Fashion in the Martial Arts

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Mantis Leg

What is going on with fashion in the martial arts? At a recent gathering I attended I saw people walking around wearing the most outrageous costume/uniforms I have ever seen! two gentleman were wearing expensive ghi tops and the nicest hakama I've ever seen. Now I understand pride in who you are but should there be limits? At what point does one become a peacock, full of vanity?
My system is very unassuming, we aren't about flash. While I am in no way flaming anyone for their traditional uniforms, I'm just curious what others think about the flashy trend. please sound off, I'm looking foward to the feedback.


Hiya Mantis.

I have to agree. I perfer the regular ol' white uniform. The only "flash" I wear is the logo on the back of my uniform in big red letters (my school's name), and my brightly colored yellow belt hehehehe

I would rather wear my TKD uniform over those fancy things. For one, the top is a pull-over, and being a chick, I won't be "flashing" anyone without knowing it :rolleyes: :shrug: hehehehe

Seriously, I don't think wearing flashy things will make anyone's skills better. But, I guess it's personal preferance.
hey mantis :)

there is another thread that you might want to check out in regards to this subject in this forum. it is called traditional or style.
mantis posted:
"two gentleman were wearing expensive ghi tops and the nicest hakama I've ever seen."

That doesn't sound like "flash" to me. That sounds like someone wanting to have a good appearance at a martial arts gathering. "Flash" is a sequined hakama or something equally silly. If I was meeting with business associates I probably wouldn't do it in a $60 blue polyester suit, I would wear something much nicer. Why should this be any different for someone who is a professional or semi-professional martial artist, especially if they represent high rank in some system?

Just my opinion,

I agree with long as the hakama and gi were traditional, there's nothing really wrong with them being expensive. Perhaps they were giving a demo, or simply wanted quality uniforms.

However, anything with sequins, gold or silver foil, anything pastel, fringe, rainbow colored, etc. is evil...EVIL...

So my mother-of-pearl-sequined, gold lamee jumpsuit fringed in rainbow-flashing fiber-optics is out?? looks great with my 6-inch clear plastic platforms with gold-fish inside!!!

Originally posted by Cthulhu

I agree with long as the hakama and gi were traditional, there's nothing really wrong with them being expensive. Perhaps they were giving a demo, or simply wanted quality uniforms.

However, anything with sequins, gold or silver foil, anything pastel, fringe, rainbow colored, etc. is evil...EVIL...


Agreed........As far as expensive hakama goes.. Have you bought one in the last year?.. That is expensive to me

Gene Gabel
Originally posted by Cthulhu

However, anything with sequins, gold or silver foil, anything pastel, fringe, rainbow colored, etc. is evil...EVIL...


In Denmark we call them wandering x-mas trees...........

I don't like it. For me clean and simple is best!

In regards to Blindside:
These gentlemen had stepped into another realm. The nature of their uniforms went beyond tradition and into the realm of lavish. As I said I have no problem with traditional. These men were not Samurai, they were caucasian. Maybe they were "Grandmasters" but traditionally they would not have been allowed to assume the dress of the Samurai.

Mantis Leg: It will also depend on the system. In Okinawa-te, once you've earned your black belt, you are allowed to wear a hakama if you wish. Most people don't, particularly when teaching, as it can hide your foot placement and stances. If doing a demo or seminar, though, some people may wear one.

I'm allowed to wear one, but I doubt I ever would. Too dang expensive. Too high maintenence. Hell, I just shove my black belt in the bottom of my gear bag or just toss it in the closet when I'm not wearing it...I'd ruin hakama in a couple of days.

Then again, if my wife knew what I'd have paid for them, she'd make damn sure I took care of 'em :D

And no, those men were not samurai, but I don't see how being caucasian is a factor at all. Caucasians wear gi and kung fu uniforms all the that wrong as well?

Different strokes for different folks :D As long as it's done tastefully (i.e., without sequins, frills, fringe, etc.), then I don't see a problem with it.

i'd have to agree with Cthulhu. as long as it is done with tradition. these people who dance around in their fancy gear and tie dye uniforms should be left on the supermodel runway.

btw... if you ever want a hakama at a good price just let me know. i have one that's new that i'm looking to part with.
i for one admire the hakama. not only is it used in traditional martial art styles but it represents the styles history as well. it is not flashy in my opinion.
Originally posted by Shinzu

i for one admire the hakama. not only is it used in traditional martial art styles but it represents the styles history as well. it is not flashy in my opinion.

Not the hakama itself (were the hakama for aikido has taken the hakama for horse back riding... go figur???). But when people have a hakama with the colors of their nationality or just look like a wandering disco, I don't like it. even having ton's of badges on my gi..... that's what started the x-mas tree thingy.

Simple and easy is one of my motto's. It's nice both for the eyes and for the soul (if that exsits...)

im not one for fancy either. my dobak is white with trim and a patch on the left chest side.

i could add patches on each arm and get the back embroidered, but i do not choose to. i like it nice and simple. it says alot of who i am and how i respect my art.
Some of those outfits from Chinese Martial Arts (i am really reluctant to call it kung fu) are really nice looking. Silky and shiny and many colours.

Anyway, all i wanna say, for those flashy suited guys, if they talk the talk, they better walk the walk.

Personally, I think those fancy suits are good for movies. You dont really wanna see a boring old gi in it do you?
I have to agree with everyone regarding the sparkly uniforms. The sport karate tournament I went to had a few of them. One kid was wearing sparkly purple pants, sparkly silver shirt, and a minstrel's hat. He also had a sparkly bo. This kid was doing a musical bo staff form, and he started out dancing. During the form, he went "yeeehaw!", and threw off his hat. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

It's bad enough when flamboyant, flaming outfits are worn, but to do the same with weapons.... god... make the hurting stop....

:wah: :soapbox:
Originally posted by deadhand31

It's bad enough when flamboyant, flaming outfits are worn, but to do the same with weapons.... god... make the hurting stop....

:wah: :soapbox:

I've never seen THAT, and I don't want to either....... :cool:

Originally posted by deadhand31

I One kid was wearing sparkly purple pants, sparkly silver shirt, and a minstrel's hat. He also had a sparkly bo. This kid was doing a musical bo staff form, and he started out dancing. During the form, he went "yeeehaw!", and threw off his hat. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

just pick up any century catalog and you can find tons of crap like stick on decals for your weapons or glow in the dark weapons or glitter weapons and some wonderfully over priced butt ugly uniforms also... makes me sick even thinking about it

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