Owen Molloy

White Belt
Oct 30, 2018
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I am currently part-taking in A-level Product Design, in my final project I have free rein on the whole thing. So, I have decided to design and manufacture a Martial Arts belt display case. Would be great to hear some responses and even suggestions to improve.

All of the possible responses are based on martial artists I have already interviewed. If your answer is different please say so. The more varied results the better.

Thanks for your time.
Owen, :)
Who are these people with so many black belts they need a special case to hold them all?:p
Some type of cabinet with a cylinder that the belts could be mounted to either tied or folded.

Small hidden electric motor to turn the cylinder so the displayed belts revolve.
Personally, I think you should focus on something for the kid's belts. Parents like to show off their kids achievements, martial artists not so much. I have quite a number of belts, rank certificates, and competition certificates/medals that I've earned over the years. They're all stuck in a couple of boxes and stored in the cat's room.

I feel that you should ignore martial artists as a customer base as there are probably very few that would want to bother putting up a shrine to themselves, and focus on the parents of children in martial arts classes. With that in mind, an easy method of personalizing the display would be in order.
I am currently part-taking in A-level Product Design, in my final project I have free rein on the whole thing. So, I have decided to design and manufacture a Martial Arts belt display case. Would be great to hear some responses and even suggestions to improve.

All of the possible responses are based on martial artists I have already interviewed. If your answer is different please say so. The more varied results the better.

Thanks for your time.
Owen, :)

Oooh Essex! Can I say 'shut up!'? It will confuse all non Brits lol!

Welcome to the site, I think focussing on the parental market would be good, I wouldn't mark a belt display case up with the colours or grades as different styles have different grading colours, this will give you a bigger 'market'. I would keep it simple in design but well made. classy is always good even in Essex. :)
There are a number of these already on the market, but it sounds like this a project you're doing for school. Are you looking to create a new one that's different from the ones that already exist? I'm not totally clear what you're asking us for. (If you're looking for ideas, here's a company that sells a number of different types of belt display: Belt Displays from Century Martial Arts)
Welcome to MartialTalk, Owen.

And best of luck with your project.
The ideas not exactly new....heck I was given one about 20 years ago. I never used it that kind of things not important to me but yeah it's been around for a very long time
I don't think he is interested in who wants a rack....but design ideas for a rack for a project.

Kinda like a science project....just because you don't want a model of a volcano doesn't mean its not a good
With all the designs out there, it might be hard to find something to differentiate by. As others have said, using parents as the target market is a good idea. So, don't worry too much about the "serious" martial artists - go for somewhat kitchy. Oh, and different styles have different numbers, order, and color of belts, so maybe think of how it could be made to always look "full" (parents probably won't buy one until there are at least two belts to put in it). Or, with that same adjustability in mind, leaving the empty spaces to the target rank (black in a lot of systems, but some have another "terminal" rank for kids). Maybe include some way to add dates for each belt (make it printable, perhaps, so they don't have to use their own messy handwriting).
but it sounds like this a project you're doing for school.

'A' levels here in the UK are qualifications students study for from age 16-18, they are needed for university entrance usually though are stand alone qualifications as well. They are very tough exams and this young chap will be expected to turn in very good work to pass. It's far more than just a project, he will need it for his portfolio to pass. Please help him if you can.
A-Levels - Introduction to A-Levels and AS-Levels
I am currently part-taking in A-level Product Design, in my final project I have free rein on the whole thing. So, I have decided to design and manufacture a Martial Arts belt display case. Would be great to hear some responses and even suggestions to improve.

All of the possible responses are based on martial artists I have already interviewed. If your answer is different please say so. The more varied results the better.

Thanks for your time.
Owen, :)

If you want to design one that stands out, you should get creative. Throwing ideas around... All the ones on the market stack vertically, for example—do something different. Have the belts run horizontal, or follow notched patterns that will make the colored belts make a cool aesthetically pleasing design, like criss crossing or making a yin-yang with the lighter and darker belts. Get creative
'A' levels here in the UK are qualifications students study for from age 16-18, they are needed for university entrance usually though are stand alone qualifications as well. They are very tough exams and this young chap will be expected to turn in very good work to pass. It's far more than just a project, he will need it for his portfolio to pass. Please help him if you can.
A-Levels - Introduction to A-Levels and AS-Levels
Thanks for the help, really means a lot :)
Who are these people with so many black belts they need a special case to hold them all?:p
The belt display case would act as a progression system. Every belt you achieve is another belt added to the case. For example, going from white belt to red, the white belt would then be added to case.
I am currently part-taking in A-level Product Design, in my final project I have free rein on the whole thing. So, I have decided to design and manufacture a Martial Arts belt display case. Would be great to hear some responses and even suggestions to improve.

All of the possible responses are based on martial artists I have already interviewed. If your answer is different please say so. The more varied results the better.

Thanks for your time.
Owen, :)
Forgot to include the options:
Hung up
Belt display
Bed side cabinet

Sorry for the confusion :)
I am currently part-taking in A-level Product Design, in my final project I have free rein on the whole thing. So, I have decided to design and manufacture a Martial Arts belt display case. Would be great to hear some responses and even suggestions to improve.

All of the possible responses are based on martial artists I have already interviewed. If your answer is different please say so. The more varied results the better.

Thanks for your time.
Owen, :)
Welcome to the forum Owen. Similar to a curio cabinet, a case with class for viewing would be more permanent and dust free. Most of the ones I have seen have the belts laying horizontally. A twist would be to make a case where the belts lay vertically.
How about a shadow box type display that covers a hidden cabinet for valuables or weapons or whatever

Like this but with belts and a shallow hidden cabinet behind
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