninjutsu.

I have talked to a couple of famous people in martial art circles its not big deal they are normal people.

IMO just talking to Mr. Parker here on Martial talk has more weight than most of those people on your list and can provide more information involving your art than Ashida Kim and a couple of other people you listed.

The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Oct 26, 2005
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Isle de la Moros
Hey, if hanging out with liars makes you happy, go ahead. But you won't ever be taken serious, especially if you say you're studying under Ashida Kim or some of those others. Too many people here know just how fraudulent they are. You'll just end up talking to yourself as most of us really don't care to deal with make believe "ninjas". You can say "i real" all you want, but if you point at Ashida, Tew, Dux, or some of those other clowns, no one will really bother with you. Just trying to help, do what you want.


Blue Belt
Jul 30, 2011
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really i dont deil with cycle of hate did i say learn from them one what learn but if dont open youll eyes you miss out on good people it called respect / if you have it then thing open up to you if you dont door will cloes look you know dont like people stephen k hayes one i havent talk him other are if list real want post you be shoked how many bujinkan member that share i beleaive miss the point
now do talk actle master and aushu / ralph talk to him twices /globastien au shu christen jacbbsion / Allie Alberigo/Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu
Gaming and Dancing paulugg /aurther mr cimmes// zack morgen one /i have nt yet stephen k hayes but soon i will frank dux's frank dux's but he know about me a little

ralph saver ninjutsu globastien kung fu au shu christen jacbbsion ninjutsu Allie Alberigo ninjutsu Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu paulugg /ninjutsu

aurther mr cummes ninjutsu rescreach taem stephen k hayes i will talk soon / teacher and ninjutssu frank dux's ninjutsu ashed kim ninjutsu it does make diffint if youll hate be this way but hate not really in my life zack morgen karate good man and friend​
Last edited:

Dirty Dog

MT Senior Moderator
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Sep 3, 2009
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Pueblo West, CO
Considering someone like Ashida Kim laughable is not hate, cyclic or otherwise. It is simply an aknowledgment that his training is non-existent, his teaching is nonsense, and his sole purpose in the world of martial arts is to prey on the gullible and those too new or too ignorant to understand that there is no real value to his books or teachings.


<font color=blue><B>Grand UberSoke, Sith-jutsu Ryu
Jan 11, 2004
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I don't know if you're ignorant or intentionally stupid.
People here know who is legit. Most of those you want to emulate aren't.
It's not hate, it's truth. It's not hate to tell someone that they suck when they suck.
You sound like you bought into the fantasy ninja world.
Grow up already.
Reading what you write is painful. Go take a community ed class in English. You were offered options to help you.

Hayes wrote a bad book on Ninjutsu over 20 years ago. Even he admits it has errors. He's not even a member of the Bujinkan any more.

Ashida Kim's a joke.

Rick Tew is a joke. He's also banned from here for being a spammer.

Frank Dux is a liar, and a joke. He was invited to come here and answer his critics. He refused.

Christa Jacobson, well make your own mind up.

I looked at your Youtube videos. You're passionate and you want to be good. I'll give you that. But for all the experience you claim, it sure doesn't show boy. If you were my student you'd still be a white belt.

Respect is earned, and those ******** artists don't deserve mine. The only thing they can teach me is how not to be a martial artist. You have good people on here trying to educate you. Why don't you suck it up and grow a pair and admit you still have a lot to learn, soak up the wisdom being shared and say 'thank you'.
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