martial arts clips (techniques)



Guest has good clips(detailed) on MT, Shoot, and BJJ. very nice
share some of ur favs.
Ya they are real good but it hasn't been updated in a while. They have clips of Erick Paulson, Paulo Guillobel, and Mike Miles
I'd had some talks with a few folks about putting up a collection of clips here, but things drifted off... (I lost some emails, and got sidetracked).

Ideas still open, if anyone wants to contribute some clips and get a major library going here.
That would be a good idea. Some short video clips would be nice. Nothing like 3mb those of us still on dial up; that would take forever.
The problem is 3mb is not alot of space for a good short clip.
Depends on a number of factors.
Frame rate, image size, and compression system.

I've got room to play, and as long as its getting use, I don't mind setting stuff up.
I think the best approach is to have two versions, a small one for dial up and a big one for broadband.

On dial-up downloading big files drives me nuts...

On broadband ending up with crapy image quality (espically when people are moving fast) drives me nuts.

Not sure how much control over that you will have unless you are making theese clips yourself though.
I think quality is better then download time I mean even if you have dial up you can always walk away and let it download
If we can hash out a template, I can put up whatever folks send me.

I'm still putting the parts together from the crash, but sometime nextweek can start considering a serious layout and submission system for such a thing.
