MartialTalk awards 1'st "Master" Black Belt title!

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
I'm happy to announce that Cthulhu has become our first Martial Talk Master Black Belt. He hit the 1000 post mark earlier today.

His assistance in moderating Martial Talk is invaluable to me, and his ability to seriously contribute to the information here makes him a valued member.


:asian: :cheers: :karate: :asian:
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
His assistance in moderating Martial Talk is invaluable to me, and his ability to seriously contribute to the information here makes him a valued member.

Cthulhu is a great source for hard-to-find information. I certainly appreciate his presence on the board as participant and as a moderator.
Please, stop! You'll make me blush :D

Thanks, everybody. I just hope people find something useful from the stuff I spew out of this keyboard.

Believe me, I get so much useful information from this board myself, both from responses to my posts and original posts from other members. I couldn't begin to start to list all the new knowledge I've gained since signing on here.

While we're congratulating people, let's not forget to congratulate arnisador for his MartialTalk BB!

And as always, we must always thank Kaith, for providing all of us this little corner on the Internet so that we can all share together.


Not for anything, but it seems like every couple of days Cthulhu is gaining another level. How many posts do you average per day, anyway? :) You're one of a few people with very high post counts; it's good to know that there are some people with so much to share on the boards. Especially for us beginners with limited knowledge and experience, it's nice to have extra sources of information and support.
Originally posted by Dronak
How many posts do you average per day, anyway?

This information is on a person's profile. For Cthulhu it currently says 7.33 posts per day.
Thats the average. Theres been days though where I've seen him post a ton! Not complaining though. I think its great.

Yes, I know that's just an average and people will post more on some days than others. But it does give you an idea of how often people are posting here. I think I knew that my average was in my profile, but I guess I thought that wasn't public information for some reason. *shrug* That's still a lot of posts. I'm only at . . . 0.38 posts per day; somewhat better than 1 post every 3 days on average. :) Of course, as a beginner I don't always have much to say anyway, so I tend to lurk a bit and I don't always check out all the forums either. Considering the board is what, 4-5 months or so old?, we have some people with pretty impressive post totals. As I said before, it's good to know there are people with so much to share here on the board.
We went live August 2001. Really didn't get moving until September. What I'm amazed by, is that compared to several other martial arts forums, we're really rocking. Our daily post count has started to really be amazing. I think its between 150-200 posts a day now. The one with several thousand members was doing something like 20 a day. :confused:

I think we have a great mix of members, and as we continue to grow, I know its gonna get even better.

Nothing wrong with lurking. I do it all the time. Best way to get the feel of a place. :)
And, nothing wrong with being a beginner. Us beginners ask the best questions, I think. :D

Cthulhu's our first member to top 1000. I expect by years end, we'll have at least 10 folks go over 1000 each too. :)

:cheers: To all of you, for making MartialTalk a roaring success!

I think I've always posted a lot (read: I've got a damn big mouth), but I think it started increasing when I became a mod. Since I have to monitor posts, I end up signing on frequently to read all the posts. Consquently, I ended up responding to a lot of them.

So it's all Kaith's fault, really :D

I think thats a good part of it. The more you read, the more you find to comment on or add to. and it just grows from there.

Congratulations to Kaith Rustaz on being the second MartialTalk Master Black Belt. Kaith and Cthulhu, thanks for all the informative posts and Get a Life! :D
Hehehe. Life? whats that? :D

Thank you!
Congrats, Kaith! Don't worry, I'll still make sure I stay ahead of you in posts ;)

Get a life? What's 'a life'? I have a 2-year-old daughter who is both freakishly smart and freakishly strong. in between chasing after her and going to work, it's a miracle I can find any time to train!

Congrats again, Kaith.

Congrats. :) Now two people have at least 1000 posts each. Considering that the post total was about 6800 (I think) just before I posted this, that means Kaith and Cthulhu alone have made roughly 30% of the posts here. Pretty impressive, huh? :)
Heh, thanks. :)

Yup, your maths right. Course, the way I look at it is, if a guy like me (who's a beginner in the arts) can post that much, once we get the guys with all the knowledge going, we'll really be flying high!

Me, I ask alot of questions. (plus I get a few freebies for stocking things and all the support replies) :)

I've learned a ton of things from reading what eveyone has to say. I think 1 of the nicer things about MT is the openness. A new member can basically pop in in the middle of a thread, and feel right at home. I don't get that feeling on some of the other forums I've frequented.

I expect that we'll have several more folks go over the 1000 post mark shortly. We're growing at a good clip, and thinkgs just keep lookingup.
