Martial Arts Vacations?

I have another question on vacations.
How many plan a vacation around a martial arts event or camp?
How many check to see what schools are in the area they will be vacationing in, with plans of visiting some of them?
Originally posted by tshadowchaser
How many check to see what schools are in the area they will be vacationing in, with plans of visiting some of them?

Oh, man. I am so guilty of that! It happens pretty much every time. Once, we planned an entire vacation around meeting GM George Pesare in Rhode Island a while ago. It was worth it. :)

Take care
Me to thats why I asked. My wife waits until we are on the roas then asks what tournament, school, or camp we are going to:lol:
Originally posted by tshadowchaser

How many plan a vacation around a martial arts event or camp?


How many check to see what schools are in the area they will be vacationing in, with plans of visiting some of them?

Sometimes. However, when in a new city the first thing I do on the hotel room, as my family knows, is to get out the Yellow Pages and see what's offered in the town out of curiousity, even if I don't expect to visit. This means that I am often sitting in a hotel room with the phone book open to the page that also has "Massage" on it, which must occasionally be explained.
I haven't done it yet, but I'm sure I will at some point.

However, I am planning on going to Vegas for the USA Internationls tournament in June, does that count?

when in a new city the first thing I do on the hotel room, as my family knows, is to get out the Yellow Pages and see what's offered in the town out of curiousity

I do that too.....:D

It shows that we are passionate about the martial arts. That's my story and I'm stickin to it!
Heck, if we travel, 90% of the time it's because I'm training or competing.

- Kyle
My instructor visited a school while on his honeymoon!
Even though he got teased about it, his wife was totally cool with
it. Guess that's one reason why he married her.
It isn't really a vacation story but....

My wife's (then girlfriend) grandmother had died and her funeral was being planned. When my wife told me about it, my first response was "Portland on the 19th? Mind if I go to the Hillsboro tournament?"

I went, and I suspect I didn't score any points with my wife or her family. I did have a great time at the tourney.

I am sooo guilty of the Yellow Pages thing, bugs my wife to no end. It is also the first thing I do when a new Yellow Pages comes out.

I haven't done an m.a vacation yet but I'd like too and I'm sure my girlfriend would also.
my family and i planned a trip around one of my black belt pre tests. it actually worked out great. except for the fact that i was extremely sore..LOL
Well I'm gonna have to admit to the same! For the last couple of years our family 'vacations' have been planned around Tournaments. Any trip we make away from home here on Vancouver Island is expensive due to the ferry fares and travel time, so we usually plan 'multi-purpose' trips in the first place. The way we keep the non-MA side of the family happy is by booking into a nearby hotel that has a nice pool where they can keep themselves amused. The nearby shopping malls and tourist attractions are also a big draw for us 'bush bunnies.'

My non-MA hubby discovered that he enjoyed the atmosphere and people at the first Tournament we attended, and that experience made the family more agreeable to the whole idea when the topic of the next Tournament came up. We plan our visiting and other activities around the Tournament, far enough ahead that everyone's wishes can be taken into consideration, then we all just try to have some fun!

Here's one I haven't sprung on the family yet: meeting up with people I've met on the net. I dunno how that would go over, but I'm sure I'm gonna find out soon enough! :)
HI all,

I had lots of explaining to do to my boss and my
friends at work when I told them that I was taking
time off from work to go to Buffalo. Not Niagra,
but Buffalo. And that it was for a three day
Seminar. :D They all asked, DO you actually pay
to go someowhere else to get beat up? And to
take time off of work also??? :confused:

I always reply Yes.

It is fun and my Vacation.

Well I planned a trip to Vegas around the upcoming USA Internationals at the end of this month. But that's just an excuse to go to Vegas for me :D

Originally posted by Kirk

My instructor visited a school while on his honeymoon!
Even though he got teased about it, his wife was totally cool with
it. Guess that's one reason why he married her.

Ha! Honeymoon! I think I'll win the prize on this one.

I got married May 4 this year, 2002. We moved it off of the original date of April 20 because there was a tournament that weekend that I wanted very badly to go to. Good thing I won 3 trophies. :cool:

And then... at my wedding we were invited to visit my friend in Hawaii for our Honeymoon. So I hope to go to Mr. Trejo's IMACC in Jan, then go to Hawaii afterward for the Honeymoon. I met someone a few years ago who said that her husband was Ed Parker's childhood friend and that she will give me a tour if I come to Hawaii. My wife of course wants to go to Hawaii. I want to go also but in no small part because it is also "mecca."

Thus I have affected my Both my Wedding and my Honeymoon.:eek:
Originally posted by tshadowchaser

I have another question on vacations.
How many plan a vacation around a martial arts event or camp?
How many check to see what schools are in the area they will be vacationing in, with plans of visiting some of them?
I am planning a vacation around the Iai fall clinic in Virginia..

I think we all look in the yellow pages in a new town to check out the schools in the area.

Gene Gabel