I'll just remind all the Bujinkan members of what Arnisador said,
Please, keep the discussion polite and respectful.
Originally posted by heretic888
*snicker snicker ralph*
And you would know... how??
Scared you, did I? Well it is common knowedge. Everyone gives so meany excuses as to why there are bozos running around with high ranks, the simplest reason is that Hatsumi pockets more than 200 dollars American with every dan rank given.
Originally posted by heretic888
One could say the same to you. Given your biased and unsupported rantings under the "Ninja History" thread, and your unsupported comments on this thread, you obviously have a chip on your shoulder regarding the Bujinkan. Deal with it in the privacy of your own home. Not here.
And how is telling the truth "having a chip on my shoulder?" It seems that you find it much easier to try to discount me rather than deal with the truth I am telling.
Originally posted by heretic888
Such as??
I don't want to embarass them by giving their names.
Originally posted by heretic888
You know, its easy to claim authority based on nameless sources. Unless you start attaching names to your rather outlandish claims, don't expect anyone to start taking you seriously.
But I did and you just ignored it and started to attack the source in an ad hominum attack.
Originally posted by heretic888
I suggest you do a little more research, friend. :shrug:
Oh I have. I know a few people with ranks above fifth and they can confirm the fact that they had to pay for their ranks above fifth.
How about you go out and ask someone above fifth dan before you throw more insults around?
Originally posted by heretic888
Comedy. :rofl:
Again, you don't seem to be able to deal with what I say, so you make the kind of comments above.
Originally posted by heretic888
Wasn't this the guy that achieved a judan in 10 years, thinks a martial art isn't "kosher" unless its been in the UFC, and thinks the Bujinkan is spiritually "empty" because it isn't a Christian organization???
And how does this have to do with the fact that in an on line interview he confirms that Hatsumi makes people above fifth dan pay for ranks and that he essentially sells them?
Trying to discredit the source of bad news is not an honorable tactic. Alex Mordine achieved high rank in the Bujinkan and can confirm that he paid for his ranks. Live wtih it instead of attacking me.
Originally posted by heretic888
Oh boy, now this is starting to get out of hand. Listen, pal, you think you have the "inside scoop" based on one guy?? What about the 1000+ shidoshi in the Bujinkan that would disagree with your source?? Not to mention the various shihan??
Somebody should write this stuff down and make a fortune in a joke book. :shrug:
And who said I was just going off of one guy? How about you ask one of those people who holds rank above fifth and see what they say? I gave a source, I can name other names, but you don't seem to be willing to accept the truth. You only seem eager to attack the bearer of unpleasent truth.
Originally posted by heretic888
Not outside the internet.
Yes, outside the internet. I have heard Japanese teachers have a good laugh over all the tenth dans in the Bujinkan.
Originally posted by heretic888
Who says it isn't?? Most of Hatsumi-soke strategies strike me as very Darwinian in nature...
Or a good source of cash. I am not saying that he is raping the students over rank. They are the ones supplying the KY jelly. But the logical conclusion is that Hatsumi gives out ranks to eager students for pocket change.
Originally posted by heretic888
The same could be said for any martial art system. Rank means very little.
Have you bothered checking into every single martial art? Some arts take their ranking seriously. I personally do not put too much importance on it. In some systems you will find logical, centralized means of attaching rank. A second dan in such an art will know less than a 7th dan in terms of techniques and how well to do them. In the Bujinkan, the second dan may be better in every respect to the seventh dan, but just never attracted Hatsumi's attention when he needed some cash.